when do clare and eli sleep together

Eli tries to start the car and thinks the battery's dead but that he'll call his parents to come get them so they can be back before dinner. As Fiona looks at each one of them, she stops at Clare and says that she has pretty eyes. No, no I am not.". Eli doesn't understand so Clare clarifies that they need to set some boundaries. She sees Eli at his locker and apologizes for her random outburst last night. Zig and Miles hand Clare a gift basket they found on her doorstep from Eli. This leads Connor to believe that Eli and Alli should be together since Alli was recently rejected by Dallas. Clare tells Eli she has to know the truth. Eli reassures him that Fiona wasn't thinking straight and Clare adds that she will change her mind. Clare is shocked, and Eli walks off, leaving Clare crying. . Mr. Goldsworthy answers the door, half asleep. Eli says "look I will miss you but if I love you now, imagine how much I'll love the person you'll become." Conditional Sentences 1. Clare probes but Fitz tells her that she said it herself: they aren't friends. Clare mirrors Alli's surprise. They smile at each other and share a sweet kiss. Later, Eli goes up to Clare who looks upset, though he doesn't notice at first, commenting that he saw she's against Becky in the spirit week gladiator competition and says he has to destroy her. and Clare says she is there to pick up Eli's English homework. Clare smiles and seems really happy about this but says she has to catch her flight in response. Eli says he's into it and asks where his crystals are, sharing another smile with Clare. Clare smiles and says this party is what everyone needed. Imogen says she's glad he has something to keep his mind off of things to which he agrees. He is told by Lenore to quickly end his video chat since there was a party. In Come As You Are (2), the two wake up together, still on the phone with one another from the night before. Clare walks up to Alli and they watch Eli walk off. Meanwhile, Imogen asks Eli if he wants to come see Jack cheer with and Eli asks if Clare will be there. I cuddle all the time. Clare tells Alli "He's just so UGH! Eli and Clare sharing a kiss before winter break begins. Eli asks if it's forever because he's knows a place in New York that has the best sashimi. Eli smiles at learning it's a boy. She adds that Clare and Eli should just get married and move to some deserted island where they could read each other pretentious poetry. Alli says she believes it because Dallas is always doing dumb things that hurt him. While at least a third of Americans are not getting the recommended amount of at least seven hours of sleep a night,. Clare questions him on what he's "coming down" on and Eli reveals that he went to the secret party with Jake and Mo and too MDMA. This gets Clare thinking and she takes a picture of some lingerie and sends the photo to Eli. A remark from Cliff about how he actually finds Eli "dreamy" and wishes to date him himself leads Clare to realize that Cliff is gay. They shared their first kiss for a project on Romeo and Juliet in. The next day, he stands in the green house where he found Cam and Clare walks in. Yorke Memorial where they chat and Clare accidentally spills soup on Eli. Eli says that it was her constantly trying to get him to talk is almost as bad as doing drugs. At Above the Dot, Clare introduces Jake to Sadie, Dave, Alli, K.C., and Eli. They both decide to create a memorial video for Adam. She leaves the hospital in tears, officially breaking up with Eli. As Clare steps on the gas pedal, Clare and Eli run into Fitz and are shocked by Fitz's sudden return, Clare drives off leaving Fitz by himself. Clare agrees to talk to Eli. She adds that if this pregnancy stuff is too much she can find another co-chair and Clare tells her no because she'll do it. The next day in class, Alli asks Clare how the birthing class went with her "totally platonic co-parent" and Clare mentions how Eli told her that he will always be there for her. (2), Eli is first seen reading in an empty classroom when Clare comes up to him and apologizes about talking to Fitz and freaking him out. He adds they should talk about the stuff that happened this morning and Clare says no thank you. Eli sits up next to Clare. In Gives You Hell (1), Clare is seen outside prepared to eat her packed lunch when Eli walks by, takes it and throws the sandwich away. Eli is upset and goes to the abandoned church with his dads gun and a picture of him and Julia. He affirms he did. Eli adds it's thanks to Adam, adding that he's a hero. He runs into Mr. Simpson and freaks him out. She clarifies that she was, she definitely was. She tells him that he should postpone his interview that's suppose to take place shortly and Eli doesn't listen. Clare defends Drew saying he didn't though and asks Eli if he feels better. Eli says he doesn't care and walks away from Clare. He then sits on a stage and decides to do MDMA a second time. In Try Honesty (2), Eli and Fitz fight, resulting in Eli getting a bloody lip. In Finally (1), outside the school, Clare is sitting on a bench when Eli arrives with coffee and he sits down next to her. He corrects her and says it's a tulip and she is surprised. Drew says she obviously doesn't care enough to show her support. InBasket Case, Drew drops Clare off at her house after an entire day of poster-making. She smiles and says no. When sleeping back-to-back, both members of a couple lie on their side, but facing opposite directions. She lets Eli in and he asks what's up. She asks for Alli to just tell her how she can help. He becomes angry, yells at Imogen to stop calling him that, and leaves. Clare later goes through Eli's bag and almost gets caught by Jake. They kiss and Clare unbuttons part of Eli's shirt before embracing again and falling onto the bed. Eli tells Clare he's going to take her out to lunch to celebrate his play idea. When arriving at the hotel room, Clare voices her concerns about their night together being a letdown. She smiles as Eli drives away. Later on during class, Adam wonders why Eli isn't sitting next to Clare. The following day, Clare has a great interview and is giggling and overjoyed. He wants for them to spend the rest of their lives together. Alli looks scared at what she thinks might be happening. Eli says he agrees and asks if she wants to leave now and asks for the car keys so he can drive. Clare sees Jake and Katie in the hallway and finds it unfair that Katie gets to stay to all hours of the night and Eli has to leave at 8. In Zombie (2), Connor expresses his wanting for Eli and Clare to get back together. And I know this isn't how you planned for things to go and I know it's scary but I feel really lucky to be part of this journey with you. Clare starts to get a nose bleed and Eli asks if he needs to take her to the doctor. In a class he shares with Jake, he ends up reading the diary. while her and Jenna do provocative dances. She finds him in a hallway, but it's too late. Eli was one of the few people who helped Clare through cancer. Eli says it's "Like a something." He begins to walk away when Clare cries that she can't imagine a life without him. In (You Drive Me) Crazy, Eli tells Imogen about his situation with Clare and asks her to join him in his "wallowing.". Eli looks at them both before saying he doesn't know if he can and walks away. She says if she says it out loud it won't come true and he chuckles. He says "I want him to have it or her." Not for this, not for that doctor, and not for that stupid car!" In Love Lockdown (1), Clare's parents are still fighting, but her fledgling romance with Eli is keeping her happily distracted. Eli tells Clare she cares too much about what people think. Fitz runs away when Eli drives up in his hearse. However, Clare is still upset at Eli for leaving her prior to prom and runs off, leaving Eli on stage by himself. He tells her that they need time apart because he can't get better. Eli follows up with, "won't you be liable to slack if your early assignments aren't being marked?" Eli clears his throat and, like a child, Imogen puts coins on the counter in a huff. Eli reassures her that when the police figure out he and Fitz aren't who their fake ID's say they are, then they'll be released. Clare says it was stupid to go after the hockey team when Asher is the one she wants. Eli says not really because if you aren't in the same place it's hard to stay close. Clare questions him about it and he says that it's too spicy and she wouldn't be able to handle it referring to how she got him out of the video yearbook because she believes he couldn't handle it. Clare looks nervous but they wish her luck just as Eli walks up behind her. Eli feels suffocated by Clare's constant worrying about him and says he needs space, breaking up with her. Alli guesses baby stuff and Clare replies sort of. Eli goes to a college in New York (NYU) and Clare plans to go to a college in New York as well (Columbia). Eli smiles and says obviously. Eli smiles in response, considering, and they say goodbye. Eli and Clare sit down at a table. Clare asks if he remembers the last time they were happy together and Eli responds that he's happy right now and asks her the same question. Clare and Eli support Adam at the hospital. Adam then comes up with the idea of throwing a party to cheer Fiona up in their hideout, twinkly lights and all, but Eli is hesitant about the idea because he feels they aren't the party-throwing types. He begs her to talk with him so they could settle things out, but she refuses by saying "Just GO!" Eli tells her to stand still. Eli tells Clare to stay away from Fitz and that she is making it hard to do his job to protect her, she leaves out of the hearse. Clare, nervous that Eli is getting closer, gets out "Three, no saying the exact thing I need at the exact moment I need to hear it." Then, Clare sees a gun inside Morty's trunk and gets scared, so she hugs Eli and tells him to walk her to her locker. In Extraordinary Machine (1), Bullfrog drives Eli to school and questions his mood when he sees Eli looking at Clare and Jake together. Adam visits Clare and accidentally mentions that Eli sent him an email on how to talk to Clare but that he wasn't supposed to tell her about the letter. Clare wonders if Adam is okay since Fiona never showed. In a hospital hallway, Eli and Clare joke with Adam about how girls like scars. In Building A Mystery (1), Eli and Clare are walking hand in hand towards the school and talking about Elis new project he has yet to think of, Becky bumps into them and says sorry before leaving, and they watch her go. In All Falls Down (2), Clare tries to end the feud between Eli and Fitz, but when Eli's tainted drink causes Fitz to vomit, Fitz brings out a knife in search for him. Clare and Alli get ready to go to Above the Dot at Clare's and Alli says maybe Adam is right about Eli being over her. After several break-ups and make-ups through seasons 10 to 14, the two seemed to find a way to get back together. In When Love Takes Over, Eli teases Adam while Fiona auditions as Clare smiles on by saying he likes her and loves her, and encourages him to go for it with her. Eli and Clare get back together in Ready or Not. Clare corrects her and says it's not date, it's birthing class, and that they've high-fived because that's what strictly platonic co-parents do. She gets a call from her mom once she gets there, expecting to be yelled at, but to her surprise her mom tells her that Eli is allowed to stay until 10pm from now on. When a teacher walks by, Fitz lets Eli go. He then shows her some of his latte art which she remarks is a perfect swan. Imogen agrees and wonders back why Jack wouldn't want to hold this "creepy creep" responsible and Eli responds he doesn't know but offers that some people are private about that stuff. Clare doesn't tell him that they already went and Drew acts excited for them to go. If you _____ (get) back late, I _____ (be) angry. Adam bitterly tells Eli that he doesn't want to ruin their little date. She's still taking a gap year after graduation, and she's not moving to New York with Eli, but she says she's "opening myself up to everything," I'm choosing to ignore everything Degrassi has. They smile at each other and once they turn away, both of their faces change. She says she loves Eli so much that sometimes she can't think straight either. Eli Clare. Clare says awkwardly that if she had ignored it she wouldn't have detention all week. She turns off the music and insists they like each other. Clare tells Eli that he should take something off too. Clare tries to wave down a car to hitchhike the rest of the way but is unsuccessful. Then she says she thought to herself, "now you can live your life," but then got pregnant. After the fire, Eli approaches Clare outside of the school saying he came as soon as he heard. However, she is a kind-hearted person and cares for her friends and is willing to defend them if need be. Adam tells him not to pity him, and Eli replies by telling him to stop acting like such a girl but quickly adds, "Not like that." In class, Clare is grabbing a book from a bookshelf when Alli walks up to discuss prom planning. Eli rebuffs him saying he wasn't talking to him and turns to Clare saying he wants to be with her but he doesn't want to be with her and Drew. When Clare says she used complex sentence structure and advanced vocabulary, Eli rolls his eyes. In Still Fighting It (2), Clare is seen fixing the English assignment so there's no kissing scene but Ms. Dawes is unhappy with it. Eli and Clare in the hospital after Eli purposely crashes Morty for Clare. He asks Clare to dance with him before taking her hand and walking to the dance floor. Alli playfully responds "And for the last time, I don't buy it," before turning back to Jenna. Eli runs up to Clare in the corridor, Clare asks if he is excited or freaking out, Eli says both and then says this is going. Back at school, Clare is waiting by Eli's locker and says she understands he didn't reject her but that he's just embarrassed because he's messy but it's okay because she can deal with messy. Clare smiles and says that feels like forever ago, Eli says kind of like yesterday. Alli questions this and Clare says it's not just going to be them in the picture anymore. Their first relationship began in the episode All Falls Down (1) and ended in the episode Drop the World (2) because Eli was too unpredictable and possessive; Clare had felt as if he was manipulating and suffocating her. Clare kisses him before they leave. Eli smiles. Eli's first line was spoken to Clare. They pause a minute in the car and Drew remarks he couldn't have done it without her. No, I will not take a break. Clare sees ALL of Eli after he strips down while on MDMA. Clare then tells Eli that the baby is Drew's, not his. After reassuring her that she can stop them at any time, the two sleep together. Clare says they should do that and that tonight after school is the perfect time. Eli guesses her worrying isn't about the crib and she starts freaking out over the gun thing with Rocky, saying that the fact she took it away might make him covet guns later in life. Clare pardons herself and asks if they've met. She tells him that he has nothing to worry about and promises to not let anyone come in between them. Eli leans in and says for her to come to him and they kiss. She shares that boys are three times more likely to end up in the ER than girls. Seeing that Clare is still uncertain, Eli promises her that the worst that will happen to him is that he'll get busted for fake ID possession and that he might have to go to court. Jake hears this while standing in the doorway. Eli agrees and later finds out Clare was the one who put Fiona up to it. Alli is shocked and Dallas says "Woah dude. Adam disagrees but Eli asks why she would agree to do their play if she didn't. Later, Clare tells him over the phone that when he's done working on his story, he can come over to her house. Jake and Katie approach them, wanting to kick Dallas and his team out. She responds "my parents," so Eli tells Clare to write about that but she says it's too personal. Footprints, seriously?" After Clare calmly explains what happened, Eli tells her she could write about how she feels for her English assignment. At first, Eli is okay with it but he later comes to Clare's house with Ipecac and asks Clare to put it in Fitz's drink at the dance. Clare says "no, I'm the most determined girl you'll ever meet." Later on, Clare and Eli are hanging out on top of Morty in the woods and Clare starts to dance when a song she likes comes on the radio. Clare says she's driving and Eli asks where to because he will meet her there. In the middle of the play, he looks out to Clare, who is staring at him, and he forgets his lines. The next day, he tells her that he finished the story and changed the ending after being inspired by what happened with them and Fitz the previous day. Did Eli sleep with Lenore? Eli is surprised to hear that it was Clare who called his dad. Eli puts his hands up in surrender then asks where they are going. Clare slowly says she'll tell her she will live with her boyfriend. Clare tells Eli to ignore Fitz, but he doesn't listen, saying the only way to deal with a bully is refusing to be the victim. Later, Clare prepares for a date with Eli. A thing happened, a tiny one-time thing with Drew; a mistake. She asks Adam where he would keep it, but Adam tells her he's never went into Eli's bedroom, and he said Eli has a lock on his bedroom door. They both argue on the phone. Adam offers that it's the "anti-crackdown party in a secret location: bring your crush." Eli denies this and tells Clare that he never thinks about Julia anymore, but she doesnt believe him. She gets in and apologizes for calling him heartless and says she didn't mean it. In Sparks Will Fly (1), Eli and Clare are seen talking to each other on the phone and Eli tells her that he can't make it to the Wild Wild West dance and she gets upset. Eli and Clare both get into their dream schools and it's a bonus that they'd get to be together living out those dreams together ---- they both worked incredibly hard to get into their school of choice. Eli asks Clare about the naked photos; once she says she deleted them he then says he'll just have to settle for the real thing. When he didn't pick up, she leaves to go talk to him. Eli says they get drunk and get a room. She says it isn't a good idea but Drew asks why because he thought they were having fun. Clare says she doesn't have a plan after she graduates and Eli says he thought she would just come to New York with him. Eli then replies that "Women are trouble." Soon after this, Eli appears and says he left right after Clare told him she had cancer. Eli and Clare are outside of The Dot when Eli, who is upset by the news, is telling Clare that he's not ready to give up their future and that a baby would severely affect their plans. He admits, upset, that he read every word of it including the Jake chapter. They begin kissing. She continues saying that it's embarrassing. This upsets Clare and Eli comes into the room with a healthy smoothie for Clare and isn't sure what he did wrong. In Finally (2), they said that they will continue a long distance relationship for the next year. In The Time of My Life, Clare helps Alli and Jenna look for dresses in town. He tells her that Cam isn't the problem, she is and they break up. After they leave, Clare and Eli look at each other, worried. She asks if he can handle it and Eli quickly says yes, almost threatened by her sharp tone. Clare purses her lips while Alli clarifies that Eli has send her like a dozen voicemails. As Eli asks Clare what makes her equally deserving of this exception, Clare comes upon a frame for a baby photograph and stares at it, taking it in. She gets out of the car and asks what he's doing here. They all enjoy it. Clare, Eli Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure NC: Duke University Press. She later realizes that he cheated on her with Lenore and he says that it happened once. Alli reminds Clare that prom is their last night together and that's why they agreed to organize it. Eli says that he's tried to find something that will make Clare trust him, "but apparently that's really, really hard so all I can tell you is that I want to be serious and I promise to earn your trust; I want to be apart of his life." He notices that she isn't super excited and guesses she's worried about long distance. Clare looks down at her uniform and Eli tells Adam to get Fiona out because she's wasted. In All I Wanna Do, Clare and Eli are cuddling on Clare's hospital bed and trying to find something to watch on TV. While Eli talks, Clare is very upset. Eli and Clare find Imogen behind some clothes, sobbing. Clare smiles when Eli quickly says "I will" before explaining it's because he's familiar with the material. She starts to cry and opens the door, demanding him to leave. Drew later finds Clare crying in the student council room. General Information Clare reminds him that he will be working in these types of situations when he's at college, but Eli believes that this musical won't get him into NYU. Do Jace and Clary end up together in the Mortal Instruments? Mr. Goldsworthy tells them nobody is allowed in Eli's room, but Clare says she knows Eli's combination, and he lets them in. Publication date: 2017. Before walking away, Eli tells him that he does pity him because Fitz isn't his friend. Clare's stern face breaks into a smile and she turns around and she forgives him. In Something's Got to Give, Clare is glad when Drew comes to her prenatal appointment and he promises he won't miss any more of them. Alli replies that she gets it; she's in love with Eli. Clare and Eli look at Adam and he smiles at Fiona. Adam comes up to them and tells them that he is FTM. She then tells him she finished it and asks him to read it out loud. Eli feels slightly better and affectionately holds her hand while they gaze at each other for a moment. First published in 1999, the groundbreaking Exile and Pride is essential to the history and future of disability politics. Clare asks if he's serious and Eli tells her to forget about that because he wants her to be happy after everything she's been through; she deserves it. Later on, her and Eli are at her house. Eli sarcastically replies, "Oh yeah, I burned down the school," but then asks if she's serious. . Clare asks if she looks different and Eli assures her they're going to know they had sex right when they see her. Eli then tells her to put the computer down. Later on, Eli finds Clare in the cafeteria. She briefly explains being upset over Jake 'moving on,' and tells him that she's glad it was Eli who found her. When Clare is writing the article for the newspaper Asher has made due at 6pm, Eli is sitting on her couch doing homework. Clare says she can't tell him before bailing to a bedroom. Clare then, looking a little sad, tells him that everyone wants to be like him. Eli says "I hurt you and I know that." Clare replies, "I don't know, maybe Eli and I have been though so much. Eli comforts Clare after she tells him about Asher. Clare wonders what he's doing at Degrassi. Eli searches for Clare and finds her crying in a closet. She explains this to one of the staff members at the university's admissions office and they give her a second. Eli says with a smirk, "Correction: some of them voted for us." (1), Clare is receiving driving lessons from Eli. Clare says she didn't know she could feel barfy and hungry at the same time so she just feels different. Then, Eli calls out to Clare from across the street, and Clare frantically asks Alli what to do. Clare explains she thought it would be good for him, so Eli continues doing the video. They briefly look at each other in silence until Jake and Drew find them, and they all head back to the cabin and Clare returns his jacket. He expresses his shock by questioning "Jake?!" Maybe we can get though this, too." InBitter Sweet Symphony (1), during the few days of competition between different teams of students, Clare can't go in her locker because her locker is moved. Ultimately, Clare leaves the room, confirming her and Eli's breakup. Clare introduces Jake to Sadie, Dave, Alli, K.C., and leaves will continue a distance! Wonders why Eli is n't his friend, a tiny one-time thing with Drew ; a.... Seasons 10 to 14, the two sleep together the perfect time shirt before again! 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