It is similar to IVF with the injectable, Hello -- I've found myself in a really sad, desperate place, and so I'm posting to get any insight on my current protocol/choices. It is possible that the ovarian stimulation process on the egg donor would be shorter or longer than that shown above. Thank you. Any success stories ? I have a quick question for the veterans. As the poor responder is one of the more challenging issues facing the reproductive endocrinologist today, and as there are no magic bullet regimens to stimulate these patients effectively, many alternative protocols to the flare have been proposed. First ivf was luteal lupron protocol. Second retrieval was agonist with lupron, and we ended up with two decent quality embryos (3BB, 4BB), one of which became my newborn daughter, who I am currently breastfeeding. I believe our first 3 embryos didnt take cause God had these 3 babies waiting for us in the freezer. What I have seen in my years of fertility groups for women with DOR is that it seems many of our bodies like femara. I have had 3 Doctors want to use Lupron in some form. Flare, or Micro-dose Lupron Protocol: In women who are of advanced maternal age, or for those who've had a poor response to other protocols, your fertility specialist may recommend this protocol, involving a lower dose of Lupron which will be started at the same time as the FSH injections. Next protocol will be micro dose lupron. Yay! Yeah I was a poor responder my last cycle and i was on a lot of lupron. Wondering if anyone with diminished ovarian reserve has had success with IVF stimulation during the luteal phase vs. the follicular phase? (My clinic requires ICSI and PGS testing for all patients). You're on your 4th so you should have a lot of good info guiding your RE in this direction For me, I did 3 IUIs with 6 follies initially, then 4, then only 2, respectively, and on IVF#1 I had only 2 follies so we canceled and just did IUI, all of this BFN, and IVF#2 only had ONE follie which we did the ER w/ICSI and it didn't fertilize. Is it normal to see NOTHING the first ultrasounds?? Age: me - just turned 37 / husband 42 Dont get discouraged. This is a community for those who have gotten pregnant after a struggle with infertility. 2nd U/S @ 7w2d. It goes by several different names, including the Lupron overlap protocol or the long down regulation protocol, but the basic concept is that the pituitary gland is suppressed, the ovaries are stimulated, and the uterine lining is supported in that order. My dr wants the lining to be between 8-12. Estrogen priming and the agonist-antagonist conversion protocol is at least as successful as the microdose flare protocol based on medical data. In the regular IVF protocol, Lupron and BCP are used for at least 2 weeks before ovarian stimulation. Seems like a, Protocols to thicken uterine lining after D&C and scarred tissue. They are giving three more days on stimming before making the call. xref I hope this helps,I conceived my son naturally on 50 mg clomid at 39. Hi ladies,My RE proposed for my IVF#5 the micro flare protocol with BCP priming. [Sheri] What is DHEA? Please whitelist our site to get all the best deals and offers from our partners. It's so hard to imagine that something might work when everything else hasn't. Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol. I go in for a check Thursday am. With my day 2 u/s, I started on 10 units of lupron in the morning with 450 units of Gonal-F in the evening. So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. 11 retrieved, 10 matured and fertilized and 4 blasts and 1 normal. In this regimen, a patient will take BCPs for 3-4 weeks. The lupron over suppresses my ovaries and they don't respond well even to high doses of Bravelle or Follistim or Gonal-f, so I am trying the antagonist protocol next with ganirelix. Are you sure you want to block this member? Well, the answer is that I did a LOT! I badly want to be a mom. 2TFR'ed. Hi ladies just looking for any inspiring stories! Your nurse will phone you with instructions by 5:00PM this day. So we didnt biopsy & test then freeze. More importantly, do you think these estrogen spikes and/or the overly aggressive protocol damaged my . fainting. Texas Fertility Center has brought world-class care to San Antonio, Austin, Round Rock, Central Texas, and the entire Southwestern United States. 0000002919 00000 n Canceled due to ovulation through Lupron. [curious1] lcurtis8, it's a hormone that we produce plentiful as younger adults; as we age it decreases. How many days do you take menopur for IVF? Our issues: low AMH (0.27 but FSH 6, AFC 15-20), NK cells, MTHFR homozygous, antiphospholipid antibodies, borderline morphology (5%), borderline prolactin and thyroid (both treated). 39 year old multiple failed cycles need advice. [Dr. William Schoolcraft] Lee, either micro dose Lupron flare or a new protocol utilizing estrogen priming steroids and antagonists. Round Three Result 6/25: BFN I would like to know if any has been on the EPP/ MDL protocol ? They have me on Follistim, Low Dose HCG, and Ganirellex. Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. I stimmed for 12 days and only ended up with two mature eggs. The flare-up effect consists of the immediate release of FSH and LH at the start of treatment, whose effect is added to that of the hormones administered exogenously. And can someone generally explain the 'steps' to me? It was fucking ridiculous to us, because not only were we injecting about $800 worth of meds (450 IUI Follistim and 10 iu low dose HCG) into my body for 10 days, but it took them 10 days to realize I was a no responder. Does anyone have any advise or success stories about this protocol. How to Cope After a Failed IVF Cycle Cry and Sob and Wail. 0000006212 00000 n Group Black's collective includes Essence, The Shade Room and Naturally Curly. Estrogen Primed Antagonist Protocol. October '13 Started BCP for December IVF. 0000001323 00000 n 8 days of stims and I had 1 lead follicle and 2 other measurable ones. undefined will no longer be visible to you including posts, replies, and photos. For those who have PCOS which IVF Protocol was successful for you? From what I have read, it is common in women with DOR and poor responders. Initial was 12. The reason they had me on that protocol was because a) I generally respond GREAT to drugs, and b) my AFC is pretty fine and my age is "young-ish" so they think my low AMH will just mean to expect slightly fewer eggs that will be good quality. I did microflare lupron after being diagnosed with elevated FSH. I have just started one, the 1st IVF I did my egg quality was not the best, so the new RE suggested menopur only, has anyone had success on a cycle with only menopur? IVF2 (ICSI/AH/ACU): Microdose Lupron Flare I see a lot of people have taken Lupron. Doc said it was odd and confusing why that last cycle was such a winner so again, may have been just lucky. Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol . 08/20 - Injection #2 I've got my pompoms ready to cheer you on!!!! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Round Two Result 4/30: Harsh BFN trailer Has anybody over 38-40 with DOR tried lupron flare and had success? %PDF-1.4 % This treatment protocol is known as a "microdose flare." The initial injections of Lupron stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete its own natural FSH and LH (aka a flare), in addition to the FSH and LH you get from the other two injectable fertility medications. As stated above, this protocol is the most commonly used regimen, both in the US and in our practice. If you feel a message or content violates these standards and would like to request its removal please submit the following information and our moderating team will respond shortly. This is a huge relief because if we had to switch clinics, we'd lose about $20k which is simply not an option. 0000000960 00000 n Following. Not attempted transferring anything yet. 5DT. Hello All, Our most common protocol utilizes Lupron as a trigger instead of hCG to mature follicles prior to egg collection. So we wasted about 2 months on this, unnecessarily. Anyone have success with this protocol? However, that information will still be included in details such as numbers of replies. 3. That's amazing and.congratulations. 2005-2023Everyday Health, Inc., a Ziff Davis company. Beta 1/22: 14 Beta 1/24: 24 Beta 1/26: 28 Instead we are doing estrogen priming followed by microdose lupron. No matter how you got here, we understand where you've been and where you're going. BFN, 7/13 IVF#3 Long lupron protocol with PIO, Crinone, Prometrium, and vivelle, (plus synthroid, metformin, baby asa, metanx, PNV, Vit E, D, calcium, fish oil, CoQ10, IVIg infusions and lovenox per Dr. Kwak-kim). I was under the care of a reproductive immunologist and had been doing prednisone, tacrolimus, hydroxycloroquine, intralipids, and lovenox. Er 6- jan 2021- GH and estrace priming for 4 days. S:\Medical Forms\IVF Forms\Microflare Protocol\03-21-06 Sunday Gonadotropin Cycle Start MICRO-DOSE LUPRON FLARE PROTOCOL Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday OCP's: Ortho Novum 1/35 (continue for 2-3 weeks) Baseline Sonogram Take Last OCP Lupron 0.2 cc 2 times each day until HCG Stimulation medication start 0000001853 00000 n You had a cyvle with 11 eggs. This medicine reduces the amount of testosterone in men or estrogen in women. MENTS I married at 39 and got pregnant naturally a year later, then miscarried. The clinic I was with was horribly unorganized, I never saw my doctor, and dealing with insurance was a nightmare which made every, Looking for advice 8Cell 1Grade 2Embies. I have low thyroid, endometriosis, blocked tubes & diminished ovarian reserve. We started our second cycle on Friday (7th). For those women whove had more than one ivf cycle, did you change protocol? My FSH is 6.5. 1st U/S @ 6w2d showed one perfect little heartbeat! Clomid+ 150 iu follistim+150iu menopur and GH every other day. Note that once you confirm, this action cannot be undone. Stimulation Day 1 You will start gonadotropin injections today. I feel sort ofdetachedI didn't expect to feel this emotion, and I'm sure it will shift, but.who knows. This educational content is not medical or diagnostic advice. Setting: Anatolia Women and IVF Center. Learn more about, Twins & Multiples: Your Tentative Time Table. The retrieval resulted in 8 eggs with the microdose lupron protocol. I'm going to talk to the doctor soon about our options. I did lupron stop protocol for IVF#1, but I was still oversuppressed. I'm super excited for you, yay!!! I am 41, so getting frustrated now with all these premature ovulation. I heard chances of 1 normal in 3 retrievals are high st my age and so really sad at ovulating prematurely last time. EDD 5/11/14, Jack dx at 19w1d with Dandy Walker on 12/16/13, Severe Pre-e /HELLP set in Jack born sleeping at 20w1d on 12/23/13, FET #2 --July 2014 BFP! IVF round 1 was a miserable failure with an almost cancelled retrieval and no embryos to freeze or transfer. 14 and 13. 1) focus on the quality (not quantity) of eggs. My personal opinion is that even though I have read over and over again that it is a DOR / poor responder protocol, the people I seem to see having success with it are not really in that category. Hi, I'm 40 did my first IVF in October with an antagonist protocol (AMH 4.86). Long-term Storage for Eggs, Sperm & Embryos. Dr. C will now be our doctor point of contact! However other had mature egg and we did Icsi by it didn't grow from there. (The use of generic Lupron is acceptable.) Treatment history: 31F/29M, 0.9 AMH, 10 FSH, 6-12AFC, mild LPD/dysfolliculogenesis/unexplained. Hi, I'm 40 did my first IVF in October with an antagonist protocol (AMH 4.86). Then 2X10U Lupron and 2X225U Gonal-F per day for 10 days. Objective: To compare the effect of the GnRH antagonist/letrozole protocol (AL) with the microdose GnRH agonist flare-up (MF) protocol in poor ovarian responders for intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). Anyway, I am doing the EPP this round and was curious to hear some of your experiences with it. 6R. think twice before sharing personal details, foster a friendly and supportive environment, remove fake accounts, spam and misinformation, delete posts that violate our community guidelines, reviewed by our medical review board and team of experts. I see! For how long was the MDL given ? Good luck for your scan tomorrow! Estrogen Primed Microdose Lupron Flare Protocol The pretreatment phase is a natural cycle in which estrogen is given for 7 days a week after ovulation. Oh yeah, forgot to say that I took Lupron for 2 days then added Menopur and Follistim and I stimmed for 7 or 8 days. ?? Short Lupron (Microdose or Flare) Protocol for IVF. My husband is 39. <<7e73b458605e884a9eec5f5e9aeedda8>]>> I wonder what if that's the cycle that had the normal egg. Can anyone add to this list? Others involve newer supplements such as DHEA, and still others involve the use of injectable medications such as growth hormone. So, I'm 39 with Amh of 0.07 (undetectable) and FSH of 9. Previous studies comparing E2 priming and leuprolide flare IVF protocols report that E2 priming protocols result in longer cycles and higher total gonadotropin dose with similar oocyte yield, fertilization, and pregnancy rates; though, one report suggests a trend toward higher quality embryos in E2 priming cycles. My first retrieval resulted in no viable embryos. Estrogen Priming Microdose Lupron (MDL) *If you receive your period, (cycle day one, the first day of a full flow red) after 5pm, call to speak to a nurse . The most commonly prescribed stimulation protocol in the United States uses BCPs, leuprolide acetate (Lupron) to prevent ovulation, gonadotropins such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) or human menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) to cause the eggs to develop, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to cause the eggs to mature, and progesterone to They removed 11 eggs, made 8 embryos, none made it past day 3. Unfortunately, one of them did not thaw successfully. Need advice. 1 was converted to an IUI with no success but I had no egg retrievals performed. Instead I'll have my blood checked for progesterone levels to see where I am in my cycle (since the cancelled IVF fucked that all up). Wowzers!!! Long Lupron protocol. No MFI at all. A Group Leader is a What to Expect community member who has been selected by our staff to help maintain a positive, supportive tone within a group. I also turned 39 this week so alsonfeeling dejected why I cant make normal embryos. I.always prepare myself for the worst news whenever I go in for my uktrasound. I did this protocol for my cycle. Your diagnosis of MENTS..I am now 17 wks pg from that cycle. Create an account or log in to participate. While the flare protocol does not allow for a Lupron trigger to . In patients with low egg reserve, this combination may exert . No DOR, PCOS or Endometriosis. As I have been trying naturally as well there is a chance I could be pregnant. We are all intent upon choosing the absolute best protocol for your individual circumstances in order to optimize the number of retrieved eggs, maximize the fertilization rate, and provide you with the greatest possible chance for a healthy pregnancy. puffiness or swelling of the eyelids or around the eyes. I know I did Gonal-F because I'd never done it before (I was a follistim lady prior) - I can check tonight and see what it was. We strive to provide you with a high quality community experience. 9 eggs retrieved, 2 fertilized with ICSI, 1 arrest on day 3, the other arrested on day 5. With IVF#2, we did MDL. END MENTS In 2020, I had 3 IVF cycles all of which were cancelled. Completed is probably not the right word because we have not yet gotten to transfer a single embryo. Adding Cetrotide. How long did you wait for next cycle? GL! :), I'm confused by all the information out there for women over 40. Did one cycle of IVf with 450 of gonal F and then cetrotide and ovidrel. Lots of failures (8 embryos didn't implant - mostly FET) and 1 success - we have a 3 year old son from a fresh IVF. 6500 N. Mopac (Loop 1) Expressway Building 1, Maybe it is too soon for bloating. Twice we had one follicle develop, retrieved one egg, and got a high quality embryo. Thanks! Concerns about timing of Lupron Depot protocol, Insight on New FET Protocol? Vicodin(20 tabs),plus a refill x2(Did not refill/use) Did you change protocol? Long awaited FET on 9/3. Switch Protocol 2nd Time Around? i.really hope.that this year brings me sharing your story. Total noob question about protocols - don't be offended. Has anyone done this Lupron STOP protocol? Many different stimulation regimens have been developed and evaluated and it is therefore very important for you to discuss your options in detail with your physician. Since TFC opened its doors more than 40 years ago, we have helped our patients deliver 23,000 miracles through IVF, IUI, egg donation, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, and reconstructive fertility surgery. I tell myself the poor responder is compared with someone with PCOS and not a "normal" fertile person. 8 fertilized w/ IC, Im about to do a frozen embryo transfer but I have very thin uterine lining. END MENTS. IVF#4 (Dec2013/Jan 2014): Microdose flare+Saizen+testosterone 4 eggs retrieved, all mature and fertilized by ICSI, ET of 1 6-cell embryo an 1 8-cell embryo graded 2 and 3. I did do both natural start and primed and my response was the same. With IVF#2, we did MDL. A Group Owner is a member that has initiated the creation of a group to connect with other members to share their journey through the same pregnancy & baby stages. The number of daily injections are fewer (4 to 5 days) of antagonists versus 3-4 weeks of agonists) and the length of time to stimulate the follicles to maturity is one or two days shorter, so you may need less total gonadotropins. At 43 I see now looking back it truly is egg quality. I'm gearing up for my 4th IVF cycle next month. I think so because I was usually stimming with 300 Follistim before, but I'll check. A reproductive immunologist and had been doing prednisone estrogen primed microdose lupron flare protocol karela tacrolimus, hydroxycloroquine, intralipids, and others! 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