His reply was:"I had a hand in creating vampires, but the bloodlust was never my intention. Mikael later went out into the village to hunt down and kill Ansel, Klaus' father, as well as his entire family, not realizing that he was igniting an inter-species war that rages on even in the present day. He is technically the first Original vampire in history to be fully resurrected in both body and spirit, his body having been burnt to ashes with the White Oak Stake, is restored with his spirit, with Klaus' body not burning fully in Season 3, as well as his spirit not being in his body, was able to return his spirit to his body without harm. He considers their bloodlines as filth. Elijah, who had just recovered from his own staking, showed up just in time to help his siblings free, and he insisted that Marcel was as good as dead, as Mikael was feeding on him to replenish his strength. Over the years and through its end with season 8, The Vampire Diaries expanded its characters to include various supernatural creatures, and the series developed a complex (albeit sometimes convoluted) canon. The original family of vampires create Tristan and Aurora. He has six half-siblings: a deceased older half-brother, four other half-brothers named Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and two younger half-sisters named Rebekah, and Renise. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. She doesn't need to drink vampire blood, she can't compel, and she can't use vamp speed. Mikael promised Marcel that he would leave Rebekahunharmed, as she was always his favorite, but he wanted his sons' exact location so he could kill Klaus. Vampires drink blood because it sustains them. Mikael reminded him that the hybrids couldn't kill him, since he is immortal, but Klaus just replied, "But it will make a hell of a party game". Vampire transformation is what it shall be. Vampires are fodder for books, movies, and Halloween costumes. Henrik, their youngest brother, was killed by werewolves one night on a full moon, and the grief from this loss led Mikael to force Esther to cast a spell that would make them stronger, faster, and immortal, ensuring that their family would not lose any more children. This shows how much Freya's "death" impacted Mikael. Klaus was briefly neutralized but didn't burst into flames like Originals are supposed to do when stabbed with white oak. In The River in Reverse, he was mentioned by Elijah in a flashback when he was speaking to Klaus about his recent killings, not wanting Klaus to draw Mikael's attention in Europe. Share 0. Between centuries of daggering, betrayals, and attempted murders, the family is nearly always in conflict with each other in some way. Mikael is a hypocrite, he blames Klaus for turning his children against him, when his actions contributed to that, this has also been said by his daughter Rebekah, who told him that he was the one who destroyed his family when he turned them into vampires, as Klaus, had nothing to do with it. Later, Mikael was shown to be working with his daughter as werewolves came to the cemetery. Mikael was also the brother-in-law of Dahlia. With Davina's help, they bonded the ingredients to a knife, creating a weapon that can kill Dahlia. He also remembers that Rebekah tried to kill him in his sleep. They formed an alliance to kill Dahlia, who poses a threat to Freya and Hope. Consuming blood could lead to haemochromatosis Some practising vampires use blood as medicationan iron-rich supplement to combat blood conditions such as anaemia. Wanting more Viking ash to make another weapon, Klaus threatens Mikael with the White Oak Stake. She only has vampire blood running through her veins, which allows her to heal faster alongside her werewolf ability. However, Klaus unveiled Papa Tunde's blade and stabbed Mikael. Picture Information. Many vampire-donor relationships can be, and are, just as personal. Dahlia tortured them both for specific acts, especially Mikael for taking her sister from her. Ingesting a foreign substance such as alcohol could make a vampire sick. He appeared in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life. Mikael was one of the Original vampire (just like Klaus and his siblings). Klaus confronted Mikael and proposed the two fight Dahlia together. He also absolutely refused to feed on human blood, even to free himself from desiccation. "The blood is the life," Dracula's servant Renfield declared in Bram Stoker's novel. In the 1200s, after Elijah had formed a society of vampires called the Strix, Mikael tracked them down and descended upon them with a small army of his own. After all the children of Mikael and Esther turned into immortals, it was revealed that Klaus is not the son of Mikael and when Mikael found out about this, he felt relief but even after learning Klaus was not his son, he still did not want to kill him and only had Esther suppress his wolf side. The alliance between Klaus and Mikael did not last partly because of Klaus' jealousy of Mikael's relationship with Freya, and mainly because Klaus could not forgive Mikael for what he did to him as a child. Why can Mikael feed on vampires? Overwhelmed by the loss of another child, Mikael and Esther were desperate to cast a spell that would protect the family from more deaths. Eat a lot of meat especialy close to raw beef. Unlike the relationships Mikael had with his other children, this one was the most profound as was the apparent loss of Freya that shaped Mikael into a cold and vicious man. Cover your windows with heavy black satin curtains. He also respects those who can stand up to him, acknowledging people such as Davina and Camille when they show feats of strength or courage. He had said it would remind him of her while he was in battle, and that she would be by his side no matter how far afield he traveled. Add the sorbet, softened, and stir until it disappears. Katherine expressed her disappointment at Mikael, and assumed that Mikael didn't have the power to kill Klaus. Klaus threw Mikael's staff through the cabin window, knocking Davina out. Mikael entombed. Mikael was later seen in the first season of The Originals during A Closer Walk With Thee, when he first appeared as a ghost to attack Hayley Marshall on The Other Side, and again in order to speak with Davina Claire. Mikael and Klaus first worked together against Dahlia to save their daughters. When Davina is attacked at Rousseau's by a group a of Moonlight ring wearing werewolves sent by Cassie, she uses her bracelet to summon Mikael from the attic. When Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, and Katherine asked Anna where they could find him, she insisted that Mikael should not be awakened because he would kill all of them, hinting to Mikael's reputation as the vampire who hunts vampires. "You're a vampire, Elena. ~ Imagine drinking bloody mary or tomato juice like a real blood. He added, "Niklaus is an abomination. Real-life vampirism is quite different, and most sanguinarians take proactive measures to prevent themselves from terminating someone. Mikael began by instructing Elena to dagger him temporarily so Stefan wouldn't technically be lying when he told Klaus that Mikael tried to kill Elena, forcing her to dagger him to protect herself. "You're a vampire, Elena. Can a vampire drink werewolf blood? Katherine broke the chains binding him, and when Mikael rubbed at his stiff elbows, she remarked that if he drank human blood, he would feel much better. Free shipping. View complete answer on insidescience.org. Mikael was able to stake Klaus with the White Oak Stake after a vicious battle (it should be noted that the latter was forced to let his guard down, when Mikael threw Papa Tunde's Blade at Camille, Klaus had to save his friend's life); however, Davina and Kol temporarily drained the stake of it's power, allowing Klaus to recover once pulled out before it was reactivated. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. First, you can ask nicely if they'd give you a drink of blood. He then told her that instead of her counseling, he needed food. After Mikael had found out that his wife was unfaithful to him and that Niklaus is not his son, he convinced her to cast a spell to keep Klaus' werewolf side dormant. Because she's not a fully transitioned vampire. Elijah claims that Mikael despises the vampires as a species, despite having a hand in creating them, therefore he kills them and feeds on them for food. She doesn't need to drink vampire blood, she can't compel, and she can't use vamp speed. Mikael didn't initially want to kill Klaus, as even after discovering him to be an "abomination" and a child fathered by someone else, he did not kill him, but had his wife curse Klaus to make his werewolf side dormant, making him just like the rest of his siblings, an Original Vampire. "Dead blood" will make them seriously ill. And confirmed by Lestat's own storyline IN the film, it does NOT kill him as some mistakenly think. Bring me what I desire. Freya proceeded to revive her father with a spell and a drop of her blood. To compare, Elijah was rendered unconscious after two bites from two werewolves, while Mikael sustained more injuries from a horde and managed to kill them all. In the second season, Kol used his knowledge of magic and the bracelet, as he had the bracelet invented in the first place, to de-spell Davina's bracelet, allowing Mikael to continue on his mission to kill Klaus. However, when the Mystic Falls Gang looked into Mikael's identity, they learned from Anna that he had been neutralized and entombed by a witch in the 1990s. Mikael fed briefly on Cami, leaving her alive but rejuvenating some of his strength though still weakened by Tunde's blade and the lingering venom. Mikael then had the stage-hands open the curtains to the stage, revealing that he had killed Klaus' werewolf lover, Lana, as well as many of his friends, in addition to tying up Marcel next to them in a grotesque display. Stay indoors most of the time for a pale look. ~ Blood prank - scary! As long as you have the guts to ingest it, then you are good to go. According to Klaus, Mikael is a psychopath, as his reasons for tormenting his step-son for the last 1000 years was out of madness; instead of killing Klaus, as he had several opportunities to do it. The only caveat is that it can't be taken from live human donors. Continue stirring the items together and chant, " Magic, Magic, enter unto me. As Damon was about to make the final blow, Stefan arrived (having been revived by Katherine earlier) and tackled him, knocking the stake out of his hands in the process. Klaus convinced his siblings that Mikael had murdered their mother, probably out of anger for her infidelity, and they all ran from their father, fleeing back to the Old World. Garnish with a half . A blood loss of 40%, however, is typically fatal, but real-life vampires . He tells her that there is no saving that "atrocity" in her womb, and he says Klaus will destroy it, one way or another. In They All Asked For You, after having his connection to Mikael severed by his siblings, Finn expressed his intentions to his long lost sister Freya Mikaelson to return to the tomb where Mikael was being kept, so that he could once again begin channeling their father to regain the powers he was forced to relinquish. He reappears to Davina in front of a dying Josh, telling her it is no surprise Klaus left Josh to die. This implies that in spite of everything he is and everything he became, Mikael still retained a sense of virtue about him, however he is more than willing to kill humans for his own agendas and to torment Klaus. In Live and Let Die, Davina took Mikael to her family's abandoned cabin to hide from Klaus and Elijah. Asked By: Raymond Miller Date: created: Jun 13 2022. . He single-handedly sparked the lifelong war between vampires and werewolves after killing countless of their kind. Mikael has killed more werewolves than anyone else in the entire show. Katherine chose to ignore her warning, and she and Jeremy eventually located his tomb in Charlotte, North Caroline. Actually, they can sustain on other vampire's blood. After successfully staking and nearly killing Klaus, he ended up outnumbered by the arrival of Klaus' allies, forcing him to flee from a fight with his step-son for the very first time. Mikael knew the truth of Esther's murder and his hate for Klaus only grew more intense, vowing to kill him for destroying his family. It was implied that he may have a certain tolerance for Werewolf venom, since he deliberately fed on vampires infected with that very venom shortly after Davina revived him. Mikael's sheer strength seems to be superior to even Klaus', the Original Hybrid, as Mikael was able to dominate the fight between them and physically overpower Klaus when they struggled with the White Oak Stake. It should be noted that Mikael still had werewolf venom in his system during this fight as his wounds were still not fully healed. Rebekah suddenly arrived and intervened, trying to free Marcel as well, but Mikael staked her with a regular stake and incapacitated her. Mikael later fed on party goers and Camille in a desperate attempt to heal himself which proved fruitless. Davina says he can't, and that she will let him kill Klaus when she finds a way to remove Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line with help from Esther's Grimoire. In order to create a vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood lost needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. Elijah told Klaus as they fled that they together could not fight him, as he was to strong, a testament to his strength over his Original Vampire children. Once they were done, he came to Elijah for his sword and then attacked Klaus and humiliated him in front of the village. As a man with so much commitment to his family, Mikael turned into an abusive father - hiding his grief behind anger. He found Davina and Kol performing a spell and attacked them to restore power to the weapon. When Katherine opened his tomb, Mikael opened his eyes, though he was still too desiccated and chained up to move. After reuniting, Mikaelwas madeaware of Dahlia's return, andwas helping his daughter with her plan to kill Dahlia in a combined effort, even working together with Klaus. Hayley then becomes angry and releases herself from Mikael's grip and tells him that neither her or her baby's dead or he wouldn't have tried to kill them. Rebekah argued that if Mikael was hunting Klaus, he was hunting her, and informed him that while she was well aware of what Klaus had done, including recently discovering that Klaus killed their mother, she still blamed Mikael for making Klaus into the person he was and for turning them into monsters in the first place. Shortly after being turned, Elijah compelled Lucien Castle to believe he was Klaus, Tristan de Martel to believe he was Elijah, and Aurora de Martel to believe she was Rebekah, so that Mikael would hunt them in his children's place as a misdirection. Mika himself is targeted, where there was a past angelic appearing Mikaela having existed in the ancient past. Elijah also says he should have killed his father the moment he laid a hand on Klaus. Add the Vampyre Vodka. Upon learning. You can still pull off the vampire look by accessorizing your wardrobe and doing your make-up to look like a vampire. The Mikaelson family, however, is worse. They then started a family with the birth of their children Freya and Finn. She was so used to people being afraid when she did it to them, so accustomed to how bodies tensed up and stopped fighting. I think that human blood is just better, that's why other vampires dont drink vampire blood. 10pcs Halloween Blood Bags Blood Bags for Party Drink Container IV Bags. While Klaus was processing Elena's death, Damon appeared behind Klaus and stabbed him in the back with the white oak stake, though he missed Klaus' heart. Combine the puree with the sugar in a small saucepan over medium high heat. However, Finn forced Mikael to be his sacrifice in a spell so he could channel his power. Klaus managed to hold his own in the duel but Mikael once again overpowered him, stabbing him with the white oak stake. Mikael was able to do this despite still recovering from werewolf venom, and being weak and recovering from Papa Tunde's Blade, demonstrating his power and skill over Klaus even while weakened, though it was shown that with the combined effects of the Blade and the venom, Klaus was able to fight on a slightly more even level to Mikael. In a cocktail shaker, muddle the strawberries with the orange juice and sugar. Mikael named his Viking sword Rathul, after the early morning sun. In The Map of Moments, Mikael had learned of Esther's resurrection of Ansel, hunting down werewolves in the woods to try and find Ansel's location. Mikael turned into an abusive father - hiding his grief behind anger, movies, and are just... Father the moment he laid a hand in creating vampires, but the bloodlust never! Existed in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life took to. Are, just as personal medicationan iron-rich supplement to combat blood conditions as... To do when stabbed with white oak he came to Elijah for his sword and then attacked Klaus and.! Reappears to Davina in front of a dying Josh, telling her it is no Klaus... 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