I wish you were either cold or hot! He wants to be the friend that we invite over to dinner. If were doing something hoping that it will bring ourselves glory or accolades or pats on the back, then were not doing for God. We know from this introduction that what follows is being said by Jesus. He humbled Himself to the Father's will. To purchase from God gold tried in the fire is not only inclining your ear to the Lord, hearing him, going to him and making an everlasting covenant with him, but also loving, believing, and rejoicing as per 1 Peter 1:5-9, (quoted earlier). Suffer in the flesh, cease from sin. 18band white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed. -- Revelation 3: 14 (ESV) . The city was at the crossroads of north-south traffic between Sardis and Perga and east-west from the Euphrates to Ephesus. Please understand that this verse does NOT say that hot is good and cold is bad; they are both good. In terms of healing, the hot Christian will be bringing souls to Christ, healing them of their sinful condition. Works, or deeds, are more than simply what we do; they are how we live. The word beginning (arch) could be translated as that by which anything begins to be, the origin, active cause.12 The New Testament scriptures are very clear about Christ's role in creation. The main problem with this theory is that is always translated as an angel in Revelation and always used in that context.5 This does not mean that cannot refer to a human being as a messenger; it is simply not typical in the book of Revelation. The Lord rebukes the wealthy Christians, not because of their wealth, but rather because their money has substituted God. Praying for the sick should also be the norm for a hot Christian. We cant relax and mistakenly assume we have it made. The Greek word arche, which is translated Beginning, has a range of meanings from beginning, origin to the person or thing that commences to that by which anything begins to be to the first place, principality, rule, magistracy (Thayers Greek Lexicon). 2. Repentance is more than a feeling. What he was telling his listeners was that what they were about to hear from him was faithful, reliable, true, and believable. You dont expect (or want) to have lukewarm coffee served to you. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. 18a I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich. If it were a common practice to refer to the chief person in the church as a messenger, this would be evident in the other letters contained in the New Testament, especially in Paul's. Hierapolis achieved great renown for its hot springs and day spas. To fully understand what amen means, you must turn to the Old Testament. The word for love used in this verse is not agape but phileo. They were storing up treasure on earth, but not in heaven. Christ calls out to us, letting us know that because He overcame, we can also overcome. Our eternal perspective affects our earthly priorities. Remains of a water pipe in Laodicea (photo by David Treybig). The Laodicean Church became predominant towards the end of the twentieth century. One of the two Roman theaters is remarkably well preserved, and there may still be seen the stadium, a colonnade, the aqueduct which brought the water across the valley to the city by an inverted siphon of stone pipes, a large necropolis, and the ruins of three early Christian churches (ISBE). The phrase he who has an ear qualifies everyone who will listen and obey. Laodicea was a town in the Lycus River valley in present-day Turkey. Those who do not have "ears to hear" are spiritually dead and cannot obey God until they respond to His work in their hearts (John 6:65; Romans 11:8). As Jesus warned in His Olivet Prophecy, But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. Why does the church not hear his voice? You would probably spit it out at the first sip. The problem seems to be in their motives. It looks like Laodicea had put their faith in the gold that perishes. The also liked to add a little hot water to their wine. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost. In terms of textiles, a hot Christian is clean, lives a pure life abstaining from sin, and the colorfastness of the Holy Spirit ensures the fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23) doesnt fade. Laodicea SHARE History The leading city in the valley during the first century, Laodicea was destroyed by an earthquake in AD 60. Why you are doing something is just as important, if not more so, than the works or deeds. So, as a faithful shepherd, He commands the church to repent immediately. The Bible is the weapon God has given us; words to use against Satan's deceit like Jesus did, words that show us what to do, words of comfort. Sanctification is a progressive work of God and man that makes us more and more free from sin and like Christ in our actual lives.19 Imparted righteousness is applied imputed righteousness, or to put in simpler terms; sanctification is applied justification. It has everything to do with imparted righteousness. There is also a problem with assigning the pastor or bishop to the role of the messenger because they are not referred to as messengers anywhere in the New Testament. The writer of Hebrews tells us that everyone who lives on milk (rather than the solid food desired by the mature) is not accustomed to (unskilled in) the word of righteousness; however, the mature Christian has been trained by practice to distinguish good from evil. Repentance comes from the heart and involves confessing from the heart. Since it was socially unacceptable to serve lukewarm wine in Greek culture, I get the image of Christ being insulted by being served lukewarm wine and him spitting it out in response to that insult. We must ask God for forgiveness and for strength to avoid sinning. In John 1:14, we read the astonishing words that the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus could be described as the Word personified. Jesus is telling the church that He doesnt simply know their deeds; He knows the motives in their hearts. Youre going to have to give him your time. Laodicea was known for three things: It was a wealthy city and a financial center. How is your hearing? But this can only happen when we are in the right relationship with him. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches (Revelation 3:14-22). You must know the truth so well that, when the lies of the enemy appear, you can recognize it. Production of the famous "Phrygian powder" was also performed in Laodicea. As a result of not being either hot or cold for Jesus, they are like a rancid drink or repugnant drink that leaves a bitter taste in his mouth. People traveled from around the world to obtain these supposed healing elixirs. The Holy Spirit will come and show us the way out. valley. There are several thoughts on who they are: (1) actual angels, (2) a human representative of them, i.e., the bishop of the church, (3) they are a personification of the church. It is a message of hope and victory. What are we supposed to overcome? Church of the Lukewarm: Laodicea (Revelation 3:14-22) November 7, 2021. In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been distressed by various trials, so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ; and though you have not seen Him, you love Him, and though you do not see Him now, but believe in Him, you greatly rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, obtaining as the outcome of your faith the salvation of your souls. According to Expositors Bible Commentary, A six-mile-long aqueduct brought Laodicea its supply of water from the south. In John 14:14, Jesus said: You are my friends if you do what I command you. Had this church been filled with non-Christians, Jesus would not have called them friends. Serving wine lukewarm would be considered an insult. The fertile valley contained pastures with large flocks of sheep. A 1,000-year-old Anglo-Saxon 'eye salve' made from onion, garlic, wine and part of a cow's stomach has been shown to wipe out 90 percent of antibiotic-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, otherwise known as MRSA. Zeus, the supreme god, was also worshiped in the city (Expositors). Instead of looking to God to supply their every need, they look to their wealth instead. Jesus knows what it is like to be human. The therapeutic virtues of the waters became the calling card of the town. Remains of a water pipe in Laodicea (photo by David Treybig). After identifying Himself, Jesus immediately tells the church at Laodicea that He knows their worksthat they are neither cold nor hotand because they are lukewarm, He will vomit them out of His mouth (Revelation 3:15-16). The essential element in real repentance is that we must come to God in humbleness to request his forgiveness. When Jesus speaks, the church needs to listen. Laodicea on the Lycus, located at the crossroads of important trade routes, was once a prosperous city, famous for its black wool, banking services, and medical achievements. Hydrotherapy for the sick became accompanied by religious practices in the local temples. Jesus doesnt just look at the actions we perform; he focuses on the heart. In the situations of daily life, when tempted by impatience, irritation, envy, discouragement, etc. You would have thought that this was the ultimate act of humility. David Treybig is a husband, father and grandfather. Cling to the Vine "I am the vine; you are the branches. The Laodicean church is not hot. Its as if he was served something to drink that was inadequate, subpar, or even bad tasting. More than likely, the members of the church in Laodicea were carnal Christians. It was renowned for physicians and some of them were even minted on the local coins. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. 4. The Greek word for deeds ( - ergon) means means denotes comprehensively what a man is and how he acts.13 Typically translated as works or deeds, these words do not accurately convey the richness of the Greek word. These rivers provided the water the crops and flocks needed in the Lycos valley. It was part of a long trade route that included the four previous cities to the north. Jesus starts by calling himself the Amen, a term reserved for God himself in the Old Testament. And it works better than modern antibiotics in both lab and mouse models. There is a major problem associated with being an angelic angel. God has appointed Him heir of all things and made the universe through Him. Also, read Proverbs chapter eight. The Laodiceans needed to turn away from putting their trust in their earthly gold and instead put their trust in Jesus Christ, and that would involve repentance. The fertile valley contained pastures with large flocks of sheep. You will know Gods character and will, and that is the heart of spiritual discernment being able to distinguish the voice of God from the voice of the world. Other sources suggest that the water came from a hot spring with mineralized water containing sulfur, giving it an unpleasant taste and smell. Setting wine flasks in hot water allowed the wine to heat to the desired temperature. Additionally, it was the home of a medical school known for the treatment of eye problems, where it produced a famous eye salve. It was named Laodicea by the Greek ruler Antiochus II Theos around 260 BC in honor of his wife Laodice. Spiritual fire burns away spiritual impurities. The letter starts as if being written to an angel, but there is no doubt that it is the congregation itself who is the focus of the letter. He wants to be a friend with whom we enjoy spending time. Ho! 3 Ways to Avoid Becoming a Lukewarm Church. The major idea behind this word is constancy and reliability.8 Isaiah referred to God as the God of amen, due to his truthfulness and trustworthiness (Isaiah 65:16). The third theory (I tend to side with this one) is that the angel is simply a personification of the church itself.6 A personification is an imaginary person or creature conceived to represent something. (20) Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and will dine with him, and he with Me. This letter was not written by a weary shepherd, hoping to be let in for some comfort and a bite to eat. The angel of the churches are addressed, not simply as touched by the faults of the church, but as guilty of them as well.7 Since the letters are written to an angel, about the sins of the church, and the coming punishment for those sins, it is not logical that the angel would be a heavenly being. Gods Word is a sword. But it's written that it was as a man that He humbled Himself, and was obedient. Jesus is reminding us that he is God, and as such, cannot lie. What images came into their minds? For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth (Luke 21:34-35). Throughout the ages Satan has blinded the minds of most people (. And because Jesus was the Creator, He has the rule over it. The word cold is the Greek word (psuchros) and means cool, fresh, or cold.14 It should be obvious that being cold must be a good thing, or Christ would not have recommended it. So what does it cost to purchase eye salve from Christ? This act concealed the shame of his nakedness. Another lesson from the message to Laodicea is that we must be doers of Gods Word. Kris Udd In Revelation 3:18, God advises the church in Laodicea to purchase eye salve from him, "so that you may see." In the context this is clearly a metaphor for gaining spiritual sight and avoiding spiritual blindness, but the metaphor is based off of a well-known Roman practice. Keep in mind as you read about the Laodiceans that they are a church filled with Christians. This occurs as we repent when we learn that we have sinned and as we allow ourselves to be led by Gods Holy Spirit. Those terms are imputed righteousness and imparted righteousness. His obedience was because, as a man, He had self-will that was in agreement with the Father's. Laodicea built an aqueduct that ran from the mountains above Colossae to the city center. Christ told the church at Laodicea to buy____from Him to become truly rich. The city was also known as a health resort, one of the best in the Graeco-Roman world owing mostly to its lukewarm . Jesus wants you to be cold. The focus of justification is the removal of the guilt of sin. Therefore God exalted Him and gave Him his own thrown (Philippians 2:5-11). 4. 3. The mineral water from Hieroplis helped to lock in the color dyes so that the color did not fade after being washed multiple times. I got caught. Here we see Christ speaking as a merchant, advising the church to buy his merchandise. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth. The term lukewarm is a key word used to describe Laodicea. (17) Because you say, I am rich, and have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and you do not know that you are wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked, Various thermal installations, which included immense hot basins and pools for swimming, were built to take advantage of the natural resource. The ancient Greeks liked their wine hot or cold. While the original name of the city came from Antiochus IIs wife, the name also has an interesting meaning in Greek. Moses was rebuking the rebellious Israelites by saying, But to this day, the LORD has not given you a heart to understand or eyes to see or ears to hear. He was not referring to physical hearing, but to those who may hear the commands of the Lord but who lacked comprehension and desire to act upon those words (Jeremiah 5:21; Ezekiel 12:2). The Greek word for "witness" ( - martus) means "one who can or does aver what he has seen or heard or knows. Their wealth has become their savior who supplies their every need. We have been warned and cautioned to be ready for His arrival. Laodicea had a famous school of medicine; and a special ointment known as Phrygian powder, famous for its cure of eye defects, was either manufactured or distributed there, as were ear ointments also. Jesus just informed the wealthy Laodiceans that they were quite poor, and now hes telling them to purchase gold from him. (16) So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. As for rebuilding the city after an earthquake, history records that the Laodiceans did this again a few decades later. In the context of Revelation 3, then, Christ was standing at the door of the Laodicean church, eager to re-enter the congregation through the genuine repentance of its members. He and his wife, Teddi, have two grown children and seven grandchildren. Colossae had been a major trade center on the trade route from Sardis to Konya and was famous for the dark red wool cloth that carried that its name, colossinum (also derived from the madder root). The culture of the city had infiltrated the church, and the members didnt know how spiritually wretched and weak they were. (18) I advise you to buy from Me gold refined by fire so that you may become rich, and white garments so that you may clothe yourself, and that the shame of your nakedness will not be revealed; and eye salve to anoint your eyes so that you may see. On the cross daily, they suffer and die. Some have wondered if the last name mentionedthe Beginning of the creation of Godindicates that Jesus was a created Being. 3. The residents of Laodicea would have also traveled up to Hierapolis to sit in the hot mineral baths. Before considering the significance of this term and the rest of the message from Christ, lets note a few things about Laodiceas history. They had somehow taken off the white clothing they received during salvation and stood naked before God. After such strong correction, it is especially poignant to note that God wants sinners to repent and will quickly forgive their sins if they do. ointment made from spice nard and an eye salve made from Phrygian stones. Even though Jesus spent time with sinners, he never called them friends. While this is not impossible, as John could have summoned a messenger from each of the churches to receive the appropriate correspondence, it is not probable. At the foot of Mount Cadmus, it benefited from an endless supply of cold, freshwater coming down from the snow caps. Phileo is the Greek word for friend or friendship. "11 (According to dictionary.com, the word "aver" means to declare positively, or state something as a fact.) The mineral water was used to clean the wool and set, or lock, the color of the dyes (this ensures the wool holds its color when washed). 16 So because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. 2019 by Steven P. Wickstrom, all rights reserved. It is very important to understand that this verse is NOT saying that Jesus was the first thing created; rather, it is stating that Jesus was the source of creation. People commonly but mistakenly believe that wealth means that God is pleased with them. It is the foundation of wisdom. I could wish you were cold or hot. It is to have a sense of what is right and what is wrong. Giving time to Christ is what Christians must do to develop spiritual discernment. The word discipline is the Greek word (paideu) and means to correct, to chastise.22 The basic idea behind this word is correction or guidance. One of the most common errors associated with this verse is the notion that the door is the door to a sinners heart. We now come back to the question of how do you buy from Jesus' refined gold? The city of Laodicea was located between the cities of Hierapolis and Colossae. Concluding with encouragement, Jesus reminds them that if they overcome, they will rule with Him (verse 21). The stone and salve were later imported throughout the Greek and Roman world but their first known use and preparation was in Laodicea. Water is an important necessity for any metropolis, and the ancient city of Laodicea accommodated this need. The red dye was added to white wool and then spun into a brilliant red colored yarn. Please understand that Christ is not referring to saving faith in this passage. Their money has become their idol, and they worship it rather than worshiping God. COVID-19 Updates: If you are feeling sick, have a fever, sore throat, chills, cough, or extreme fatigue, please text or call us to reschedule. Rather than worshiping God of your nakedness will not be revealed Christian be! That hot is good and cold is bad ; they are a church filled with Christians, Laodicea was for... Route that included the four previous cities to the Old Testament how spiritually wretched and weak were. Him to become truly rich this verse is not agape but phileo lab and mouse.... '' means to declare positively, or deeds earth, but not in heaven 16 ) so because you lukewarm. Him heir of all things and made the universe through Him motives in their hearts a water pipe Laodicea... Ask God for forgiveness and for strength to avoid sinning God laodicea eye salve pleased with them hot! 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