harry potter fanfiction harry is betrayed by the weasleys

Are you out of your mind? he asked, straying Georges gaze away.I was never too good at concealing. But first, they must confess what they saw to their dad and make it clear that, while they love and plan to make Harry their boythey also support Arthur continuing to be Harry's Daddy. People hoped that they would never have to encounter anything like him, ever again. Well, Harry has more than one title. A conversation leads to revelations that rock the very foundations of Harry's world. She just hadnt expected for sex with him to occur the way it did. There will be no underage as Harry is older technically and can change his appearance and physical age at will (perks of being MoD!). While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Well, there's a good reason for that She wants to live for herself first. It seems inevitable that the Gryffindor would one day snap. [X] - Published:2006-03-01 - Updated:2006-03-02 - 2366words, All stories contained in this archive are the property of their respective authors, and the owners of this site claim no responsibility for their contents. What should Harry do to sate their curiosity? On the night before he's about to marry the girl of his dreams, however, he finds himself thrust into the middle of a plot to ruin him and he loses everything as he is wrongly thrown into prison to rot. As their marriages fall apart, Hermione creates a way for the men to satisfy them by using a Harry Potter as a host. Harry Potter and the Lady Thief by Starfox5. Revenge is a dish best served cold. 26. Having arrived at Diagon Alley just last night, after he had run away from home after blown up his Aunt Marge, Harry had decided to head to Gringotts to take the test. Finding himself back in the normal office Harry slipped off the Potter ring and set it aside while the Fangtooth looked surprised as he pushed the second ring towards him. "I think that is sound advice," Harry said nor revealing that that was one of the tasks he had been given to claim the Gryffindor Heir/Lordship ring. Refusing to believe him they sent him to Azkaban. He had gone in to take the test his second day in the alley which seemed to make the Goblins happy as they told him they had been trying to reach him for the last two years but each of their letters to have been returned unopened. Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Percy Weasley, Ginny Weasley and a few of Harry's other friends from Hogwarts were allowed to be a part of the meetings and then they deny to tell him anything when he asked them. Having overheard Seamus telling Dean that by taking the test . 25. Will she help Harry goes through his creature and magical inheritance but, finds out that he's not Harry Potter but, Kaleic Riddle. No esta terminada, quiero ver si la aceptan, queda en ustedes si la publico o no, Tell me again to release you, Granger.Tell me again that you just want to be friends.. Or, in which there is a very fine line between sacrifice and self-slaughter (he toes it every day of his life). A Head's Duty 14. 'Very good Heir Slytherin, though I might suggest you find some allies to not go at it alone," Bonecrusher said leaning forward. Offered an out, Harry jumps at the chance to stop being the puppet of a man who has done nothing but lie and manipulate him since before he was born and instead embrace a different destiny. After his betrayal, Harry Potter disappears. Harry guessing this was the representative of the Peverell family. Ravenclaw Colby/David (NUMB3RS)Chapter 9 - When you face death together over and over, sometimes you have to celebrate life. Were in public. "Did they now? Questions about Potter sanity arose after the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Also, I strive for zero typos and grammatical errors, so please point them out to me via email if you find them: caladan10 >>> tutanota.comLet me know what you think ideally by posting nice comments here on AO3. A cellmate who happens to be the uncle of Lord Voldemort himself. 2. Harry is dark, Harry one night wakes up to a strange inheritance that will explain all the truth and who to trust, The Inheritance (Fem! Before everything went wrong. Can he successfully save his parents, and maybe find close friends and his mates along the way? With noone to help him, execpt for Fleur, he is exiled from England. But what else can she do when the fates have made their decision. Harry has many compulsion and potions on him and was sent to the Dursleys to mould him into the perfect malleable, and self-sacrificing weapon by Dumbledore (not that he knows it YET). Coming forth and Coming Out He opened his mouth and gasped in shock when he saw the two small fangs inside his mouth, they were very sharp and pointed. Harry Potter thought life in Hogwarts would have to be better than with the Dursleys and, to be fair, it was - except for his dormmates. Bonecrusher asked. There was a long pause. Severus Snape was definitely shocked when he found the boy that fateful evening. A single decision from a pink clad witch has a larger impact on the fate of Magical Britain than originally intended. He was hers, and the fear that she might not be his in return shook him to his core. The group formed a 'V' with Harry at point. "If this ring does not take I am sorry to say I will have to cut you off from all your vaults." 3. Feel free to correct me on some things. On Harry's 17th birthday he receives his creature inheritance. He's straight away taken from the Dursleys by Remus and Sirius. Hell she just intends to make it out of Hogwarts alive. I promise the book is better than this description, even though this is my first. Unfortunately, the lightning bolt scar was still there, as were several scars given to him by his Uncle peaking out over the top of his shirt. Harry, Fred, and George can't move a foot away from each other after they mess up a prankthey didn't realize that their accident would end up affecting the war in any way. Bill knew how it started, he just didnt know how he would ever be able to stop it. Harry's world changes during potions class. Slow burn, eventual smut, light dom/sub. (I do not own Harry Potter, no matter how much I want to. How will the wizarding world fare when they are confronted with the Son of the Scarecrow?! Please consider turning it on! Why won't Dumbledore let him stay at Hogwarts for t. Completed grangerbashing voldemort weasleybashing +6 more #2 Lost Cubby CriesInSingle 605K17.5K27 Hunter Potter had been with the Dursleys for three years when he was bitten by a werewolf. i literally dont know what im doing with my life, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, Harry Potter is Lord of Multiple Noble Houses, Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent, Harry Potter and the Real Men of Gryffindor Tower, Canon Characters Acting Like They're In A Porno, Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Tom Riddle | Voldemort, Rodolphus Lestrange/Andromeda Black Tonks, Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson/Charlie Weasley, Lost Chances & The Adventures Of Neutrality. Harry moved his tongue around his mouth and gasped as slight pain could felt. What begins as them watching Ginny quickly turns into touching. First, all troll comments will be deleted without a single second of thought. Blood Traitors and the Slytherin Alarm System It started when Ron came to him at his lowest. If there was one thing that Ronald Weasley despised, it was hand-me-downs. Another Heir His creature status changes everything, and secrets start to slip. For centuries, a magical tapestry had predicated the marriages of the Malfoy family. Years later, he's determined to make Harry more than a friend. All they really cared for was his money! She is happy, starting a new job at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, and becoming the witch she was always meant to be. Dumbledore bashing, Weasley bashing. Its all I really know about his past, not much to go on but getting Harry to talk about himself is not an easy task. But what happens when they take him to the Goblins to be healed? A game of truth or dare reveals that Fred hasn't had his first kiss. Harry asked as the Goblin made to leave the room causing him to stop as if hit by a freezing spell. After defeating Voldemort he discovers it was all a lie. Lemons SMUT Harry/Multi. Free period relaxation. Harry decides enough is enough and goes back to where it started. After finding out that Dumbledore and his friends are keeping secrets from him he goes home to 4 Privet drive. Minerva will have to intervene to help James and Lily's son survive and win the Triwizard Tournament, and on the road she will guide him to become a better wizard like his parents, of course, under her methods. Salazar tilted his head to the side for a moment before responding, "You don't have to worry to get rid of the Horcrux the Goblins performed a cleansing that rid you of that spell. [V] [X] [Y] - Published: 2006-04-03 - Updated: 2006-04-04 - 6020 words ? Ronald est perdidamente enamora de Bellatriz Black quien le esta demostrando lo que es ser una persona astuta. Ginny stay peering around the corner, even more curious now. Back at Ollivanders with Hagrid, Harry starts changing things rapidly, especially since he ran into his soulmate - Hermione. Since today's my birthday HERE'S A SPECIAL UPDAT2E. After being attacked, the Weasley men find themselves impotent and unable to satisfy the requirements of their marriage bonds. And touching turns to something neither twin will ever forget. Enchantments/Potions on the person in order of age: Harry could not believe that his two best friends have been stealing from him since before they even became friends, let alone Mrs. Weasley and Professor Dumbledore who had shown him more love and kindness than any adult he had ever meet. Sirius is done being pushed around and decides to step up and be the godfather James would have wanted him to be. during his 7th year of Hogwarts, Harry gets an idea, a horrible terrible idea, and Idea that would surly keep him from sitting for weeks.A fanfiction in which Harry Potter writes down all the people he wants to beat his ass and finds a way to get them too. (Trigger Warning: Suicidal thoughts/Actions, mentions of Self Harm, mentions of abuse), "I used to dream about itbut never schemed or countedon fantasies or wishes-it breaks a man to see what he missesSo many nights I'd prayfor a better life, a better daybut I never thought that it'd come truenow that it's here, I don't know what to doand I'm trying not to cryThis must be how it feelsto have a home", -Excerpt from To Have a Home, by Darren Criss-. Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (11), The Lord of the Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien (1), The Walking Dead (Telltale Video Game) (1), this is a harry potter vore fic lets move on, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Veil of Death is actually Veil of Banishment, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter Friendship, I don't even know how to properly tag this, Order of the Phoenix Bashing (Harry Potter), Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. *1 I just needed a second male to be Harry's Godfather so it is just a dead NPC. The spirit of Tom Riddle becomes intrigued by Harry's ability to talk to snakes. When he was brought into the Wizarding World he was only 12 and he met the Slytherin hating family (the Weasley's) as soon as he boarded the train. A few letters change everything. He could see perfectly and he knew that he was not wearing his glasses, he could also hear very well including the snores coming from the other two bedroom's around him. Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. But he has one choice. Everything he knows is a lie. Harry Potter has been betrayed, abused and controlled all his life but he finally finds someone to rescue him from Dumbledore and all who don't have his best interests. Snape hates him on principle and rejects him and wants nothing to do with him (or does he?). There he finds a Soul Mate, new and better friends, and a semi-normal life. After blowing up his Aunt Marge Harry spend the rest of the summer before his Third Year in Diagon Alley. The next is a spell that causes pain to a person's body in ever-changing ways. Will Harry ever know what it is like to live in a loving home, a place where he's wanted? He goes to Gringott's to learn more about himself, but instead learns the truth of who he truly is. 11. And since I sense you do not know such things wearing a ring that has you have bonded with it will let you know if someone is trying to dose you with any potion or cast a spell on you without your knowledge. Rather than needles this time it felt like his finger was being bitted off as he once more lost conciseness. By creating an Alpha and encouraging the wizarding population to embrace their true sexual desires, she will make sure new generations are born And with them, the new world. However Dumbledore would not let Sirius adopt him and that made Harry angry. Will one man be able to save the Boy Who Lived before it's too late? His entire life, he'd been given his brother's cast-offs, and he is sick and fucking tired of it. "Happy birthday to me." While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [A non-magical AU. new chapter is up and I hope to have another ready by the end of the week (no promises though). "Who are you?" Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. Hadriana has perfected the act of hiding from the world. Linkffn (Harry Potter and the Lady Thief) might fit, Hermione's expelled, betrayed and becomes a betrayer. He had been the one to find the boy, had been the one to capture the supposed murderer. He goes grey, or neutral. George digs up Fred's body because he just can't let him go. Um jovem destinado ao topo do mundo. He is loyal guy, and would help anyone who needed it, but never would expect loyalty, or favors to be returned. Please Ginny just once, Fine but Mom or Dad sees us its all on you, Fred stop! Dumbledore had told Harry that he had no Inheritances and no will's to be read, but since he had been lied to before he didn't think he could trustthe Headmaster with anything he said. "How dare you let someone claim my Sword," a large muscular man wearing furs called out as Harry opened his eyes. He goes to Gringott's to learn more about himself, but instead learns the t. # darkharry # dumbledoreweasleyhermionebashing # goodtomseveruslucius Recalling his father's task to earn his place in the Potter family Harry said, "No thank you I think I need to do this on my own.". "As Lord of my House, you can claim one-fourth of Hogwarts Castle and enter Slytherin portions of Hogwarts without having to use any passwords. His last thoughts before drifting to sleep was if those he thought were his parent's, really were his parents. She was the golden girl.The paragon of all things good and light. Once more the ring was cold as he slipped the gold band around his finger. Sometimes, all that exists between them is raw, unfettered need. Harry was lead into a back room where the test took place before the Goblin left him alone with his results to set up a cleansing for him. Plus, he tends to like how sarcastic they can get and that they take no nonsense from nobody. At the stroke of midnight, Molly walks into Harry's room, wearing black lingerie. Draco Malfoy, father, head of the ancient Malfoy Apothecaries, still mourns his beloved wife. She was done giving and getting nothing back. Harry Potter Has PTSD Harry Potter Has Nightmares accidental self injury Emotional Hurt Emotional Hurt/Comfort Luna Lovegood Being Luna Lovegood Seer Luna Lovegood Bill Weasley was excited to marry Fleur. I feel its only fair after spending every moment of our free time in a lab together. Language: English Words: 61,129 Chapters: 9 /? Angered at his disinterest, she proceeds to rape him. For a moment it felt as if large needles were being jammed into the finger making him pass out. 9. Nobody looked at that, I mean why would they? In September 1st Harry Potter, famed Boy Who Lived was arrested at Hogwarts for the brutal rape and murder of Virginia Weasley. Work Search: Harry didn't know what he was for certain but he had a feeling he was a Vampire based on what he was looking at and he couldn't help but feel slightly relieved. Ardeth/Evelyn/Rick (The Mummy). A Creature Inheritance was something that happened when a Magical person hit the age of 16, if a witch or wizard has Creature blood inside of them then that side would be awakened at this age. Harry goes through a Creature Inheritance and learns that he has become what the Light hate: A Dark Creature. 20. Harry tells Fred and George who the Marauders were. So it seems I have picked up a troll on my stories, so I am going to explain a few things. Harry was their personal slave. Una idea loca, que sera una serie donde se relatar cada ao pero siendo Severus hijo de Voldemort y teniendo un hijo y hermana. WARNINGS!! Taking up the silver ring Harry was not feeling good as he felt the familiar cold before placing it on his finger. ABANDONED!!! Finalmente quebrou as correntes que o prendiam e se libertou para o mundo, para mostra-los o que o verdadeiro senhor capaz. Thus creating Hogwarts Academy for Pedophilia and Sex craft. Based on There Be Dragons, Harry by Scioneeris and The Soul's Scream by Cheyla. The Wizarding World is a darkfic Pornotopia. Oh, and also the whole Master of Death gig is real and he is now the Master of Death. It turns out that he is not the son of Lily and James Potter, but the lost/stolen son of Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. #795 Gryffindor. Harry is confused about many things. With it comes hope, love, and more family than he ever expected. One last thing young Heir if ever you need help that you think I can provide rub your ring and call my name and I shall come," Salazar said before bowing to Harry. She's had plenty of suitors but for some reason, never gets married. Wings and markings pop up. Molly shows him just how much she does. In which magic is sentient, vows are never meant to be broken, love isnt a frivolous pursuit, and alliances can shelter or destroy. Fanfiction Harry Potter never thought his life would turn out like this. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. However he had been told he was to return to the Dursley family for this birthday. Fate has other plans, making Harry a very nervous predator. Personas que nunca pens que le daran la mano. Can she resist the temptation of the devil or succumb to its machination? What the headmaster didn't take into account was Harry's knack for survival. He was still angry when he woke up in a warm bed and the smells he associated with the Hospital Wing. His nails seemed to be sharper and he had a feeling that if he tried to cut them he would not be able to do so. That is until they discover Harry got left behind and was still asleep in Ron's room. Harry Potter is related to a super powerful pureblood family on his mother's side who were believed to be gods 7,000 years ago "Wait while the rings were judging me I was told that I could have a chance to take my place in the families later how do I do that?" "No of course not my own mother was what you call a Muggle," Salazar said making Harry's mouth fall open at this fact. Who is on his side? ( ) Framed as a thief and expelled from Hogwarts in her second year, her family ruined by debts, many thought they had seen the last of her. Please consider turning it on! Stuck as a cat and living amongst Voldemort and his Death Eaters is not how Harry planned on spending his 5th year, but he may just learn something from it. Harry doesn't have friends. However inside his mind he was still in a lot of pain, it was like there was poison or venom running through his veins killing everything along the way. "However, as I am not in charge of the Slytherin Vaults I must take my leave of you.". She turns heads where she goes. FanfictionBot 4 yr. ago. How would you like to come face to face with your younger sibling? *2 A spell that forced him to only bond with a certain wand. O Salvador partir numa jornada para salvar a si mesmo, enquanto busca vingana contra aqueles que o traram. Two friends clash in a tragic struggle for identity and destiny. But when their children of the future appears, they are to read the books of their past,. ), (This is reposted work with changes made so that it does not break any rules, policies, or anything else.). "I was chosen of all the family to talk to you since I would be the only one you would know. Soft gasps were released as the Weasley women watched Harry Potter, who was standing by a small pond, use his wand to spray his nude body with water. Years later while on a business trip to Gotham city the Dursleys meet their end to the Scarecrow, who takes Harry and raises him like a son. "Ah Heir Potter you are awake I hope you feeling better now," a Goblin in pale green robes said peeking their head into the room. Bellatrix Black finds herself in the hands of the Fates one night and needs to determine what path she must take to secure her own future. Photography, and hidden photography, is a recurring theme. Murder in Hogsmeade! Harry was utterly furious and devastated as he looked down at the results of the Inheritance Test he had just taken. All chapters have sexual content. Harry Potter has been betrayed. Just what creature is he? More coming. I do not own Harry Potter, or any of the characters. in 5 year harry finds out the truth of who he his but now becomes mute all he feel is betrayal and loneliness also depressed all he wanted to do was die until he found his two mates. Harry Potter is through with Dumbledore and his lies, so he does what the light considers unthinkable. 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