3. 0 Water cans or lyster bag same considerations. 3-12. The Eight Steps of TLP STANDARD RANGE CARD 4-96. Initially, MP priority of effort during the offense may be providing MMS for ground DODDOA-009782 SCREENING MISSIONS Position the assault and support elements parallel to the enemy's movement route (such as on a road or trail or at a stream). http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlseviewinublic/297074-1/fin/3- .1 2/27/7(104 2-7. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fm/3- .12/27/2004 Provide illumination by using handheld flares or grenade launchers with illuminating rounds. An ambush enables a small unit with light weapons to harass or destroy a larger, better-equipped unit. As a minimum, each crossing site requires an ERP at its own call-forward area. As a rule, do not fire until the targets are visible. Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) - Standardized Mission Essential Task Lists (METL) are the Headquarters, Department of the Army official listings of the fundamental tasks that units are designed to perform in any operational environment. Refer to Chapter 7 for more information about division army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.4/chate.htm 12/27/2004. http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/3 http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3- http://atiam.train.army.mil/portaliatia/adlseview/oublic/297074-1, http://atiam.train.armv.mil/nortal/atia/adlsc/view/nublie/297074-1. Weapons. Time management is the key. combat support (CS) across the full spectrum of Army operations. space, and personnel. Conserving unit strength through economy of force. Refer to Appendix J for more information about NBC reconnaissance. the mission. It requires detailed coordination; planning; and close, continuous supervision of the movement. When the platoon sets up as a base separately, it must be able to defend against a wide range of enemy activity. Once higher HQ has established local FP policies, leaders set 2-11. levels of driver experience will increase the need for MP traffic control operations. Sometimes prompt evacuation would be more dangerous to their survival than retention in the combat zone. forces. Uses buildings (in an urban area) to conceal the CP. Just as important is the understanding of firing techniques and associated fire distribution, reacting to air and armor attacks, calling for fire, and obtaining various fire support. If the vehicles cannot leave the road, they are parked at an angle so alternate vehicles face opposite sides of the road. The commander's selected COA will become the actual plan for accomplishing the The platoon sector sketch shows the following: DODDOA-009788 opportunities and limitations of the major terrain features, transportation networks, and NOTE: These routes form a fan-shaped pattern around the ORP. Nevertheless, a dug-in fighting position may be the key to survivability. For example, a supply company may have the METL task to receive, store, and distribute supplies. When the OPs/LPs detect enemy 4-43. When drafting the ROE, it must be clearly articulated and understood that the role of The lane training doctrine outlined in FM 25-101 and TC 25-10 can be tailored for small MP units by using the training execution model (TEM). the example by complying with them. When the unit approaches likely danger areas (such as bridges and tunnels), have one or more teams dismount. Platoons want to get the best security they can while tasking a minimum of soldiers to provide security. MAEWR. Figure 4-1. train. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 marker of the vehicle ahead. 5-11. 2-15. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 Seek to gain the element of surprise. Area reconnaissance and surveillance are vital to maintaining AS and contribute to the commander's intelligence collection plan. http://atiam.train.armv.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fmn-19 4/chnn4 htrn.1101onna The commander sets the conditions under which military traffic moves at night. The size of the division forward collecting point and the placement of the CORPS MILITARY POLICE Only the elements that change are given. The increase in traffic and the more diverse forces with different The combat load ensures that a unit is ready for combat even when it ison the move. MP may provide TCPs and guide support to lanes at any level of marking. When aiming from a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle, or both, the gunner must lead the target. train. LEGEND adjacent units are informed of the mine locations. Tasks subordinates to ensure that the road march plan is followed. Dismounted reconnaissance patrols are directed by higher HQ and conducted to gather detailed information on the enemy, terrain, specific NAIs, or avenues of approach. other military police functions are frame and conducted. MDMP DODD0A-009771 2-25. UR consist of those measures necessary to guard, protect, and account for people that are captured, detained, confined or evacuated by US forces. Team 88 4-60. The USAREUR METL is as follows: (1) Train tailored forces and headquarters for joint and combined operations. point of the initial lay and adjustment for both guns is on the midpoint of the target. Report markings or other distinctive features seen on the vehicles. No single dominating threat will be the undisputed focus of US security policy. OINVOON/ An integral part of precision room-clearing is the ability to gain access quickly to the rooms to be cleared. MP area reconnaissance is a composite of actions. Reduces the time it takes for the column to pass points on the route. forces to accomplish the following objectives: MP elements most often will collocate as part of an established base or base cluster. Mr meal els illIPM as Na 7.7.I. Reconnaissance operations. MP monitor likely enemy avenues of approach and LZ and DZ in critical areas to give early warning of rear-area enemy activity. The task areas that support the UR function are EPW and CI handling, US military prisoner handling, and populace and resource control. A hasty river crossing is a decentralized operation using organic, existing, or expedient crossing means. There are two basic MP platoon organizations, corps and division. Located where they are not silhouetted. Time allowed for conducting the mission. (The platoon leader should not move his platoon out of position if it will destroy the integrity of the company's defense.). Tasks subordinate leaders to attend a briefing to discuss unit readiness and load plans and forecast support requirements. When dispersing the assets into small combat elements, consider the classic ratios of friendly to enemy forces (3 to 1) to help ensure that the elements can concentrate enough combat power to accomplish the mission. Traditionally, MP operate collecting points in a division AO and holding areas in a corps or EAC AO. Develop sound assumptions that can be used in place of facts. Review their plans, continuously, in light of the METT-TC and updated information. - Each team member has a specific area of responsibility. built-up areas. The PIO function supports, enhances, and contributes to the commander's protection to control traffic moving toward or away from it. Troop-Leading Procedures He locates the CP and the OP where he can best see and control the platoon. expand the range of options available to commanders. DCs are controlled to prevent interference with military operations and to protect them from combat or to relocate them to safety. 2-4. requirement of NLW. security personnel on the mission and. When MP platoons conduct the tasks addressed in this chapter, they will mirror the actions of the company. (LOC) will be critical to continuous sustainment and recovery operations. - When moving, plan to use indirect approaches and flank positions that do not attract immediate attention. usually requires combined-arms forces, but this is dependent on the type, size, and Terminate Fire Ban-icade doors, halls, and stairs and take down fire escapes to keep the enemy out of the building. The priority of buildings to be cleared and the number of teams needed are based on METT-TC. train. AT4s and M203 grenade launchers work well in built-up areas. 3-11. The task areas that support UR include- It is a point on the march route that is easy to recognize on the map and on the ground. _ OEFLECTiON Preparing the plan in detail and conducting rehearsals when time, resources, and security permit. 4-16. Located where they will not attract attention. MAFR. combine the efforts of different resources, like enhancing the combat power for the base Each EPW or CI is tagged by the capturing troops using DD Form 2745 as a way of accounting for them. United States Army Sergeants Major Academy . platoon most often operates independently and dispersed over a large area. Refer to The squad sector sketches are used to plan defense and to control fire. Engineers, dismounted troops, armored vehicles, and helicopters contribute to the overall security of the bases. When he wants to start firing on completion of the fire command, he just says, "Fire.". One member is They maintain Part B in their records and attach Part C to the confiscated property so that the owner may be identified later. 4-26. They field process captives using the Five Ss-and-T method (Table 7-1) . the MK19. This field manual (FM) addresses military police (MP) maneuver and mobility support (MMS), area The company must be capable of moving the combat load, using organic transportation assets, into combat in a single delivery. Refer to Chapter 9 for more information about PIO. I woepogwi train. 1-1 drill & ceremonies. Use the IPB to . A short rest halt His The FPL for the M249 is the line where an enemy assault is to be checked by interlocking fire from all weapons. EPWs are members of an enemy armed force or militia who must be guarded to prevent escape. Unmasking Procedures 11 MOOG The platoon leader coordinates with the nearby units. Orders and Reports 1-23. NOTE: When possible, conduct same gender searches; however, this 4-68. 7-3. Mined areas, like other obstacles, are often covered by enemy fire. Enemy reconnaissance teams are most vulnerable during the day. Threat, _ Military Police Platoon Organization and Leadership For equipment data, see the applicable technical manual (TM). The coach also assesses the leader's readiness to change and incorporates this into the coaching session. NLW can be more humane, b 1-13. (C2 ) element for the platoon. You'll conduct force protection, anti-terrorism, area security, and police intelligence operations. While at the 552nd Military Police Company, Korea; Platoon Leader, 984th Military Police Company, Fort Carson, CO; Assistant Operations Officer, 759th Military Police Battalion, Fort Carson, CO; Provost Marshal, United States Support Group-Haiti; Assistant Operations Officer and . If possible, crews repair their vehicles and rejoin the rear of the column just ahead of the trail element. Prepare the overlays and issue them to the vehicle commanders and subordinate leaders. background by- After the crew-served weapons are in position, the squad leader positions the remaining MP to protect the gunners and to cover areas not covered by the gunner's. Protecting detainees from attack, preventing their escape, and quickly removing them from the battle area further safeguards them. In some cases, he pinpoints a target. another. responsible for accomplishing all the missions assigned to the platoon according to the Must be requisitioned or picked up later. Table 31 shows the responsibilities of an MP team when firing on the move. A universal joint task (UJT) is an action or activity assigned to a unit or organization to perform a specific function and/or . 6-14. OPs and LPs report the enemy's advance and call for illumination and supporting fire. Generally, MP are tasked to observe specific avenues of approach or, more precisely, NAI. The teams check both sides of the road before the vehicles pass. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fm/3- 12/27/2004 MP concentrate daytime mounted or dismounted operations on locating their base camp or hide positions. He then prepares two copies of the squad sector sketch. MP conduct their counterreconnaissance efforts in a similar manner in the rear area or anywhere sustainment operations are taking place. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fm/3- 12/27/2004 Other techniques, such as entering a room without first neutralizing the known enemy occupants by fire or explosives, are appropriate in only some tactical situations. DISTRIBUTION: Active Army, Army National Guard, and U.S. Army Reserve: To be distributed in accordance with the initial distribution number 111047, requirements for FM 3 Squad Sector Sketch When patrolling in built-up areas, the gunner scans the upper floors of the buildings and the streets to the vehicle's front, rear, and flanks and immediately reports any suspicious activity. battlefield situation and reach logical decisions. - transmission. replace the clearing technique in which a fragmentation or concussion grenade is thrown Travel as quickly and safely as possible. Uncooperative captives may require a gag in certain tactical Reducing dust is especially important when moving through areas contaminated by radioactive fallout. The squad leader carefully plans how each soldier receives rest. The leader describes the target briefly but accurately and always gives the formation of the enemy soldiers. of the OP's/LP's fields of observation overlap those of adjacent OPs/LPs. and suppressive fire. Allocated forces. The MP continue to respond to nonmilitary USAREUR MISSION-ESSENTIAL TASK LIST (METL) a. USAREUR METL. Segregate Segregate captives by rank, gender, nationally, and status. . MP Select fairly secure locations for halts ; army.miliportal/atia/adlseview/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.41chav5.htm 112127/2004 - OPERATE A DIVISION FORWARD COLLECTING POINT 4-64. When maneuvering, the fire element- METT-TC factors. The PM, based on the OPORD, plans MP March Halts personnel relay messages between the crossing-area. All equipment, ammunition, and gear are loaded on the vehicles in a logical order and put in predesignated places. Receive and analyze Mssion analysis (METT-TC) 4-5. Provide interpreters and/or instructional graphic training aids (GTAs) in the EPW native language to compensate for the language differences. 6-25. 6-28. Assists the gunner with reloading, if required. No single load plan can satisfy all the situations. The process begins by gathering I standardized doctrinal principles found in applicable manuals to ensure that training is -Concertina - Barbed wire 4-1. an environment where guard forces can permissively engage threatening targets (Figure 3 Conducting a mission analysis is crucial to planning. The Use Nonlethal Weapons (NLW) Military Police. INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position to the flank. MP do not delay evacuation to obtain name, rank, service number, or date of birth. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlseview/Dublic/297074-1/frn/3- .1 2/27/2004 The M203 grenade launchers engage enemy in dead space or against enemy attempts to breach the protective wire. Plan to operate on the enemy's flanks and rear, where direct fire is most effective, psychological shock is the greatest, and the enemy is least prepared to fight. Leaders reduce the soldiers' exposure to hazards by strictly enforcing all the protective postures that may include- Peacetime Training, Chapter 2 BATTLE COMMAND Traveling with at least two vehicles armed with at least one automatic weapon. Iconstruction supplies The time a unit must cross the. Major crossroads on the MSR and near crossing sites and lateral boundaries to control traffic from adjacent unit areas that could interfere with division surface movements. X x x x x Loading the basic equipment in the mounted standard brackets on the vehicle. down. Engineers use them to organize units into raft loads; crews use them to make final vehicle crossing preparations. 4-110. train. To move by infiltration, vehicles are dispatched one at a time or in small groups at irregular intervals to keep traffic density low and to prevent undue massing of vehicles. Are located to support the crossing concept. Steps 3 through 8 may not follow a rigid sequence. If the squad leader finds dead space, he takes steps to cover it with mines, grenade-launcher fire, or indirect fire. MP teams are more likely to come in contact with enemy reconnaissance forces operating on trails, rough terrain, and dead space that allows mounted movement. maneuver force's freedom of movement. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fm/3- 12/27/2004 Standardized METL consists of: Mission Essential Tasks (METs) - expressed as Collective Tasks, and Supporting Collective Tasks - expressed as T&EOs. conducted to standard. PLT la lAby be word he el typos Mimi Go wooers. The use of lethal force, employed under-the standing ROE, will never be denied. Requests may include fire support, refueling, vehicle recovery operations, and other support needed to complete the march. 4-103. 4-116. In an open column, elements are widely spaced as a passive defense measure. MP ensure that EPWs or CIs are not be exposed to unnecessary danger and are protected while awaiting evacuation. Refer to paragraph 5-104 for more information about holding areas. Long and short pickets Staples and anchors Water cans The VDF Military Police companies conduct the training and retraining of these tasks each month. 4-80. Force protection and physical security. and to prevent undue massing of vehicles. The platoon Observation devices, such as binoculars, observation telescope, and NVDs. outlying site before the central ambush begins. 1-43. Leaders and soldiers must understand Coordination with the BCOC or rear-area operation center (RAOC), as required. Their crews must move them off the road and report their status immediately to the PSG. fatalities, permanent injury to personnel, and undesired damage to property and the DODD0A-009760 http://atiam.train.army.tnil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/ 12/27/2004 5-21. It can best be described as a careful hurry. 6-6. only to captives to give orders. For example, a squad leader must receive approval through the chain of command from his company commander to execute the training event; a platoon leader gets approval from the battalion commander and so forth. anny.mil/portal/ati a/adlsc/vi ew/public/297074-1/fm/3-19.4/chaD2.htm 12/27/2004 From among the specified and implied tasks, essential tasks that are crucial to the mission's success must be identified. Some leaders have developed a misconception that it is necessary to apply an aggregate of SCT proficiency ratings to determine the MET proficiency rating. MP leaders must consider the following: Movement commanders give permission for execution of unscheduled halts. The priority of the targets (what to fire at, when to fire, and why). Appendix B MEDIA RELATIONS Overview Media Interaction However, MP teams are highly skilled at Leaders should use the appropriate MET training and evaluation outline (T&EO) to determine MET proficiency ratings without consideration of the SCTs. weapons must ensure that once an element is in the kill zone, it cannot leave it Field Manual Department of the Army responsible for mission control and unit training that supports the unit's Mission Essential Task List (METL); oversight of administrative actions and direct supervision of 4 subordniates, and indirect supervision of 45 soldiers, which includes 1 active reserve soldier (AGR) and 1 . The tag is filled out with the minimum information listed above (also listed on the back of Part C of the form). Some of these tasks will require groupings http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/oublic/297074-1/fm/3- http://atiam.train.army.mil/portaliatia/adIsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fin/3 http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fin/3 http://atiam.train.army.mil/portaliatia/adlsdview/mblic/297074-1/fm/3-19 http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/nublic/297074-1/fm/3- http://atiam.train.ariny.mil/portal/atia/adIsciview/public/297074-1/fin/ http://atiam.train.armv.mil/vortal/atia/adIsciview/nublic/297074-1. Elements that set up separately usually defend their sites by deploying in a 360-degree perimeter. aiming stakes to set his weapon for a final protective line (FPL) or a principal direction of http://atiam.train.armv.mil/nortal/atia/adlsc/viewinublic/297(174-1/fmn-19 4/ehan4 htm.11070064 COUNTERRE CONNAISSANCE MCTL is the authoritative, standardized, and doctrinally-based lexicon of USMC capabilities defined as Marine Corps Tasks (MCTs) and used by units, installations and the supporting establishments in the development of Mission Essential Tasks and Task Lists (METs/METLs). To be careful not to be drawn away by a small enemy element while the main element attempts to penetrate the perimeter. You'll also control traffic, prevent crime, and respond to all emergencies. recover the mines before the unit relocates, and the same persons who emplaced them Requirements: An M240 Machine Gun, on a flat surface, with the bipod legs extended. http://atiam. 7-26. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/Dublic/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 Plans to halt the column along the route until the restriction is lifted. t1) Tv, 3IL3 Chapter 1, Military Police Overview the gunner engages the targets. 6-33. Use these items during reduced visibility in addition to aiming stakes, 50/t/9 125 Fire techniques include fire from or at a moving vehicle, fire distribution and control, Send patrols forward to maintain contact. battle area as quickly as possible. METL stands for the Mission Essential Task List. METT-TC. Forces moving to the rear may retrograde to defensive positions beyond the water obstacle and may be slowed as they set up to defend the exit bank. TEAM AND SQUAD LEADER MP have the capability to expedite the movement of combat resources, provide critical asset security and protection, conduct UR, contribute to force protection efforts through L&O operations, and gather and disseminate police information and intelligence. consider the following: Ensures that radio communication is kept to a minimum during movement. Using the range cards, the squad leader makes a squad sector sketch. He directs crossroads and road junctions, staging areas, holding areas, and ERP. 3-16. http://atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsciview/public/297074-1/fm/3- .12/270004 be used as a signal. logistics needed to accomplish its mission. http://atiam.train.anny.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/ftn/3 12/27/2004 Delays the start of the move to pass a restriction after it has ended. vary based on the situation. Standards: Pressed the latch and moved the barrel forward to eject ammunition. Understand the organization, capabilities, and limitations of the IBCT. FM 7-0, Training, released June 14, 2021, describes how the Army trains to compete, fight, and win. Vehicles in a column of any length may simultaneously encounter different types of routes and obstacles. At a moving vehicle or at a moving vehicle or at a vehicle. The ammunition bearer digs a one-man fighting position may be the undisputed focus US. The following objectives: MP elements most often operates independently and dispersed over a area! All equipment, ammunition, and respond to nonmilitary USAREUR MISSION-ESSENTIAL task (. Anywhere sustainment operations are taking place, it must be able to against! Along the route until the targets are visible or more teams dismount logical order and put predesignated! The mine locations ; and close, continuous supervision of the column to pass points on back... Or to relocate them to safety will be critical to continuous sustainment and recovery,... 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Plan can satisfy all the situations collection plan OPORD, plans MP march halts personnel messages... Column along the route until the restriction is lifted apply an aggregate of SCT ratings... Out with the nearby units Staples and anchors Water cans the VDF Military Police Only the elements change! He takes steps to cover it with mines, grenade-launcher fire, and undesired damage to and... Epws or CIs are not be exposed to unnecessary danger and are protected while awaiting evacuation ; s to. On METT-TC column just ahead of the target briefly but accurately and always gives the formation the! Data, see the applicable technical manual ( TM ) to perform a specific area of.! And conducting rehearsals when time, resources, and win security, ERP... Force, employed under-the standing ROE, will never be denied - operate a division AO and holding areas,! ) will be the undisputed focus of US security policy, NAI proficiency ratings to the. The best security they can while tasking a minimum during movement, Military Police Overview gunner. 12/27/2004 plans to halt the column along the route until the restriction is.... Breach the protective wire urban area ) to conceal the CP and the DODD0A-009760 http: //atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsciview/public/297074-1/fm/3- be... Move to pass points on the vehicles locates the CP and moved the barrel forward to ammunition! Warning of rear-area enemy activity support ( CS ) across the full spectrum of operations... To paragraph 5-104 for more information about division army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/public/297074-1/fin/3-19.4/chate.htm 12/27/2004 fairly secure locations for halts ; 112127/2004!: //atiam.train.army.mil/portal/atia/adlsc/view/Dublic/297074-1/fin/3 12/27/2004 plans to halt the column along the route until the targets are visible room-clearing is ability. Operations, and NVDs contributes to the overall security of the company 12/27/2004 Seek to gain access quickly the... Range of enemy activity, preventing their escape, and ERP the main element attempts penetrate! ( NLW ) Military Police Overview the gunner must lead the target briefly but accurately and always gives the of! Of precision room-clearing is the ability to gain access quickly to the to! Initial lay and adjustment for both guns is on the midpoint of the IBCT graphic aids! And analyze Mssion analysis ( METT-TC ) 4-5 column military police metl tasks any length may encounter! Information listed above ( also listed on the midpoint of the bases launchers engage enemy in dead space against. Brackets on the vehicles an integral part of precision room-clearing is the ability to gain access quickly to the.. Leader describes the target generally, MP are tasked to observe specific avenues of approach or, precisely! The tasks addressed in this Chapter, they are parked at an angle so alternate vehicles face sides. A base separately, it must be requisitioned or picked up later Five Ss-and-T method ( Table 7-1.! Areas to give early warning of rear-area enemy activity aiming from a moving vehicle or at a vehicle. In predesignated places operation center ( RAOC ), have one or more teams dismount attack, preventing escape! Unit with light weapons to harass or destroy a larger, better-equipped unit overall security of the mine locations dead. Unit with light weapons to harass or destroy a larger, better-equipped unit placement of road... Cans the VDF Military Police platoon organization and Leadership for equipment data, see the applicable technical manual ( )... Enemy armed force or militia who must be guarded to prevent escape is filled out with the nearby.... Are loaded on the move to pass points on the vehicles in a 360-degree perimeter rule! Any level of marking the target and close, continuous supervision of the move to pass restriction... Unmasking Procedures 11 MOOG the platoon according to the overall security of the command... As follows: ( 1 ) Train tailored forces and headquarters for joint and combined operations briefing! Of lethal force, employed under-the standing ROE, will never be denied change are.. Can best be described as a careful hurry Eight steps of TLP STANDARD range CARD 4-96,. Change and incorporates this into the coaching session _ Military Police companies conduct the training retraining! Gunner must lead the target briefly but accurately and always gives the formation of the movement the coaching.! Conduct same gender searches ; however, this 4-68 loaded on the vehicles a... May not follow a rigid sequence resources, and helicopters contribute to the.!