Heck Ive spent more in a shirt , I dont know about training the same part for a month straight , but hell , what is there to loose but $50 , then I can make an informed decision, you should do the same , that way u can give a valid review ,. It's just a hobby for me. 11)Why not just do normal training? Well for one you can get the work done faster. Nope not at all! You see, theres quite a bit of research that talks about the effects of de-training your muscles with time off in order to re-sensitize yourself to muscle damage. To be honest, I want to continue with NOT for other body parts, but always use this video as a point of reference so I dont have to re-explain everything, every time. And yes I know Arnold used steroids and we know testosterone increases nuclei content, however, that doesnt mean nuclei overload wont work us natty lifters too. One last thing since completing the 100 reps a day for my biceps, whenever I train back or perform biceps movements, the pump and mind-muscle connection has been better than ever. Below are the major flaws of this training approach. Also, I wasnt pumping out 100 reps in a row. That extra nucleus exists only in his head placebo. Please note, comments need to be approved before they are published. Just take a look at these recent studies, In 2018, this Study shows that AGE, SEX and MUSCLE FIBER TYPE do not matter. So if you didnt get in on BICEPS, lets hit traps and calves together with POWER SHRUGS and BARBELL CALF RAISES! But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2023. The program also includes FOUR different programs depending on your favorite split (Full Body, Push/Pull/Legs, Upper/Lower or Bro-Split), and even a HSP Home Workout version in case your gyms close (due to COVID). Each rep range has its own biologically ideal programing style. HOW MUCH PROTEIN SHOULD I EAT FOR NUCLEUS OVERLOAD AND HSP TRAINING. Would both ways still have the same natty limits? The reason is because I didnt want to have to go TOO light. Some of the messages underneath the videos are just hilarious. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29509639, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27102172, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31260419, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28474868, How To: Barbell Bicep Curl | 3 GOLDEN RULES. Because at the time, the status quo in the fitness community was to train a muscle only once a week for maximum development. Maybe untapped growth is a bi-product of us thinking our bodies cant adapt well and the true culprit holding us back is the fear of overtraining? If so should I try regular bench, incline or decline for 30 days? You clearly havent even watched the videos. Try actually listening next time you want to diss a training routine. Observe. Yet the truth is that most prisoners are scrawny, skinny-fat and relatively weak. The research is clear on that. Designed For: Bodybuilding, Cross-fits, Cardio. Classic racerback style back. In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. For a limited time, YouTube subscribers get an additional 40% off (must enter the coupon code at checkout). HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN. Use of this information is strictly at your own risk. They spend their nucleus for the repair of the muscle and in the long run prepare for future damage. Well, based on all the comments Ive been getting lately, Id sayyeah, they did. Or to be even more specific, how do you surpass this NATURALLY once you reach your NATURAL LIMIT. The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. YouTube and the study of hypertrophy is just my passion. Lightweight sports Dri-fit material (100% sports polyester, keep it cool and stay sweat-wicking). HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD PROGRAM Team3DAlpha Programs HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN HSP NUCLEUS OVERLOAD TRAINING - 12 WEEK PROGRAM, EBOOK AND MEAL PLAN $84.99 $379.99 It's finally here!!! I once experimented with pushups every day for a month using the arms of a sturdy armchair. COPYRIGHT TEAM3DALPHA, 2021. So while looking for names, I thought of "Nucleus Accumulation", since the goal of my program was to radically increase the amount of nuclei in the muscle. Why? The list was endless. Privacy Policy. 9)Do I have to use blood flow restriction training for Nucleus Overload? HSP Nucleus Overload Training combines all 3 of my Bone Density Training ($25 value), Weighted Stretch Training ($25 value), and Nucleus Overload Training protocols ($25 value) into ONE ultimate program designed to pack on SOLID mass and strength the fastest way possible, whether youre a beginner, intermediate, or advanced lifter. In that month, after close to 4 decades of training, my chest grew an inchto 51! ), genetics, testosterone, dating, Psychology, and race & ethnicity. This is why new lifters grow quicker. Isolation exercises are preferred. Remember when I said maybe you DIDNT reach your natural limit yet, but in fact instead reached the limits of what a traditional amount of workout volume can offer? Well then maybe that means theres A LOT more hope for myself and all my fellow natural athletes out there who want to take their training and gains to the next level and the equation looks simple enough. Cookie Notice In another study by Schoenfeld, he shows that basically you can perform three sets of 10 reps and get the same muscle gains as someone doing 1 drop set. You cant use 80-90% of your max and expect to maintain good form every day for weeks. My problem area is now my show off area. For example, take this video filmed back in June of 2013. He recommends doing the same exercises every day for at least 30 days and then taking a 7 to 14 day break before starting again. Rest period: less than 30 seconds between sets. Also, I wasnt pumping out 100 reps in a row. re: FDA prosecution letters have been sent out to all US SARMs dealers.. My comment: Are you serious? So getting back to my list, lets start with #1 which is NEWBIE GAINS and Im going to do my best to keep my explanations as simple as possible. The most rapid muscle growth you will ever experience in 12 weeks. Hallo, I recently came across so called 'nucleus overload' training as a special method for more hypertrophy. Eventually, I struck gold in 2013 when I stumbled across a study done on rats, that showed that overworking a rat's muscle (by damaging the synergistic muscle), forced the leg to hypertrophy at a very rapid rate. Many mistakenly look at the rat study I referenced years ago, which is titled "Myonuclei acquired by overload exercise precede hypertrophy and are not lost on detraining", and think that's where the term Nucleus Overload came from, which is completely false, because the word "overload" in that sentence is referring to the exercise, not the number of nuclei. You can lift light weights as much as you want, but you wont get stronger by doing so. But remember, BFR is superior to normal training ONLY if you use VERY light loads (less than 30-40% of your 1RM, or more than 30 reps per set). Thanks 20/03/21(Sat)16:10 No. muscle atrophy is always a fear as well, but I didnt STOP training, I just wasnt nearly as consistent as I was back then. They have a HUGE neck and traps because a lot of their daily training involves farmers walk, carries, rack pulls, deadlifts, shoulder pressing, and the list goes on. | BIGGER ARMS NOW! ALWAYS keep protein on the high side (at least 1g per pound of bodyweight, slightly less if very obese). But how do you accomplish this once the NEWBIE GAINS phase is over? Train like Vegeta for a month straight, active rest or deload for a solid 12 14 days to de-train your body, then right back to more intense training! Some of my favorite parts of the video is when he talks about being a kid in West Africa and seeing the merchants who would ride bikes up and down hills everyday with all their merchandise and even though they were under-eating and thin in their upper body, their legs were still really developed, especially their quads. Scan this QR code to download the app now. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. That theory sounds very tempting, but . It also means you can achieve the same gains with lighter weight which means less chance of an injury: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28474868. I added the detraining period because I had done a lot of reading on MTOR (key enzyme involved in protein synthesis) and the Androgen receptor, and found out that their responsiveness to training began to decline after several bouts of training. Maybe most of the people who got incredible muscle growth were just beginners experiencing their initial gains that usually come easily. But i think that more people need to investigate training protocols based around higher frequency. and our So in short, if I'm a scammer, I must be VERY bad at the job then. It also activates satellite cells like crazy, which is the whole point of Nucleus Overload. This is simply broscience. Also, if you can truly build the same amount of muscle utilizing techniques like drops sets, then that means you can get the SAME RESULTS using less weight which equates to less chance of an injury. You have to take into consideration THREE very important things as well. Also all relevant suggestions and feedback from customers will be grouped together and added to future editions (which again, will be all free), meaning that the E-Book/Program will continue to get better and better each year. Well, it kind of looks like Johnathan may have hit the nail on the head back in 2013 and now the science is catching up to his claims. The reason is because I didnt want to have to go TOO light. You gonna share buddy! Muscle protein synthesis peaks after 24 48 hours so it makes sense that in order to see more growth we need to train the same muscle groups multiple times a week like in full body workouts. My main source of income comes from Stock trading. But that wouldnt be very scientific would it? So I plan on trying the 100 reps challenge again, but this time Im going to attack TRAPS and CALVES. Now, the reason why Im bringing up muscle memory in this video is because my arms used to be a lot bigger a few years ago.In fact, even though I was 10lbs lighter, I looked thicker all over and its only recently that I feel like Im getting back to where I was. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. What about when he says that training a muscle group every day for a month increases nucleus in the muscle cells. The idea behind this is that you overload the muscle cells with more myonuclei, which produces a lot of hypertrophy in the aftermath when you rest. But if Im being honest, Im excited in a way I havent felt in a long time. -First off, Nucleus Overload is free, and always has been. Meaning that you don't even HAVE to purchase my E-book, you can simply search each topic individually on my channel for FREE. -5 sets of 15-30 reps close to failure (RPE 9), for 30 days (5 days a week is also fine). So the theory is that if you take time OFF, your muscles will be more susceptible to damage and as a result more prone to accumulating new myonuclei, and primed for greater total hypertrophy. Unless your life revolves around lifting weights, you cannot allow yourself to overtrain especially if you have a physical job. So if you didnt get in on BICEPS, lets hit traps and calves together with POWER SHRUGS and BARBELL CALF RAISES! Besides, why would I give everyone the link to the study, mention it on all my videos, then proceed to name my program after it and say that I coined the term? Nucleus Overload Training is working a target muscle every single day with low/medium weight for a periode of 30days and then long rest to recover. Also, I highly recommend blood flow restriction training since this allows you to use very safe loads AND achieve a ridiculous pump. Not bad things, just overall healthy adult life growth. Take a look at this image. In fact, a really great video for you to check out later is by Jonathan Migan of Team 3D Alpha called The Best Video Ever On How To Build Muscle Naturally where he talks a lot about real life examples of NOT and goes over a lot of recent studies that now prove it does have truth based in science. Some days were harder than others and the weights varied from 35lb dumbbells to 50lb dumbbells depending on how sore I was. Newbie Gains (which doesnt really apply to me but should still be noted), Muscle Memory (which DOES apply to me and I will explain why), Actual growth obtained from additional myonuclei in the muscle. That is when everything finally clicked, and all my years of observation and personal research paid off. I know I weighed 172lbs and Im 183 185lbs now. People highly underestimate the body's ability to adapt to stress. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. The solution comes in form of myosatellite cells which are a special form of stem cells in the muscle without any own cellplasma. this is how ex-cons say they got swole.them n***s were in prison doing chest everyday with no rest days, and doing bicep curls everyday. But when it comes to training, its going to be a matter of finding that sweet spot of the perfect amount of daily volume to maximize your gains. At least the guy from 3D Alpha linked a couple of studies on the topic. So at this point I can say that Ive kept what I built. I was completing 100 reps as fast as I could, usually in 10 sets of 10 reps. But if Im being honest, Im excited in a way I havent felt in a long time. I also threw in a full customizable anabolic 7-day Meal Plan ($50 value), Nutrition guide ($10 value), Macro guide ($10 value), and Recovery guide ($20 value), and more. Thats because the loss of muscle size doesnt come from loss of myonuclei, it comes from loss of muscle proteins. Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. So at face value, I can say to those people, HELL YEAH, NOT DOES work! obviously not, if you are migan. In fact, even Jonathan makes this statement as he was born in West Africa himself. So I decided to give Nuclei Overload Training (NOT) a shot and what I did was perform 100 dumbbell biceps curls a day for 30 days straight. He is one of the only known figures pushing that online. The Team 3D Alpha method requires you to overtrain and then rest whereas as with themainstream method you maintain a steady overload. Its believed that by taking time off to re-sensitize your muscles to training, you can undo many of the adaptations that result in The Repeated Bouts Effect, or RBE, which is when similar eccentric exercise results in less damage over time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjawWtun6PE . why milk is the #1 muscle building food ever || full body workouts + nucleus overload + milk = gains Milk combined with Nucleus Overload and Full Body Workouts for Skinny guys & ectomorphs. You can also subscribe without commenting. This is called myonuclear domain (MND). As you know I decided to experiment with Nuclei Overload Training to try to spark more growth in my biceps! People see the word "Overload" in "Nucleus Overload" and think I'm referring to "overloading the muscle". An example of this is ballerinas and their calves, gymnasts and their arms and shoulders, swimmers and their lat development, Olympic lifters/Powerlifters/Strongmen competitors and their Trapezius, Track cyclists and speed skaters and their quad development, mechanics and baseball players and their forearms, Basketball players & Boxers and their shoulders, Rowers and their backs & forearms etc. What I did experience was that my forearms began to get sore around the time that I start training every day. Talk about RIDICULOUS value. It doesnt know youre lifting weights trying to get bigger. I know that there was A LOT in this article. If done correctly though, it should only take about 15 20 minutes to complete and if lets say I started with 50lb dumbbells but then my arms began to fatigue A LOT, I would just drop the weight to 45lbs, 40lbs or 35lbs, whatever I needed to do to keep the rest periods under 1 minute. If you begin to train you are increasing myonuclear content: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29509639, Another study in 2018 by Brad Schoenfeld demonstrates that high frequency training is more optimal in terms of hypertrophy gains than training once a week. Reply. Let me explain. They would say "he's just making people overtrain and lose their gains", so I would sarcastically counter with "well if that's what you folks call overtraining, then 'overtraining' works". And people wont doubt your findings , https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2930527/, myonuclei are definitely donated to the muscle cell. 4 talking about this. Or did my overall arms just re-inflate due to more training volume and muscle memory kicking in? Another thing that I noticed was that when those same athletes or workers would join the bodybuilding scene even years after quitting their sports/fields, the muscle they used to "overtrain" would not only regain its former size quickly (muscle memory), but it would surpass it at an even faster rate. Why increase satellite cells & nuclei anyway? 4)Do you need a caloric surplus for Nucleus Overload? You didnt research your topic at all, let alone try it out. The book is for those who want to support the channel or don't have time to search through 1500+ FREE videos. At the end of the day I feel like we are WAYYYYYY TO QUICK to classify a hardcore workout as overtraining. Muscle Cells are the only Cells of the Body than can have multiple nuclei, they're called myonuclei ('myo' means muscle). Ge. The most rapid muscle growth you will ever experience in 12 weeks. He then goes on to talk quite a bit about West African fisherman and how they develop such dense muscle because every single day theyre rowing, casting nets, bringing fish in and swimming to the bottom of the river to bring up loads of 30lbs buckets of sand to sell and they do this DAILY, which if most of you did this amount of work, you would likely categorize it as overtraining. But before we move into that, which is number 3 on my list (actual growth obtained), lets first discuss number twoMUSCLE MEMORY. The majority of their lifts consist of Bent over rows, Dumbbell rows, high pulls, snatches, cleans, overhead presses, upright . Warning!! Nucleus Overload is the 30-day program I designed several years ago to accelerate muscle growth in natural lifters. What it shows is that as a NEW LIFTER you will accrue more myonuclei from surrounding satellite cells because satellite cells activate in response to muscle damage and then donate their myonuclei to help with repairs which increases overall myonuclei in the muscle. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20713720, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23372143, https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22802591/.

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