Sometimes, tough calls have to be made. Tired babies are often fussy. Should I cut down on her baths. We told our And really, if you're so paranoid that visitors might bring germs, I had a SIL like that about her newborn son, though understandably t. First all thanks for all of the responses. Of course youre not being unreasonable! Then, of course, there was the emotional problem: Every once in awhile, when someone else was holding my daughter, tears would well up in my eyes and I would feel the sudden urge to grab her and walk away. Weve never been so exhausted or so happy! A few months ago, I winced my way through 36 hours of induced labor to give birth to my very first child, a beautiful baby girl. Physical distancing is one of the most important ways to reduce the spread of COVID-19. , Access to the comments facility has been disabled for this user. Recent posts in July 2021 Birth Club. When parents ban grandparents from visiting, usually it is to allow the new family to bond without any complicating factors. But by responding, you let your newborn know that you're always there. Keep the circle of people who you allow to handle your baby small to reduce the chance of accidents and exposure to infections. They often feel pressure to make the most of the time they have with their baby. What most new parents need is reassurance that they are doing the right thing, and that is something that grandparents can provide. If breastfeeding isn't possible, use infant formula. My wife won't let me say anything, she wants to write a letter to her brother. Things like no hot potato-ing or kissing their face. Its rough at times to be honest and I struggle and feel lonely and disconnected some days. Users are reminded that they are fully responsible for their own Remember that older people may not have much strength, and children usually have no experience holding a baby. My little girl was born Dec. 15th, so she's 8 days old. Along with continuing concern about exposure to germs, these factors may also enter into their decision: Most grandparents grew up in a time when it was accepted that grandmothers would be on the premises to help new mothers. And dad can help out with stroller walks, diaper changes, housework, and other things as well, to help you feel less overwhelmed. Well, maybe not for the new mum or dad. For the price of one cup of coffee each week you can help keep paywalls away. The latter occurred for one dad as he welcomed his first son and chose not to let family members hold the baby . At a certain point, I wasnt just feeling overwhelmed; I was also starting to feel anxious. Of course, every family has their own experiences, and some bring a child into the world with minimal difficulty. But our first few days home were incredibly stressful; moments after we walked in the door, my daughter started choking (she. Lyndsey Garbi, MD, is a pediatrician who is double board-certified in pediatrics and neonatology. Don't let people kiss your newborn infant. All rights reserved. Learn more about what health and safety considerations to take when deciding who gets to touch or hold your baby and when; and how to communicate expectations to extended family members, friends, neighbors, and strangers. Email Am I being a bad parent by not letting other people hold my new baby?. I love that they wanted to come over right away, I love that our parents were so incredibly helpful, and I realistically know we could not have gotten through those first few days without their assistance. You know what's best for the safety and health of your baby. Smokers should not hold the baby for at least half an hour after smoking. I panicked, called 911, and ended up back in the hospital. Some expectant parents say that they aren't taking hospital visitors. 24/06/2020 18:38 Can I have some yes we are no we're not responses please - Is anyone letting their extended family (baby's nans/grandads) hold their newborns / young babies and if so what precautions are you taking ? You may want to avoid letting young children or people who haven't held a newborn before carry your baby around. Is this reader being unreasonable? Please email me with free offers and special discounts from BabyCentres. Have a parenting question you want answered? Some new parents think that they want to be alone with their baby, but change their minds when faced with the reality of caring for a newborn. You may decide that while it's worth the risk to let grandparents and other close family and friends hold or touch your baby. family before she was born that we would not be letting anyone hold her Secondly, you can try swaddling your baby. If someone wants to hold your baby, make sure that he or she washes their hands well before doing so. Of course you're not being unreasonable! It's something that they are doing for the newborn and for themselves. The practice is soothing and can help prevent babies from startling themselves awake. I love our little family so much. In-laws may not see any reason to callyou are family after all, they think. Just make sure to protect Babys delicate skin by keeping them out of the sun or putting on a sun hat to shield them from the suns harmful rays. Its understandable that youre concerned about your baby catching a cold or virus, but you cant let that fear control you. Want to win a copy of psychotherapist Philippa Perrys new book, The Book You Wish Your Parents Had Read? Sick people should not hold your baby. 1. Signs of infection in newborns include fever (over 100.4 degrees Farenheit), being too sleepy to feed, or a sudden change in behaviorall of which should be evaluated by a pediatrician immediately, says Dr. Hasson. No parents, no friends, no visitors. I love her so much that I cry when I look at her, I miss her when she is sitting across from me being held by someone else, and I would go through the pain of childbirth a hundred times over if it meant getting her. Visitors may bring their own children, and small children can be disruptive, as well as often carrying the aforementioned germs. And your baby might need more sleep than you think. If youre having people come and coo at the baby its much safer outside than it is inside. Depending on what time of the year your baby is born (and where you live), you might want to designate the backyard as the spot for folks to swoon over your little sweetie. What the mother and child need is peace. Originally Published: Jan. 16, 2018. aluxum / Getty. I didn't agree but didn't disagree as well. Or carry your baby in a carrier or . It's best to ask your toddler, for example, to sit next to you and place your baby on his lap. I have a 3 month old and have just starting letting grandparents have a hold in the last couple of weeks. A new baby is an exciting event for everyone, so you'll probably have a few people keen to visit once you get home. Celebrating the birth of your baby with loved ones is a special moment for all new moms. No, my brother in law did most of the talking. We always ask people to wash and sanitize before they hold her. You can let a sibling or cousin hold the baby, but only while sitting right next to you or from a seated position on the floor to mitigate the risk of accidents. policy. I'm wet. I resisted the urge to be rude and demand to have my baby back. Should you let them? Babies are very vulnerable to germs and illness. We just said no visitors at all this time since everyone, im not going to lie, I wish i could stop everyone from holding my baby. There are no hard and fast rules about whether and when to let people touch or hold your newborn, saysAmina Ahmed, MD, professor of pediatric infectious diseases and immunology at Atrium Health Levine Children's Hospital. Its just that those first few weeks are such a precious time, especially as a brand-new parent. Now that were a few months in, Im practically begging for visitors. A grandmother-to-be worries that tension with her daughter-in-law will keep her from her grandchild. Nemours Foundation. Your email address will not be published. interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author Since newborns can't hold up their heads on their own, it's especially important that their heads are supported and their faces aren't trapped against any objects while they are held. We are dealing with the same thing right now. Having grandparents as house guests can be disruptive to young families under the best of circumstances. The bottom line. Newborn babies who are getting formula will likely take about 2-3 ounces every 2-4 hours. Most infants are ready to bond immediately. It made me so happ, My personal opinion is that it is ridiculous to not let healthy family members hold a new baby. Seriously; I had to stop myself from shrieking, Look what we made! Lay your baby, stomach down, across your forearm with the head up toward your elbow. I want to make this clear; this is the grandmother and the grandfather of the baby that they would not let hold the baby? This really hurt my wife and her mother, especially since her mother doesn't have a car and we had to drive her to/from the hospital/home, which was like a 2 hour roundtrip. We would never deprive our parents from holding their grandbaby though (as long as they are not sick of course). So we did it. Grandparents are not allowed to spend all their time staring at the baby. While it was exciting at first, it wasnt long before I felt completely overwhelmed. fever of 100.4 or more, they have to go to the hospital & get a Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! Simple yet common rules for our baby we thought. However, generally, experts agree that babies are most vulnerable in the first few months of life. In the 1950s, stays of one week to 10 days were standard. Or you can just say that you want to have time with him as his mommy and wish to be the only person to hold him until you are comfortable. , 400px wide I don't want a sick baby. Thank you, {{}}, for signing up. I cried about once every hour, sometimes because of something that happened, but mostly for no reason at all. It's a balancing act in raising loving children who have their own sense of boundaries. We are skipping all of the holiday events this year and pretty much not letting anyone meet the baby for now. For more information on cookies please refer to our cookies I come from a large family, I have my own son, this seems purposefully cruel. New mothers would go to stay with a mother or mother-in-law, or a grandmother would go to stay for a period of days or even weeks to help out. But at the same time, shes totally worth it. By the end of the first week of being home, my husband and I collapsed on the couch, exhausted, and decided we needed at least one day where it was just us and our daughter. The unfortunate truth is that childbirth, to this day, can be a very dangerous ordeal. Except for the hepatitis B vaccine, these are administered at the two-month-old well visit and include the Hib, Prevnar, DtaP, IPV, hepatitis B, and rotavirus vaccines. This time frame might not work for some families, particularly if you have parents who are helping to take care of the baby. Making babies stress reactive from undercare may be a good way to build an easily distressed personality and create a society of self-concerned folks. "Zoom or skype visits are a good way to introduce baby to the world as well," says Dr. Khan. And OMG, that heavenly newborn baby smell. Am I being a bad parent by letting my five-year-old sleep in our bed. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Crying babies may be soothed by gentle rubbing or pats on the back. You are not over-protective, since you allow family and friends who I presume know to wash their hands and do not ask when they have a cold themselves to hold her. The most important step when carrying or holding your newborn is to support your baby's head and neck at all times. AITA: for not letting my partner's family hold my child? , A post shared by Jessica Booth (@jboothyy) on Jun 29, 2019 at 12:12pm PDT. When you have a newborn, it can feel like you're treading a fine line between introducing them to the world and keeping them out of harm's way. First-time grandparents sometimes go astray when they come to help because they get caught in the baby's tractor beam. You might not always be able to tell why your newborn is crying. Bringing the mother a drink or snack (or fetching something else she needs) is always appreciated. There are many psycho-educational programmes on offer that can boost your skills and capacities for self-awareness and confidence building; and are two. This is the most traditional hold and the one most moms try first. My partner (M23) and I (F25) suffered two miscarriages before we had our child a couple of months ago. And the funny thing? since infants can also contract the disease. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Make sure they wash their hands before touching or holding your baby and that they are fully vaccinated, especially against circulating diseases and illnesses like flu or COVID-19. That just comes with parenting and extends beyond the newborn stage. Young children, especially older siblings and cousins will be excited by the arrival of a new baby and may insist on holding your newborn. Is it true that people should wash their hands before holding a newborn? Your baby has a right to her own space too. Aunts and uncles w. If any of my kids treated me like that I would be devastated. As newborns get older, they'll nurse less often and have longer stretches between feedings. Apparently, the author's mom and sister were less than happy with the prospect, and that's where the feud began. You should know whats going on not just in your community but where people are coming from, too, says Dr. Schaffner. And if they are the slightest bit ill, don't come near my baby! I think it's stupid to not let your parents hold your baby. and indemnify Journal Media in relation to such content and their ability to make such content, If he interacts, talks, smiles, and so on with your baby, she will start feeling secure with him too. 1. Bringing a newborn baby home from the hospital is an exciting and stressful time. It's not your baby. Content copyright Journal Media Ltd. 2023 Registered in Dublin, registration number: For others, it may take a bit longer. At around 4-5 months, your baby no longer sleeps the deep sleep of newborns and may be disturbed when you slip your hand out of theirs. I dont know how to say no without causing a scene or seeming ridiculous, so I usually say that she needs a feed or is feeling a bit cranky. It made me so happy t, Original poster- I would have been very sad, too, but tried to understand it. . In fact, a newborn's immune system isn't considered to have adequate function until 2 months old! When the new parents are sleep-deprived and otherwise not at their best, the stage may be set for conflict. people who the baby would be exposed to and there's no where to draw It can be both tempting and scary to let people touch your newborn baby. I doubt very much the government are going to announce any time soon that everyone can go ahead and hug no matter how safe it is now in reality so we made our own risk assessment. You may want to avoid letting young children or people who haven't held a newborn before carry your baby around. There is plenty of time for your baby to explore social situations in their own time and in their own way. June 22, 2012 - heard the heartbeat 9w1d 181 BPM!! Forget uncle/aunt stuff.we are talking grandparents. Third-handsmoke (that which sticks to the hair and clothes) is just as dangerous as first andsecond-handsmoke. Her work has been published in numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites, including Activity Connection,Glamour, PDX Parent, Self, TripSavvy,Marie Claire,and TimeOut NY. The baby isn't a toy. Here are some other reasons why parents may request that grandparents not visit the hospital: It's important to remember that new mothers are usually sent home after 48 hours. Above all else, be patient with new parents. Germs and bacteria that may seem harmless to us are quite dangerous for your baby as their immunity is not fully functional yet. But when can visitors see your newborn? the line, so it seems like it has to be everyone or no one. by BeeDH. Note that there are a lot of asymptomatic cases of certain illnesses, like COVID-19, so even if someone doesn't show signs of illness, they still could be sick with the virus, warns Dr. Ahmed. Then she passes by that little baby face, and . Some parents will be more than happy to hand off the baby for a while. Its fair that you dont want to pass your baby on to someone who you dont know very well, but isnt it lovely that they still want to hold her, despite not knowing you very well either? Just tell everyone to wait a week or so, my husband said, reminding me that I had just pushed a baby out of my body and needed time to rest. Definitely have people wash their hands or use alcohol sanitizer prior to holding babies. I offered to let my mom and mil hold him, but I also knew they were. The parents may be concerned that their housekeeping is not up to their usual standards. Feed your newborn on cue. them live close by - 4 sets of parents (we both have divorced parents That's a lot of Am I being a bad parent by not letting other people hold my new baby? Keep doing what you are doing and dont feel bad about making excuses. And anyone who wants to get close has to wear a mask. Proper hand hygiene is strongly suggested before holding the baby, so that no outside germs are potentially put on the babys hands, which can wind up in their mouth, advises Dr. Alexander. Updated: June 3, 2021. We told our family before she was born that we would not be letting anyone hold her for a while - this time of year there are just too many bugs going around. BFP May 11, 2012 Grandparents who respect new parents' decisions are likely to see their access to grandchildren expanded, while those who do not may find that access continues to be limited. Itdoesn't hurt for grandparents to make a standing offer to come help out. I in fact never asked to hold him, only GM and GF did. The parents don't want the burden of having to offer food and drinks or otherwise entertain their guests. She has written articles on pregnancy, parenting, and relationships. But when everyone left, I felt a sense of relief to just be alone with my little family something I hadnt expected I would need. Smiling grannies and grubby preschoolers alike, they lurch toward your defenseless. Irish sport images provided by Inpho Photography Enter our competition here to be in with a chance! Exhausted, swollen, completely overwhelmed, and ecstatically happy, I spent the next few hours staring at her in awe alongside my husband, cooing over everything she did, and wondering how we had gotten so lucky. 20002023 BabyCenter, LLC, a Ziff Davis company. News images provided by Press Association posts, comments and submissions available. Readers like you keep news free for everyone. use of this site indicates your agreement to be bound by the Terms of Use. I could not wait to introduce my tiny little human to everyone in my life. For one thing, their partners are more likely to help out. The #1 app for tracking pregnancy and baby growth. I imagined days spent like that one blissful day, just my little family together, no one to interrupt, no one to clean for, nothing to do. It's naturaland reasonableto be careful about who should be around your baby. To snuggle skin to skin, eye-to-eye, face-to-face, breathing in his sweet new baby smell while he breathes . In other cases, especially when the baby is sleeping a lot, the parents will be eager to maximize their face-to-face time. around. Yes, youre being a bit unreasonable. I've never understood why people think they are entitle, I think new moms are overly paranoid. It felt like heaven. Registered office: 3rd floor, Latin Hall, Golden Lane, Dublin 8. I was trying to do a million things at once: breastfeed, pump, care for a baby for the first time ever, take care of myself, sleep, eat, shower, complete the simple acts of sitting and walking, change diapers, and keep my house (at least a little) clean for visitors. Did those of you that refused to let anyone hold your baby also not leave the house for 6 we Q : 06.25.10 W : 01.11.13 #3 : due 11.02.15 Report markhamgurl member March 2013 pitterpatter129: The baby isn't a toy. all my other kiddos were pass'a babies in family events. Family members, never hold a newborn baby if the mother has not yet had the opportunity to do so after childbirth. More than 5,000 readers have already pitched in to keep free access to The Journal. The parents may be concerned about visitors bringing germs. Now is the perfect time to start your Baby Registry! We know that infants are very vulnerable to whooping cough, and before they can be vaccinated themselves, the way it finds newborns is if family members bring it into the home, Dr. Schaffner explains. for a while - this time of year there are just too many bugs going Baby gate ideas help ! In addition, if grandparents avoid overreacting, the new parents may change their minds, especially when they experience the realities of newborn care. Some take time off from work or work from home in order to be there for the mother and newborn. 2010-2023 A wet or soiled diaper can cause tears. by AKerkhoven. At the same time, we need to think about the risk of denying things that are important to us or are necessary, such as not holding a newborn grandchild for the first time or not receiving the family support new parents might need during the postpartum period. Keep your baby at least 6 feet away from people not in your household. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. How Do COVID Vaccine Dosages Work for Kids? If Grandma wants to kiss, direct her to the delicious little toes instead. Dr. Karp also advises having a stack of oversized tee shirts that guests can wear over their own clothing to hold the baby. Newborns can sleep about 16 hours a day and sometimes more. I'm tired. Truth is: it's not simple. It's best to go ahead and do the tasks that you see that need doing, but use good judgment. They are creating a protected period for forming a family unit. It often appears in young babies and toddlers "between 10 and 18 months" of age, though it can also start "as early as six months old." An image showing an adult holding a baby. The length of time for visits will most likely be limited by the needs of the baby, says Dr. Alexander. This little squish has kept me from doing a lotttt of things for the last 10 months and especially this summer. Likewise, new parents usually are very enthusiastic about wanting to show off their new little loves. Your baby can see, including faces, large shapes, motion, and light. So, it is wise to be to limit who you let touch your newborn, says Dr. Ahmed. However, newborns do not have a very developed immune system, so it is wise for parents to be careful of how many people touch their little one. When Can You Let Visitors Hold Your Newborn Baby? I resisted the urge to be rude and demand to have my baby back. A newborns immune system is its strongest in that first week. Little things like uploading a profile picture make the community a better place. We know COVID-19 is contagious up to 48 hours before anyone develops symptoms, and activities like talking, singing, and sharing food indoors increase transmission rate significantly. Know that it's within your rights to ask them to keep their distance. Susan Adcox is a writer covering grandparenting and author of Stories From My Grandparent: An Heirloom Journal for Your Grandchild. Another complicating factor is if one grandparent is welcomed and another turned away. These steps will not only prevent the spread of COVID-19 elsewhere, but . For example, just because your niece or coworker wants to hold your baby does not mean you need to let them. As recently as the 1970s, postpartum hospital stays averaged four days. If a baby is crying due to hunger it's because you missed their hunger cues. Once you do put your baby down in the crib or bassinet, the next . Answer (1 of 8): It is completely appropriate for a mom or dad to want to say no when someone asks to hold their brand new baby! 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, 6 Factors of Grandparent-Grandchild Closeness, Conflicts That Can Lead to Grandparent Estrangement, The 39 Best Gifts for Grandparents of 2023, Expert Tips on How Fathers Can Build a Custody Case, The Ups and Downs of Being a Young Grandparent, 12 Moms Share: What I Wish I Knew About the Postpartum Period. Feel free to be a mama bear, It's up to you what you ask of your visitors. 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