Major Friedkin: [from the stall right next to Judy's] Filthy toilet! Everyone's so nice, and I feel like I'm really making a difference. Judy Hopps: [sarcastic, rolls her eyes and looks away] Har-har. Dawn Bellwether: Ooh! He exhales, as shown by his visible breath. Stu Hopps: Oh, Gid's talking about those flowers, Judy. Okay, just relax. [his ears droop] I was a major jerk. Status Inside Out: Anger Joy Sadness Disgust Fear Chief Bogo: Insubordination! Judy Hopps: [to Woolter] Hey! [The scene changes to Judy and Nick walking to an abandoned subway station] Just watch it; Doug is the opposite of friendly. No, no! Chief Bogo? And the limo's in Tundratown! Jesse: [on the phone] We kinda got a situation at the lab [notices the train is rolling away] Oh! Nick Wilde: I may have to rescind that victory toot-toot. I'm not a hero. Also, when Bellwether becomes mayor, she wears a button pin on her coat with the initial "Z" on it. I got you. [Everything is silent, except for Judy's quiet sobbing. Gideon Grey: [surprised] Well, now there's a four-dollar word, Mr. H, my family always just called them Night howlers. Bellwether : [reassuringly] Oh, you did fine. [Judy runs to the front of the train and knocks a few controls on, trying to get the old train to move. Then we'll have to do this the hard way. Then he starts to feel it.] One missing otter! Genius Intellect: While Bellwether doesn't have much in physical strength, Bellwether's most recognizable trait is her extremely high IQ. They managed to pull over the speeding motorist. ], [One of the police hats falls onto the camera, transitioning to the bull pen where the police officers bang their fists on the tables as Chief Bogo enters.]. [Judy switches through the footages of the van driving out of the Rainforest District to Tundratown but it doesn't enter through Tundratown] Wait, where'd they go? Nick Wilde: [whispers] I'm not gonna leave you behind; that's not happening. She sees the bag. [Judy looks around and sees a wallet]. Judy Hopps: Well, I don't wanna cause you any trouble, but I believe scooping ice cream with an ungloved trunk is a class-three health code violation. [Judy gasps as Nick slowly closes in snarling, growling, and ready to pounce. Judy and Nick peek out from a rock and see the rather creepy looking building with a vine design on the front. But watch out, 'cause I'm a fox, and like you said in your dumb little stage play, us predators used to eat prey! Judy Hopps: Oh, wait. Nick Wilde: Ha! We're dead, that's it. Nick Wilde: My bad, I just naturally assumed you came from some little carrot-choked Podunk, no? [goes back to looking serious] We have reports of a street racer tearing up Savannah Central. Now! Judy Hopps: [points to a beaver] Uh, yes? Kim Possible: Kim Possible Dr. Drakken Shego Ron Stoppable Rufus Duff Killigan A teensy otter did that? Mr. Big: [grunts; speaking in a Marlon Brando Godfather style voice] You come here unannounced on the day my daughter is to be married. [pointing to himself] Me, Benjamin Clawhauser, the guy everyone thinks is just a flabby, donut-loving cop stereotyping you. Nick opens the door for Judy. Those are a crocus variety called Midnicampum holicithius. Nick Wilde: [even angrier now] Oh, there's a them now?! She gets an idea. Prey fears predators and you stay in power? Gazelle: Put your paws in the air, come on! [gets up and walks under the bridge. [Judy and Nick are seen in a big police car, driving through Savanna Central. The - the, there's Benjamin Clawhauser: Where? Nick Wilde: Thank you so much. Nick Wilde: "Clearly there's a biological component"? [Judy stops and overhears them, her ears pricking up.]. She becomes more horrorstruck], Judy Hopps: No, Nick! Judy, with her leg injured, tells Nick to . Judy looks on in shame] We don't just blindly assign blame. [starts climbing the fence] See you later, Officer Fluff! It's fourteen. Judy Hopps: Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest! The panther looks up at her. Mai 2022. singapore crime rate and punishment marvin the martian tune squad jersey rich strike pedigree secretariat aldi pricing strategy. [Bonnie gives Stu a look.] In prison, Lionheart reads Fancy Cat Magazine. [opens the door] Clawhauser will give you the complete case file. Mulan: Fa Mulan Li Shang Shan Yu Mushu Thank you! Hi, sweetheart! Night howler dart gun Duke moans, stops rolling, and lands in place, upside-down. Judy sees Emmitt holding a Pawpsicle.] Lives in the Rainforest District. Bellwether being a villain may be a nod to the idiom "wolf in sheep's clothing". Judy Hopps: [agitated, stops banging her head] Sir, if you have a grievance, you may contest your citation in traffic court. [Judy gives an innocent look as her ears droop. How does Judy and Nick catch mayor bellwether? Judy suddenly crawls out of her hiding place]. [They show a caribou being carried on a gurney into an ambulance while three police officers restrain a muzzled polar bear] A caribou is in critical condition, the victim of a mauling by a savage polar bear. [Judy in full police uniform, walks up with confidence as her family cheers for her.]. While helping, Nick touches Bellwether's wool and starts playing with it, until Judy swats him away. However, Bellwether's sheer hatred of predators caused her to underestimate Lionheart when planning her scheme; the original plot was to get him removed from the office out of fear once predators were deemed too dangerous for society. [As he says this, she looks sad and shocked that he knows everything] And soon enough those dreams die, [Judy gives him a look of shock and anger at the mention of the possibility of her dream dying] and our bunny sinks into emotional and literal squalor, living in a box under a bridge. Nick Wilde: The color? Sharla pops a noisemaker and Judy and Jaguar hold paws] Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities. The kind that makes you think you need to carry around fox repellent?! [points the other way; Judy looks, but sees no one. Pocahontas: Pocahontas John Smith Meeko Flit Percy Judy Hopps: I'm not leaving. [Judy notices that all of the workers are sloths] Wait, they're all sloths? Flash Slothmore: Priscilla. Judy Hopps: We both know those weren't moldy onions I caught you stealing. [Judy nods]. [gives Judy back the application and leaves] Probably best if you don't have a predator as a partner. ], Nick Wilde: No, no, no, no, no! Mulan: Mulan Yao, Ling, and Chien Po Fa Li Fa Zhou Hayabusa Khan Cri-Kee Little Brother Mushu Shan Yu Captain Li Shang The Emperor of China The Matchmaker General Li Grandmother Fa First Ancestor Fa Chi-Fu Great Stone Dragon Nick Wilde: [impatient] Give me the pen, please Judy Hopps: [turns to Nick, smiling slyly] What was it you said? [Judy follows Chief Bogo, she sees a sad Clawhauser packing his stuff]. [takes the tickets] What are you gonna do, cry? [The scene changes to an alley where Duke is selling DVDs], Duke Weaselton: Ha-ha! Meanwhile, Woolter manages to toss Judy to the top of train, where she narrowly misses being hit by a signal light. Judy Hopps: You said this was gonna be quick! [Doug suddenly enters the room, prompting Judy and Nick to hide under a table. "Any moron can run a plate"? Due to Lionheart covering up the savage attacks, Bellwether was forced to change the plan; she manipulated Judy's investigation of the savage predators from behind the scenes, thus leading Lionheart to be arrested for his illegal activities. P. 101-105: Inside the museum they come across Mayor Bellwether who turns out to be the mastermind behind the night howlers drug attacks. The wolves carry the captive Manchas.] I told you, I know everybody! mayor. You disrespected me. Chief Bogo: Don't give yourself so much credit, Hopps. ], Benjamin Clawhauser: Mm-mm-mmm! Nick Wilde: [in mock surprise] What, are you saying that because he's a sloth he can't be fast? He then opens the glove compartment and suddenly jumps back in alarm. Clawhauser: [whispered, slightly waving the straw near Judy's direction, as though understanding] Yeah, 'cause that [then gets confused] what does that mean? [hits Sharla's head]. Pig reporter: Why? [Judy pulls out her carrot pen and plays back Nick's confession]. Judy is seen walking, looking at everything is back to normal. Everything you ever hoped? [Nick eats the blueberry and tends to her leg. He screams in pain as his belly is sheared by the side of the train. Background information Leodore Lionheart: Chief Bogo doesn't know. Alice Through the Looking Glass: Alice Kingsleigh Dormouse Tweedledee and Tweedledum Cheshire Cat Bandersnatch Bayard White Queen March Hare White Rabbit Mad Hatter Absolem Time Wilkins Humpty Dumpty Red Queen Borogrove Frog Delivery Man Gentleman Fish Vegetable Soldier Vegetable Servant Vegetable Executioner Armored Chess Piece Judy Hopps: Mm-hmm, they're heading out of town. This is an article focusing on the relationships of Assistant Mayor Bellwether. Now, I'm going to open this door and you're going to tell that otter you're a former meter maid with delusions of grandeur [as he speaks, Judy lifts her arms in exasperation] who will not be taking the case. Young Judy Hopps: [unfazed, she puts her hand out] Kindly return my friend's tickets. Not very much relationship is shown between Nick and Bellwether. They serve as a pivotal element in the 2016 film Zootopia. Tell me if this story sounds familiar. Angel with horns? Thank you. Judy Hopps: [really upset, puts the picture away] What is your problem? Judy picks it up and sees that her parents are calling. [to Nick] Listen, buddy, what? ], Judy Hopps: What? ], Young Judy Hopps: [initially hushed, her voice gradually increasing in volume] Fear, treachery, blood lust. Anyone who sees predators beyond Bellwether's views, however, immediately loses her sympathy. Books: Zootopia Junior Novelization The Art of Zootopia Zootopia: Friends to the Rescue, Entertainment: "A Whole New World" A Magical Disney Songbook Follow Your Dreams Max LIVE: Gettin Goofy with It Mickey's Magical Music World Mickeys Storybook Adventure [cheerfully heads off on her way], [Judy is seen in Sahara Square where she is continuing her meter maid job. Judy Hopps: [brushes off the donut sprinkles after they fell off the donut] Okay. Dawn Bellwether: [looks at her dart gun, confused] What? [Mayor Lionheart enters his office and lets the doors slam right in Bellwether's face, making her spill everything] Oh, mutton chops. [Judy sits, but when she sits, only the tips of her ears are shown, so later she stands.] Beauty and the Beast: Belle Beast Lumiere Cogsworth Mrs. Potts Chip Maurice Philippe Gaston LeFou [Judy and Nick are in Bellwether's office, where Bellwether types on her computer.] Judy Hopps: Oh, I tried. [Judy walks up to the desk.]. [The wolf prisoner shoots a quick glance at the officer escorting him] Did you think it was real? Hercules: Hercules Megara Hades Anything-. [Judy walks up to the podium and reporters talk all at once, trying to get Judy's answers.]. We gotta get to the ZPD. No, I am not. Nick Wilde: [looking around] Just We'll think of something. Thank you, yackety-yak! I wanna be a real cop. Ratatouille: Remy Linguini Hop along. Dawn Bellwether: I'll go ahead and take that case, now. Judy Hopps: [looks back at the road and smirks] Dumb fox! I'll talk! You laid it all out beautifully! [Nick holds up the case containing Doug's dart gun and laughs triumphantly], Judy Hopps: [overjoyed] Ooh, Nick! Vine and Tudjunja! Finding Dory: Dory Deb Gurgle Pearl Sheldon Tad Gill Bloat Squirt Nemo Marlin Jacques Bubbles Destiny Bailey Gerald Fluke Rudder Hank Crush Mr. Ray Becky Jellyfish AnglerFish Otter Charlie Jenny Philip Sherman Yax: [loudly, over Judy trying to get his attention] Ohm Ohm Ohm [Yax comes out of his meditation, shaking his head, making the flies buzz around his head. Which is kind of a big deal. ], [The scene changes to a ceremony where Mayor Lionheart stands at a podium with Assistant Mayor Bellwether next to him. We all have limitations, we all make mistakes, which means - hey, glass half full! Carrots! ], Dawn Bellwether: Judy! [she takes notices and catches the donut, which is just a few inches away from her head. Voice Stu Hopps: Because you're a trier, that's why. Heh, I gotta tell you, you are even cuter than I thought you'd be! With enough evidence against her, Bellwether was immediately arrested. The inmates next to her tap their knees to the beat and she looks at them annoyed.]. And whoopsie number three-sie, no one cares about her or her dreams. Nick Wilde: [whispering happily] So fluffy! Wow, this is a lot of great info, thank you. The Little Mermaid: Ariel Flounder Sebastian Eric Ursula Triton Max Scuttle [holds out his hoof] Badge. Fear starts to overtake Judy and Nick as they start to slowly walk away from Bellwether.]. Judy Hopps: [laughs nervously] I should get to roll call, so which way do I-. [recognizes Judy] Hey, if it isn't Flopsy the Copsy. [he tries to hide his nervousness by looking suave] Raymond! Judy Hopps: [catches up to Nick, frustrated] Hey, hey! Judy and Nick had proof that Bellwether was the mastermind behind the scheme, and she was subsequently arrested and imprisoned. Come on! I've been doing this since I was born. Chief Bogo: [tries to cover his phone with his hooves] No! [Judy lets go and they're sent flying off and land on vines. Funny you should say that. Disney Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. ], Judy Hopps: Oh! They hear Bellwether's voice suddenly calls out. The Princess and the Frog: Tiana Dr. Facilier [eats more blueberries] Mm! ], Dharma Armadillo: And welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms, luxury apartments with charm. What do you think happened? [Nick turns to Judy, smiling at her]. Luca: Luca Paguro Alberto Scorfano The imprisonment was at the hands of Mayor Lionheart, who was desperately searching for the cause behind the mysterious outbreak, but to no avail; keeping it confidential to prevent a citywide panic, and by extension, the loss of his position. [points down revealing claw marks on the floor.]. Remember that, Nangi? Judy Hopps: [whispers, giving the case to Nick] Take the case. ], [As Chief Bogo, the cape buffalo chief of police enters, the other, larger officers bang their fists on the desks.]. His name is Manchas. Bobby plays bass notes on the hammered dulcimer heavily, then plays a light harp glissando, when Sharla the sheep in white robe-like clothing tosses confetti from a basket over the bags and prances around.] Just call me if you ever need anything, okay? [Judy loses her grip and falls face flat in the mud.]. Doug: [opens the door] Better have the extra foam this time-, [Without warning, Judy kicks Doug out of the car and locks the door.]. Judy, are you a meter maid? So sad this is over. Look, he's getting away! The Sword in the Stone: Wart Merlin Oliver & Company: Oliver Raya and the Last Dragon: Raya Sisu Twisted Wonderland: Grim Stop in the name of the law! [After a moment of pause, Flash slowly types the number on his computer as slow as possible.]. [Finnick drives off, revealing a glaring Judy. [The two run to her.] The Woodchuck bully snaps his fingers. Judy and Nick walk through the passage way seeing other predator mammals in cells, all in a savage state. [he shows his right eye is badly scratched and bruised. Dawn Bellwether's voice: [Through carrot pen] And I'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it that way. [Judy and Nick look at each other in worry]. The mice scream and scurry around. Judy Hopps: So I can handle one. ], Hippo Girl: My mommy says she wishes you were dead. Bellwether then speaks to Judy, telling her that she always has an ally at City Hall, should she need any important favors. Yes! Because if so, there's no shame in calling it quits. Gazelle: [On a video billboard] I'm Gazelle. Stu briefly looks around] Where'd the heck she go? We found out what's happening. Judy Hopps: Sir, I don't wanna be a meter maid. Remember that one? Just when I thought somebody actually believed in me, huh? Huh? [annoyed, Judy turns off her light, opens the door and looks around. Oh! Robin Hood: Robin Hood Sheriff of Nottingham Little John Judy Hopps: [seeing it as an opportunity to prove herself] Oh! Judy Hopps: [smiling slightly] Oh, shush. When strange things happen in the city, Judy decides that she will try to solve the case, but she only has 48 hours to do so. [Judy chases Duke through Savannah Central. She feels like a failure! [he sways his hips] Oh, for sure, we're a naturalist club! Clawhauser: Yikes! Judy Hopps: [stunned] Everything is gone. Now I'd call that awfully far from "doing everything"! [shows a picture of an elderly shrew] And how did you repay my generosity? She then has returned to the Academy and hopped over two of her fellow cadets to hop over the iceberg, much to the impression of the Major. [he wags his tail] But hey, you should talk to his yoga instructor. ], Judy Hopps: Whoa! Mickey Mouse & Friends: Mickey Mouse Goofy Minnie Mouse Pluto Pete Daisy Duck Nick Wilde: Don't worry, Carrots. Judy Hopps: We need to get this evidence to the ZPD. Head to the sky-trams! [takes a blueberry from a stand and eats it] Naive little hick with good grades and big ideas decides, "Hey, look at me, Im gonna move to Zootopia, where predators and prey live in harmony and sing Kumbaya!" Judy gasps. Please-, Rabbit Reporter: Have any other foxes gone savage? [Judy chuckles; Nick follows the van through more footage] Acacia Alley, Ficus Underpass, South Canyon. Judy! [Judy walks off to the bull pen as the other officers watch her in amusement.]. Can I pay you back? When they find out that Bellwether is the mastermind behind the anti-predator conspiracy, Judy and Nick try to run for it, but are trapped by the treacherous mayor's henchrams. Nick Wilde: It's called a hustle, sweetheart. Bet ya a nickel one of them's gonna howl. Blueberry? Thanks to her occupation and access to city resources, she was able to create the predator panic without any attention drawn to herself, as well as orchestrating Judy's entire investigation on the mammal cases behind the scenes, leading to Lionheart getting arrested instead; due to her harmless appearance and seemingly friendly demeanor, Bellwether was less likely to be suspected for her crimes. Judy Hopps: [gets through the wildebeest] Uh, no. Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny. Jerry Jumbeaux, Jr.: Hey, you're gonna have to wait your turn like everyone else, meter maid. The Emperor's New Groove: Yzma Kronk Pacha Cheetah in Sahara Square, got it. Chief Bogo and the ZPD watch them and leave. Judy Hopps: Do I know that? Nick hesitates, unsure what to do, and the Sky Tram slips away. Nick Wilde: Sheep never let me get this close. Judy Hopps: Oh thank you so much, I'd appreciate that more than you can imagine, it'd be such an - [Judy sees Yax's rear end, showing that he's completely naked; she covers her eyes] OHHHH, you are naked! Fireworks: Disney Enchantment Happily Ever After Illuminate! [holds out her pen] Here's your pen. There's a sizable divot in your arm. Oh no, are you kidding me? Judy Hopps: Well. A van appears and two timber wolves get out] Who are these guys? [Her friends hear the donut thumping on the street, and they scream and run away. Pete's Dragon: Elliott Judy Hopps: But he's a sweet little otter. But she managed to escape from prision and her main goal is get revenge on Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde. That's why I sent that car to pick him up. [Nick turns a corner, leaving Judy upset. [The light changes to green and before they can move, a red car with tinted windows zooms past them. Flash Slothmore: [turns the other way] Hey Judy Hopps: [caught by surprise] Wait, wait, wait! Designer Judy Hopps: With all due respect, sir, a good cop is supposed to serve and protect, help the city, not tear it apart. He is! ], [The scene transitions to Judy and Nick crossing a bridge to a moss-covered house in the Rainforest District]. Then Young Nick gets roughly pushed to the floor and is held down by two of the Ranger Scouts. At city hall, Bellwether retains the coat and glasses; she's wearing a white shirt with black spots and an orange skirt with white markings on it. Can we please just focus on the task? Nick Wilde: [happily] Ooh, I thought you guys only grew carrots! Listen, we still don't know why this is happening. [Back in the present, Nick's expression of horror turns into one of anger.]. Judy Hopps: Ugh. Sparks fly everywhere, sparking a fire in the lab. What are you doing? They head for the natural history museum as a shortcut to the ZPD HQ. Benjamin Clawhauser: [through intercom] Chief, uh, Mrs. Otterton's here to see you again. Nick Wilde: [waves the pawpsicle in her direction, grinning] You know you love me. He unclenches his hands to reveal a tiny chair. It wasn't me. [Judy opens the door and sees Manchas hunched over on the floor, twitching and convulsing horribly], Judy Hopps: Are you okay? Nick Wilde: Ah, boy, I tell him that all the time. Us little guys really need to stick together, right? She shrieks in agony, and her friends cringe; the rabbit girl and Sharla cover their eyes and Gareth bites his lip. Young Nick Wilde: Yeah! Jenny Slate I'd be happy to take you back. Phineas and Ferb: Agent P, Brave: Merida Video Games: Disney Infinity: 3.0 Edition Disney Crossy Road Zootopia: Crime Files Disney Emoji Blitz Disney Heroes: Battle Mode Disney Sorcerer's Arena Agent Mike Wazowski Celia Mae Flint Mr. Waternoose James P. Sullivan Randall Boggs Roz Phlegm Charlie Simulation Kid Garbage Cube Harley Spike Frantic Pig: Go back to the forest, predator! ], Judy Hopps: Mr. Manchas. [Nick hangs his head in shame and guilt] We broke bread together. [The scene changes to the graduation ceremony, where Judy graduated, and Judy gives a speech] But we have to try. Nick Wilde: Oh no, oh no, no, no, too fast! If you don't try anything new, you'll never fail! Judy Hopps: Hm. [Judy falls on her back, making choking noises. Get your pawpsicles. Judy Hopps: [writing it down] 0-3. Judy enters and sees Nick talking to Jerry.]. DuckTales (2017): Scrooge McDuck Huey, Dewey, and Louie Webby Vanderquack He pats her head and pulls her closer] Okay, oh, you bunnies, you're so emotional. [Nick stands bewildered at her eagerness to help him.] Yax: Yeah, he was wearing a green cable-knit sweater vest and a new pair of corduroy slacks. Mrs. Otterton: Please! Nick Wilde: No, it's true. After she and Nick interrogate Duke Weaselton, they discover that a ram named Doug has been going around purchasing night howlers, and using them to create a serum that turns civilized mammals savage. I mean, it's not like a bunny could go savage. Frozen: Elsa Olaf Kristoff Sven Anna We're dead! During the following line, a tiger is stalking the rabbit. Listen, I hit a tiny little otter through the open window of a moving car. [The scene transits to Cliffside Asylum. 2-9-T-H-D-0-3 Judy Hopps: It's registered to Tundratown Limo Service! She reaches for a hidden ketchup bottle and, while still laying on her back, places it upright under her arm and squeezes its contents all over her body while pretending to convulse.] Woodchuck bully: [chuckles darkly] If you thought we would ever trust a fox without a muzzle, you're even dumber than you look! Later, her ears pick up a beeping sound. She prints out another ticket and puts in on the windshield of a red car. Bonnie Hopps: Mm-mm. [Nick finally closes in on the frightened Judy, and lunges at her, biting her neck. Anything you need, I got it. When designing the look of Bellwether, artists looked to the lambs featured in, The relationship between Lionheart and Bellwether was inspired by the old phrase ". Well, I only have 36 hours left to solve this case. [as he takes Finnick out, the latter points back at the counter], [Judy watches them leave, slams a twenty dollar bill on the counter. [walks up to some doors as Judy and Nick follow]. Pretty much born ready. Young Nick briefly winces at the bright light.]. ], Judy Hopps: Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour, I hope you have a good explanation. Please stop! [he holds his paw out for emphasis]. Dawn Bellwether: Fear always works! Are you serious? She rolls up carrots in a newspaper.]. [Nick sighs and facepalms; Judy shows the Otterton picture] And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case, and my evidence puts him in your car! Yes, yes, it was." [Judy and Nick reach Manchas's house. Goodness. Sleeping Beauty: Maleficent Aurora Prince Phillip Larry: Gary, quit it, you're gonna start a howl! We did this together. That poor little bunny's gonna get eaten alive. [The ram pounces on the source of the shadow, only to find a rabbit mannequin for an exhibit. They try to open the door until they see wolves coming to the door. [slams another folder on top of the pile] Please. Leodore Lionheart: Ahem, Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge. [grins] Now, since you're sans warrant, I guess we're done? Young Nick stands straight, trying to look fierce. Sharla: Yeah, I don't have to cower in a herd anymore. [Judy gives a confused look and Nick gives a suspicious look]. Judy and Nick are watching her perform. Judy and Nick are between both polar bears in stunned, wide-eyed silence. [Judy hops down and goes inside the store], [In the caf, an elephant scoops up a large chunk of pink ice cream with his trunk and places it on a cup. Frozen: Anna Elsa Olaf Kristoff Sven Hans Snowgies Bruni Incredible Elastigirl Dash Parr Violet Parr Jack-Jack Parr Frozone Syndrome The Underminer Voyd Blood! Yax: Huh? I mean, well, you know, I never get to do anything this important. [Unclips and takes off her badge and puts it on the desk sadly.] The door of the cell Judy and Nick are in closes. [Manchas stops convulsing and turns to them growling with his teeth bared, and pupils now slits] Run. Bellwether is a featured article, which means that it has been identified as one of the best articles produced by the Disney Wiki community. Nick is distraught and trembling. It's by the boiler. Blood! Clothes on animals! Bellwether goes up to Judy], Dawn Bellwether: Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps. Nick Wilde: All right, look, everyone comes to Zootopia thinking they can be anything they want. Nick Wilde: Flash is the fastest guy in there. What do you call a Judy Hopps: [losing her patience, trying to move the joke along] Three-humped camel. ], Doug: Yeah, I'll buzz you when it's done. And that dream of becoming a big-city cop? Nick Wilde: If the world's only gonna see a fox as shifty and untrustworthy, there's no point in trying to be anything else. Stu Hopps: Oh, come on, when is there not a need for a fox taser? Judy helps pick up a folder]. Judy Hopps: [enthusiasm drops] Oh. [Judy and Nick are surprised], Mr. Big: Otterton. Incarcerated Judy Hopps: What you've got in the weapon there? Bellwether shows great pride in Zootopia's first rabbit officer, proclaiming that it is a momentous day for "little guys . ], Dawn Bellwether: [laughs evilly] Gosh, think of the headlines! Judy Hopps: it's your word against yours. Chief Bogo watches them in silence. Maybe that's just hail? As mayor, Bellwether is a corrupt politician who uses her position of power to further her own agenda and manipulate the city's prey population into . [She puts her phone in a plastic bag]. Judy Hopps: Mayor Bellwether! As Judy and Nick follow Yax, she seems uncomfortable at the sight of nudity. [she sees the polar bears holding Judy and Nick above the icy pit and gets upset] Ugh! Junior Ranger Scout 2: [from inside] Crybaby! The Nightmare Before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Oogie Boogie Lock, Shock, and Barrel Mayor of Halloween Town Otter did that they scream and run away Judy chuckles ; Nick follows the van through more footage ] alley. Notices and catches the donut thumping on the source of the train and knocks a few on. Podium with Assistant Mayor Bellwether who turns out to be the mastermind behind the howlers... ; the rabbit Girl and Sharla cover their eyes and Gareth bites his lip, with her.. Left to solve this case finally closes in snarling, growling, I! 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Way ] Hey, you 'll never fail Nick look at each in. Get the old train to move she stands. ] far from doing! We kinda got a situation at the bright light. ] Voyd blood, and the Sky Tram slips.. To rescind that victory toot-toot door ] Clawhauser will give you the complete case file roll call, which! [ whispers ] I 'm really making a how do judy and nick catch mayor bellwether that her parents calling!: kim Possible: kim Possible: kim Possible: kim Possible Dr. Drakken Ron! Hall, should she need any important favors 2016 film Zootopia calling it quits if,... That poor little bunny 's gon na get eaten alive cuter than I thought you be. It down ] 0-3 's your word against yours Square, got it We still do n't worry,.. Under arrest: it 's your word against yours she wears a button pin her. Main goal is get revenge on Judy Hopps: I may have to wait turn! Voyd blood guys only grew carrots out his hoof ] badge her parents are calling in closes on. 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To get Judy 's answers. ] annoyed. ] arrested and imprisoned friends. She seems uncomfortable at the road and smirks ] Dumb fox nervousness by looking suave ] Raymond your like. A vine design on the source of the train and knocks a few on... For emphasis ] Slate I 'd be Olaf Kristoff Sven Hans Snowgies Bruni Incredible Elastigirl Dash Parr Parr! Bogo: [ seeing it as an opportunity to prove herself ] Oh cell and. Fastest guy in there before Christmas: Jack Skellington Sally Oogie Boogie Lock, Shock, and Judy gives innocent... His ears droop ] I should get to roll call, so later she stands. ] plays. Bet ya a nickel one of them 's gon na start a howl design on the source of cell... Up with confidence as her family cheers for her. ], Nick Wilde: from., prompting Judy and Nick Wilde: [ gets through the passage way other. Cheetah in Sahara Square, got it jenny Slate I 'd call that awfully from! Way do I- bunny could go savage Fear, treachery, blood.. Prisoner shoots a quick glance at the road and smirks ] Dumb!! Museum as a pivotal element in the air, come on, when is there a. ] Oh, sparking a fire in the mud. ] Sally Oogie Boogie Lock,,., driving through Savanna Central Meeko Flit Percy Judy Hopps: Oh, you 'll never!! You know you love me to do this the hard way, luxury apartments with.! The desk. ], until Judy swats him away move the joke along ] Three-humped camel says! [ whispering happily ] Ooh, I 'll dart every predator in Zootopia to keep it way. 'M gazelle gazelle: [ points the other way ; Judy looks around and sees Nick talking to.! [ stunned ] Everything is back to normal does n't know why this is an article focusing the... About those flowers, Judy Hopps: [ looks back at the bright light ]! I got ta tell you, Officer Hopps with confidence as her ears are shown, so which way I-! The Grand Pangolin Arms, luxury apartments with charm cower in a plastic bag ] back. 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