deliverance from spirit of anxiety

Ohhhh Lord, theres nothing I can do.. but you are the God of our Salvation. Is everyone speaking in tongues at once? Its so overwhelming I dont want to pray because I feel like I have done it enough and God wont take it away, I almost given up. When you do that, you reject the condemnation for the temptation that you faced. To persevering. He is Strong, and because of this, I CAN do all things through Christ Who strengthens me. Are we then to sit still and entertain those sinful thoughts? He is so majestic, faithful and kind. I BELIEVE GOD. Eventually We did meet but that was even after it being suggested to both of us again and him calling me 2 years in a row to come to meet him. Dear Lord, help me trust You, consent to Your healing, and spend time in Your Word and in prayer. Thats Jimmy Clanton Ministry..also on facebook..I can help you, Maria. Satan you get your hands off of Gods daughter now because the blood of Jesus and the Holy Spirit living in her is greater than the Lies of the devil. Deliverance From the Spirit of Anxiety. The Spirit of Deception is from the devil. He is no liar. The spirit of depression is trying to keep you from receiving the gift God has for you If you like, you can call this Ministry of Profetic Prayer Clinic. I pray in tongues to fight the demons inside my son that causes his depression. Your email address will not be published. Make sure to get your copy! This scripture wasthe center of my life for over a year. Today is a new day, and His mercies are new every morning. It truly transforms us. Hey good afternoon Ian, thank you for your transparency, thats the first step to major break through. Realise, that your spirit is a beam of radiance under the protectiveness of God. I am not saying this as a boast. This spirit consumes every part of the lives of those affected and eradicates the peace of God. Habib , I pray for you in the name of Jesus. That scripture is highlighted in my bible and marked and exclamated (is that a word? Remember the verse, when you pray believe you receive it and you shall have it? Has commanded you to set me my husband our marriage my daughter my grandayghter my sisters my nephews nieces and their partners free free free indeed from the orphan spirt Thank you again for your prayers. I understand. The Kundalini or serpent spirit (in Greek, puthon or python; see Acts 16:16) is a demon that attempts to crush the human spirit and inhabit a human body. It doesnt mean you cant watch tv, but definitely invest time into your relationship with God, only He can help you overcome and heal you. I also dont understand how to use the Word of God against these circumstances. For they heard them speak with tongues and magnify God. Jesus brings life and life more abundantly! But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. (Jude 20-21). Please have mercy on me, Father, according to your loving-kindness. You focus on the opposite provision, and the negative becomes displaced by the provision that God gives you. -Graham Cooke. WHO HAS DELIVERED US FROM THE POWER OF DARKNESS There is ALWAYS hope with God. In the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of worry, stress, fear & anxiety over your people and . 33Who shall bring a charge against Gods elect? His tactic is to convince you that the Word doesnt work, but it DOES! I am so weakened, exhausted, severely depressed and feel no joy or excitement. Have you seeked anyone out for deliverance prayer? Required fields are marked *. The love of God is AMAZING!! Then you will be able to easily trust him because you understand his personality. Thank you. Depression is caused by some sort of fear, guilt, condemnation, shame. I struggle with it all myself A moment in time, where you invite him into your life. Were in 2022. A one on one with Him, and not through a priest. I cried through most of this. The devil hates people knowing this. Thank you for prayers.they are so much needed. Thanks so much. Dear Edwin, hello. The Lord your savior is a wonderful deliverer. Its recognising the first attack, and nipping it in the bud. Those symptoms come from a lying spirit, but I resist and refuse them with the truth of Gods Word, and thrust the Sword of the Spirit at you again, depression. During a Gospel Campaign in Southeast Asia, a woman experienced a tremendous deliverance. God bless. If this is happening, you cant make sense of it and its upsetting, i would definitely give it to the Lord, letting it go,,,,by ceasing from striving and trying to figure it out. When we focus on how far we have to go, instead of how far we have come, we can easily be discouraged. She reminded me of the night that I had prayed over her to be set free from fear and testified that she had been delivered. I am praying right now for Ryan. My one regret in life is leaving the Catholic Church when I was thirteen. It can come on us like a flood, overwhelming our souls. This way, you will be able to help others. Gods word tells us about fear. Have you done this on yourself, or had someone do deliverance on you? No, of course not! Please pray for this person to be delivered from satans hand and that they be saved in Christ. It will floor you to the core. My depression is being caused by very bad circumstances. I know absolutely nothing about Derek Princes teaching, and never had any teaching on it. When I am weak. He attacks our flesh. Im gonna try this. I have had so much love in my heart for him almost from the beginning that I could not even wrap my head around it . No, you simply sing! Nothing is too difficult for Him. My life feels like Im in hell and I cannot do anything to change it. Love that! I spent years in therapy before considering the use of medicine because I held the belief the quality of my faith was not where it should be. As long as satan can keep you crippled in fear, the plans and purposes that God has for you will be thwarted. Jesus said that one of the signs that will follow a believer is that they will speak in tongues. I hope you can pray for me and even this suffering will not be in vain .. Dexter. You use the Word against him, quote it boldly. Once you realize who you are in Christ, the gigantic blessings you already have, your whole world will change because then you will KNOW how huge, big and abundant God is. God bless you, Sabina. Do you know what may be at the root of it? Now the men were about twelve in all. (Acts 19:6-7). Believing the symptoms or B) Believing God. I want to let you know Know that God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and a sound mind. You do. Joel 2:32, Meditate on scriptures like the one above and pray: God, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ according to Your Word Im asking you to deliver me from this spirit of heaviness in Jesus Name.. It was so overwhelming to me . I also suggest getting a Christian therapist if you can to help you with coping, and healing. Go see him at Bethel Atlanta in Tyrone, Georgia. My friend, the solution to temptations, sinful desires and thoughts is found in the very first verse of Romans 8: Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. (By the way, some Bible translations, like the New King James Version, go on to say who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. This was added by the later Bible translators. You sound wonderful. Join her. Faith is the basis for all we receive from God,, The Truths about How God Can Lift Spirits. Scream this spirit of depression to come out of you in the name of Jesus Christ as authorititive and as determined as you can and for as long as it takes, because the Bible says YOU as a believer, have been given this authority by Jesus Himself. He knew we were all going to deal with a spirit of fear. He is holding you, me, and everyone of His children who believe and trust in Him in the palm of His hand. You sound exactly like what i went thru for years until God revealed and gave me understanding of all the things you already have in Christ, but you dont realize it. I pray you will trust me. You need to be vulnerable with those you trust, you need to be desperate for deliverance, and you need to be willing to cry out to God. Receiving tongues can be a hard one to talk about. Posted by Robert L. Last night we prayed over a young woman who was battling an oppressive spirit that was trying to cause her to doubt her salvation, fears of the unpardonable sin, etc. Ive never married But have always had a desire to be married since I was 28 years old. You are in for a battle. He WILL deliver you, The Mighty One! Fill your home and car with praise and worship music. In Jesus' name, I pray. FTLOG Thursday, February 23, 2023, Ministry Discussion topic led by FTLOG Founder, Eduarda Melo, was on Defeating the Spirit of Anxiety! Trust Him. A). He has too because GOD said he would. You are being attacked; but if you follow the suggestion on this site, you will become bolder. Our Lord Jesus is our first witness. Learn more about our Christian counseling services. Demons are spirit beings: The demon's primary objective is to rob, kill, and destroy causing loss of peace and harmony. Study on how much God loves you. I spoke prophetically over her, calling out specific things that she was dealing with and declaring Gods blessing over her. I am praying for a hedge of protection around your beautiful daughter and your family. Required fields are marked *. Les, Hey Glenn! Dear Dawn. Believing God is what got the Israelites into the promised land. Doubting will leave you wandering in the wilderness, crying, falling down and complaining. Gods love is the crucial ingredient. Especially if you are suicidal or thinking the world is better off without you. Right now in my life Im crying out for help. I am in such a deep, deep depression, and I feel I cant go on any longer. Time to girdyourself with the truth and lift up your sword. Your Word assures me that You are always there with me. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Dear Lord, I thank you that I can come to You always for any reason. Diabetes and Amenorrhea: Central Nervous System - fatigue and lethargy, Type A behavior, overeating, depression and insomnia are all caused by fear, anxiety and stress. He gives you rest, peace, joy because of who he is. Thank You for . There is one on here who posted they needed desperate help. Have communion at your home. What do you have to fear if God is with you? Im very sorry to hear this. Almighty God, You know what I need before I even ask and You know how ignorant I am. I have been experiencing this too and I hope you read this to let the pain youre feeling out. Everything else is a choice. It works. I can really relate with this. Seek Christian help, I would suggest seeing a Christian counselor and speaking with a pastor. Standing on the Word of God is faith. He will never, ever abandoned you. He really IS who He says and once u see and understand his bigness, you will know. It is gone now over a year and he contends he is not interested in me but the Lord has shown me many times vision type things of us together even working together in a business As well as having a dream of confirmation. Once you understand who you are in Christ, the enemy can no longer fool you. Heavenly Father, You know that these thoughts are overwhelming me. Buttttt, it knows that YOU DONT KNOW IT, and THATS why it sticks around. She lost her best friend in an untimely way to a short battle with cancer. A divorce, a guilt, or a past trauma? Scram devil, you lost and we KNOW it. And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. (Mark 16:17-18). It does work. I said i do not believe your feelings or this chest pain, YOU LIE. I know Im not dying but its so annoying how Satan make u believe so much in a lie that it almost becomes reality and makes u feel ill. Call in the troops! panic disorders - sudden, intense attacks of panic (extreme, unreasonable fear and anxiety) phobias. God will somehow work this together for my good. The Lithium reduced the anxiety and calms the mind. Must be really hard. If you believe its demonic you should go to war on it and the Holy Spirit will guide you. you need to KNOW it, not hope it, but KNOW it. You now have the power of Christ to rise above your temptation and to rest in your righteous identity in Christ apart from your works. Hi Habib.May God deliver you from the spirit of depression and give you peace.Amen. Try to pray to Jesus to take the depression from you. It's assignment is to wear you out with stress, anxiety and the cares of this world. Convulsions !! 10. Please show her how big and real you are because you are so abundant and mighty and caring, i ask you to reveal yourself to her so she has no reason to fear and or strive to get to you. The other morning I woke in a state of deep depression. I am going through a deep deep depression that Ive had before and Im trying everything to be delivered from these suicidal thoughts. cross. Hi Bethany, I hope youre feeling ok today? I thank our Lord and Savior every day for providing me with the medication I need. I have also been a Christian since I was 9 years old. God bless your hearts. I say, i cast you out in the name of Jesus. I bind and cast out the spirits of rejection, fear of . Pray with medication. I realized that God has been revealing His presence to me daily and in very personal ways, but I was doubting it. Your peace that surpasses all understanding; Your peace that leads me through the storms of life. This particular song is playing on the radio as Im writing this . Its refreshing to know that God is on my side and is for me! The 700 club is very good too. I had never opened the door (of my heart) before, because I didnt know I had to. It was a humbling experience to learn to be human. If you would like to email me, at, I am available. God is trying to teach youhow to handle his sword. Please pray for me tombe delivered from this spirit. I just accepted I was a Catholic and that was it! The more ground you are taking in your mind and in your soul. It might take a few sessions; but once you recognise an attack is beginning, then go back into warfare. Reach out to someone who can help. Start with Kenneth Hagin on healing scriptures on youtube. 36As it is written: As my mom would say., you better get a hold of yourself. The only thing that makes me feel better is physical touch/cuddling and love and prayer. You being weak, exhausted, depressed is you trying to do something that he wants to do for you. After my message, I led the congregation in a prayer for deliverance and began to minister corporately. She is going through depression and panic attacks again. Whether the anxiety stems from work, parenting, finances, physical issues, or even world conditions, You are there, Lord, to shoulder the weight. From the Spirit of confusion, We implore . Before deliverance, we are not able to do it, but now after deliverance, it is our responsibility to do it. Deborah, This video might help: Once again God rescued me and set my feet back on solid ground. He can do the same for you. I say, knock yourself out devil. Thank you so much for saying this. We started using a Dave Ramsey approach to finances. Through those difficult times, You will teach me patience, enlarge my faith, and help me see things I couldn't see earlierif I will only let You. God bless you? 5) Pray again and ask God to deliver you from the spirit of anxiety. I will keep you in my prayers! Heidi already has it, and i realized i shouldnt let it just sit there online. The solution to fear is love, not faith. Does the knowledge that satan has a plan to torment you make you angry? They keep asking and pleading for God to move as if its something he will do in the future, but this scripture tells you exactly what he has already given you, which means HE ALREADY GAVE IT TO YOU. I wish I could offer some words of wisdom, but I know that Jesus never abandons anyone. Hes not deaf, nor is He a monster. Lamb Jesus Christ the son of God I belong to him he is mine and I am his all glory and power belongs to the lord Jesus Christ son of the living God You combat a lie with the truth. Hi Susan, I dont have the gift of tongues. Because we are spirit beings, living in a fleshly suit, we have been given authority to conquer lesser spirits than us if we are believers. Hi Sabina, He has stolen what is the Lords, he has robbed you of your inheritance (which is peace & joy). Just know youre not alone in this struggle. Examplepraying God will be with us as we drive on a long trip. keep going! Wonderful advice here. Believe that He died on the cross for your sins and rose from the dead three days later. The key to being set free at least for me is to recognise that it exists at all, and because it is a spirit, it is a difficult foe to battle. You get it by a once and for all decision on your part, to accept Jesus into your life as your own personal saviour; not simply the Saviour for the whole world. I was crying and pleading for things i already have. He wants to and can help you. Please hang in there, your life is worth living and has great purpose. When the opportunity arises, you do what you have to do and that is to heal the sick. I do feel like its the end times, so maybe thats why its not as easy, but we have Jesuss promise to be with us always! 32He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? I stood my ground. Hi Maria, I hope you have been doing better. You KNOW his Word is truth. Sabina. Every spirit of sluggishness and backwardness in my life receive the fire of God now and be destroyed, in the name of Jesus. The power of Jesus to overcome every temptation kicks in when you remain conscious that even at the point of temptation, Jesus is still with you and that you are righteous in Him apart from your works (Romans 4:6)! You are an amazing Warrior of God! I will pray for you. He is a coward and a bully! YOU will have fought, and YOU will have won, and YOU will be stronger than ever before. If its a spiritual warfare, then you can be in agreement over this and how to deal with it. Dont let the enemy come around with those feelings and symptoms. Sometimes its the only thing that works. Its not coming from me. A common way that the devil will try to bring torment into our lives is through the spirit of fear. son as our bother Willam Billys zeman wife ps signed by deloreszemans and do pray for God Jesus angel s and holy ghost and holy spriti will come down from sky heaven come over inside the house of deloreszemans brother Willam Billys zeman to come inside of his body control his body take out the devil Saten were he will be free set free from getting going two jail were they will not put him in jail The letter of the Ephesians was written to the entire Ephesian church, and Paul told the believers to pray in the Spirit at all times. And that I dont get bogged down by doubt and discouragement along the way. I pray and dont get up until it leaves. Psalm 139 is also a wonderful reminder that God is with us, even in the darkest moments of our lives. What is happening to you happens to us all in varying degrees and is part of the lot we suffer as a fallen race HOWEVER, we can still fight its effects. Here is what i do when the devil just sits there, defying, and not budging. Love all of you. When I did meet him I was immediately Drawn to him because of his Christian values and his kindness to those around him. He said, my power is made perfect in your weakness! God WILL help you. If you ever need someone to talk to or are hurting Im always here. Are you interested in learning more on the subject of deliverance? Get equipped in the prophetic at The Global Prophetic Center here: Subscribe to My Youtube: Join my mailing list! The scriptures teach us a pattern for spiritual communication: "The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, [and] temperance" (Galatians 5:22-23).These spiritual feelings and actions contribute to an overall sense of "goodness and righteousness and truth" (Ephesians 5:9).Understanding the nature of spiritual communication is . Realize you do have what he says he has given you and dont back down. Other instances when i am at end of my rope, i sit down and say, God, i cant do this! Cindy. I believe your heart is in the right place, but I would encourage you to really seek the Lord on this.. Just as there is a spirit of depression, there is a spirit of poverty and lack. You have the authority to decline the invitation to stress by refusing to rehearse the outcome . The Spirit He gave us is a SPIRIT OF POWERRRRRR. And any attached negative spirits who wish to do me harm of body and soul. The spirit of depression may not remain to deceive but is thrust out by the Spirit of God who gave us power over ALL your power. This gentleman doesnt have much but I felt that God had prepared me financially for both of us and that was not an issue for me.. Octopus spirits, like all spirits, need a host to operate.Until such time one is obtained the spirit remains without physical attributes. Spoiler alert: He cant have it unless you hand it to him. The Lord wants you free. by podcast_manager | Mar 13, 2022 | 0 comments, Download file | Play in new window | Duration: 22:52 | Recorded on March 13, 2022, Your email address will not be published. Lord please help me through this battle on what to do and uplift my spirit fight until Required fields are marked. Do you understand it is a SHOW DOWN? May His peace be with you. In the oldest manuscripts of the New Testament available today, the Greek simply states, There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.). I give Derek Prince has wonderful teachings on this as does Joseph Prince! We need to believe his promises and word even when we dont understand why in the moment or dont feel like its true. I call this entity to go in Jesus name. #prayer #awakening #prayer #revival #Jenniferleclaire #awakeningprayerhubs, JOIN THE MOVEMENT at You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Be bold, be strong, for the Lord Thy God is with thee. 35Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Gods word says My power is made perfect in your weakness. Paul said, I will boast in my weaknesses that the power of Christ may rest on me. I see miracles when i have lost my own strength and i tell God, i cant do this. 39For You have armed me with strength for the battle;.. Please, understand the enemy does not have power over those in Christ. He is turning your worship from God towards him. And when my flesh is removed from the situation is when i see the power of the Holy Spirit move in. He meant what he said beloved. I know better, but some days the challenges outweigh the truths buried inside. I would add that I am 77 years old, but with a young wife and a son of 14. He answered that prayer before you even needed it. Youre going to get BIG BIG BIGGGG revelation from Him. Therefore stand up and recognise who you are. For me it was not investing a large amount of time in things like TV, secular radio. Speak to Candis & George Bologun. 7. One day, about seven or eight years ago or maybe longer, I called a church that I go to occasionally. 2 Timothy 1:7 GOD HAS GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF POWER. Maria, I hope and pray that you come back here and see my comment. Its knowing, not hoping. Endocrine System. The whole downstairs was hit by storm surge and we need electricity and are having to wait for downstairs to be rebuilt. Do I believe You are truly good? I would attend bible study and I was that crazy lady on her knees praying out loud. The severe panic attacks went away and I learned some practical ways of coping. I have fought anxiety and depression for over 30 yrs. Yes, please pray for me. When I'm crushed by my fears and worries, remind me of Your power and Your grace. All Rights Reserved. This will not be easy at first but paying off the first bill will jumpstart your confidence and create a positive mindset as you see progress being made. We are outside most the day and upstairs to sleep at night. When he reveals himself even in small ways, it thrills me to no end. LET YOUR DEPENDENCY IN JESUS INCREASE. Today we shall be looking at the deliverance prayer from the spirit of alcoholism. I prayed for 2 years before I realised what part I had to play. As mentioned above, praying in the Spirit is the same as speaking in tongues. I was set free when i understood i had power over it. YOU SHALL RECEIVE POWER AFTER THE HOLY GHOST IS COME UPON YOU. One of my favorite songs for people suffering from Anxiety and depression is the following, Ask Him to forgive you for not trusting in Him. The thought will come challenging you saying, it doesnt work, or nothings happening so stop praying, maybe you will get your answer in the future sometime. In Ezekiel Chapter 28:13-14, there is a description of Satan as the most beautiful angel with nine stones woven into his garments. When i get to end of my rope and nothing is working, i know its time to stop striving and trying and worrying. I believe the mere act of going to mass once a week at that age wouldve helped me put on the Armor of God much sooner in my life, even though I wouldnt have fully comprehended what was going on, and the Spirit of Depression wouldnt have stood a chance. Dont allow it to keep sitting there. (Past tense). Please somebody help me. I hope your life is dedicated to Jesus, because only He can help. God still speaks to His people through their dreams. He promises to never leave us or forsake us. God has already made a way out for you. Satan has no authority over your body, or your life, but he can sure intimidate usto think he does. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Awakening House of Prayer with Jennifer LeClaire, Jeanette is pressing in for revival in Australia! I have to say that the gift of tongues is given as the evidence we have received the Holy Spirit. This happened to her 30 years ago and it lasted 5 hrs. His sermons have really helped me and my friends greatly. This was my own experience that worked, which I pass on to others. Your encouragement amd sharing the Truth of Gods word, along with yours, and others prayers, is making a great difference. Praying for you. I choose to respond according to my beliefs. The occult is something I was in and God delivered me out. Deliverance from oppressive spirit(s)! If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and have dinner with him, and he with Me. Revelation 3:20. God has heard your cries for deliverance and he is coming, and he is fuming, and he is enraging the heavenson your behalf. Hell and i hope you can to help others lives of those affected and the... Spirits of rejection, fear & amp ; anxiety over your people and who you are in.! Thing that makes me feel better is physical touch/cuddling and love and.... Give you peace.Amen i cant do this is also a wonderful reminder that God gives you,!, condemnation, shame will guide you for providing me with strength for the temptation that you faced,. Back down and my friends greatly i realized i shouldnt let it just sit there.. From this spirit consumes every part of the signs that will follow a is. Tongues and magnify God that scripture is highlighted in my life receive the of... Panic attacks went away and i learned some practical ways of coping the following,:... 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