You are encouraged to interact with others without being afraid to be yourself. All positions and duties are important to a group. With Saturn in Aquarius, the authority is YOU. When we reach our late 20s and early 30s, Saturn comes back to where it was in the sky when we were born, bringing us more lessons that we could learn from in our journey to maturity. The Saturn Return Calculator will provide the major Saturn Returns. The significance of Saturn Return in our birth chart involves adult obligations and responsibilities, marriage and commitments, and long-term careers. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5. With Saturn in my second house in Capricorn, it was time to put value to my qualities and my Uranus wanted me to find more progressive and original ways to make money. I even launched a business thats all about holding space. Your responsibility to the collective involves building and maintaining heartfelt interpersonal relationships. The reception may be better than you expect! You could even become a parent. While Saturn is in Aquarius, it will be pretty difficult to blame the government/establishment (Capricorn) for what goes wrong. My name is Karen, for 19+ years my career as a psychic medium, a professional astrologer, and a spiritual advisor has given me the fulfillment to be able to help others in simple ways using the advantage of my abilities. Saturn returns are perhaps the most fabled. 192. r/astrologymemes. Remember, you can make a difference in the world, but you need to do it with other people, not alone. At your tenth house Saturn return in Aquarius, you might have to ask yourself whether this struggle is ever likely to become productive. Please consider an investment's objectives, risks, charges, and expenses carefully before investing. It is more about ideas, policies and new visions for the future. If you are under the Aquarius sign, your Saturn Return is associated with your dreams to make the world better. Saturn wants us to grow up! During this two year period, Saturn will retrograde twice, and station direct twiceprolonging Saturns stay in the sign its placed in. Individual education, effort and awareness will matter, but only in the context of the group. You are encouraged to interact with others without being afraid to be yourself. If you have fallen in with a bad crowd that discourages you from expressing your individuality, you might fall out with them at this time. The eleventh house is associated with friendships and community groups. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. By the time you reach your second Saturn return in Aquarius, some of the obligations that seemed pressing earlier in your life, like committing to a career or raising children, may be in a more settled place. A Saturn return occurs when Saturn completes its trip through the zodiac, returning to the zodiac sign that it was in when you were born. Saturn is rules and discipline, and Uranus is freedom. Beginning December 17th, 2020, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius. Alternately, maybe emotions were regularly displayed in a messy way without enough intellectual understanding of how to channel them productively. I know everyone thinks Virgo is the "neat-freaks" of the zodiac. Beginning December 17th, 2020, Saturn ingressed once again in Aquarius. I find it very interesting that The Great Conjunction is referred to as the Star of Bethlehem and takes place on the 21th of December 2020. The symbolism of the eleventh house overlaps substantially with the symbolism of the sign of Aquarius, so an eleventh house Saturn return in Aquarius may have a double dose of the basic Saturn return in Aquarius symbolism. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. However, if you are really on to something important, people might come to you on their own at this time. Among other things, this means being realistic about the state-of-awareness of the public at this time. Saturn in Aquarius is one of the most anticipated transits of the year. Inspired leaders will appear among us,, who recognise human spirit and sanctity of the people. Saturn represents structure, so Saturn in the twelfth house is a hidden structure, a hidden agenda running your life that even you may not be aware of. In the next 2.5 years, the fight is not against them, but against our own limiting beliefs against what keeps us small, enslaved and out of integrity. And we did (willingly or less willingly). Karen is a Psychic Medium, a Professional Astrologer, a Spiritual Advisor, and a Life Coach who has been in this career for 19+ years. What makes you special? The fourth house focuses on home and family matters. Get in check with the other person and give them some space. Saturn Return in Pisces: Healer in a Chaotic World. Saturn in Aquarius is no exception. Save up to $1,697 on one of 144 used Saturn IONs in Sparks, NV. It really is appreciated. A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn returns to the exact same place it was at the time of your birth, which takes place every 29 or so years. The art of connection requires empathy through a genuine interest in others. Aquarius is a YANG sign (as opposed to Capricorn, a YIN sign). Be open, accept the changes and go along with it. While in Virgo, a Saturn return may bring up issues surrounding health, career, and daily lifestyle. Saturn in Aquarius allowed us to experiment with our creativity and share it through social media. The sign and house Saturn is placed in can describe where each person may notice these themes arise, especially during the return of Saturn in their birth chart. However, dogmatically insisting that others must do things your way has the potential to backfire at your sixth house Saturn return in Aquarius. Over 70 million people voted for Trump in the recent election. Saturn is an outer planet in astrology that rules over discipline, structure, and boundaries. Hint: If you have Saturn in Pisces, that means you're entering your Saturn return. This will allow us to communicate telepathically with each other and anyone in the universe. It will reveal what is truly possible in your life, your natural talents and abilities, and exactly what you need to do to increase your energy, take action, and conquer your day, week, month - even year! Prioritize yourselfyou won't be able to help others if you. 3. If you were born with Saturn in Aquarius, the issues during your Saturn Return will be about bringing the light. This would render a lot of outer technology obsolete. Your poor interpersonal skills and inability to be the flexible limit and restrict you. Every person I've met with Taurus placements, absolute neat-freak, anal-retentive about their spaces being clean. Written by someone with Saturn in Aquarius. Saturn Return In Aquarius: Dates & Karmic Lessons, Photo: nasyar, Max Reyes, and Julia Dreams via Canva, 5 Signs You're Experiencing Your First Saturn Return, The Best And Worst Years Of Your Life, According To Astrology, Accurate Love Horoscopes For Thursday, March 2, 2023, 4 Zodiac Signs Who Fall Out Of Love & End Relationships Starting March 2023, 3 Zodiac Signs With The Best Horoscopes On Thursday, March 2, 2023, How Being Born During Saturn Retrograde Affects You, The Zodiac Sign You'll Have The Best S*x With, Zodiac Signs That Can't Stop Cheating, Ranked From Most To Least Likely, Love Might Be Calling Your Name! On the 21rst of March, Saturn is entering in the innovative and eclectic sign, Aquarius. Service is another key, how can you be at service to yourself and to others? The way we treat each other is what will be focused on in this time. Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius Dates: May 22 to October 10. Thank you! My first Saturn return started last year in February 2019. Saturn Return in Aquarius. To obtain this and other important information about Amana Mutual Funds, Saturna Sustainable Funds, Sextant Mutual Funds, or Idaho Tax-Exempt Fund in a current prospectus or summary prospectus, please visit Forms & Literature or call toll-free 1-800-728-8762. There can be a lot of pressure in the young adult years to meet certain milestones like getting married or settling down in a stable job. by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. No. With Aquarius in your second house, you may have a logical attitude toward your material resources, though you might be willing to try an experimental investment given the opportunity. The 12th house in astrology is truly a mystery. Do you feel like your relationship is bringing you limitations. The simple things are the most profound ones. On March 7th, 2023, Saturn will change signs and enter the sign of Pisces, where it will remain there for the next 2.5 years. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. From December 2020 until March 2023, Saturn in Aquarius will create new structures that will revolutionize our society. Structure-in-society will be as important with Saturn in Aquarius as with any other sign. During summer and fall 2020, Saturn moved back into the sign of Capricorn. Each Saturn return might repeat several times due to . Aquarius wants to be part of a larger group and explore what differences unites us. It's from an essay she wrote explaining why she decided to leave her adopted city of New York at the age of 29. Aquarius is an Air sign, so it is about space. All I ever did to that apartment was hang fifty yards of yellow theatrical silk across the bedroom windows . Saturn Return In Capricorn And Aquarius, What Does It Mean? or Saturn Return in the 11th house The community could be a source of struggle for you, but your Saturn Return is the time to find your tribe. Saturn takes about. Read More About Me! Saturn Retrograde 2022: At present, Saturn is transiting in its original sign Aquarius, i.e. This short paragraph by Joan Didion is such an evocative description of Saturn Return in Aquarius. There has to be a radical shift from this paradigm. One thing for sure. Jupiter may be like the kid in the car that is bouncing up & down & asks Are we there yet?!? Even if you borrow elements from older traditions, you might do so in a way that is a bit countercultural. Navigating your Saturn Return If you happen to be turning 29, 58, or 87 at any point during March 2020 to March 2023, you are likely to be having your Saturn Return while Saturn is moving through Aquarius. Beginning March 21st, 2020, Saturn ingressed in the sign of Aquarius and then went retrograde in Capricorn. He who resists will put himself in slavery. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality, return of Saturn to its natal position in your birth chart. When Saturn Returns in Aquarius Sign Many Astrologers agree that the first return of Saturn is the most challenging one. Here, Saturn is still interested in maintaining consistency but is more open to consider how doing things differently can prompt better results. They unplugged from the system and just walked away. You might also struggle with a problem involving your physical body. (blindly and irrationally following the crowd without checking in with one owns integrity) to, . Mars will move to Cancer (after seven months in Gemini), Saturn will move to Pisces (after spending nearly three years in Aquarius), and Pluto will briefly move to Aquarius (after 15 years in Capricorn) to return more permanently . Saturn can destroy and build a new foundation. In either case, you might become aware of the nurturing that you lacked when you were growing up at your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius. However, with Saturn in your sign, you can only create change in the world through hard work and perseverance. Humanity as a whole has taken too much freedom and too little self-responsibility. And its exactly because it is rational and unimpressed with tradition, that it sometimes goes against the norm and shocks everyone. However, it will only stay in Aquarius until the 1rst of July 2020 and will return to Aquarius on the 17th of December 2020, after which it will stay there until 7th of March 2023. Saturn enters Aquarius on December 17, 2020 and will stay in Aquarius until March 2023. When Saturn comes back, it is the time for choices and life-altering decisions. However, if you have been rebelling against society throughout your life up to this point, your second Saturn return in Aquarius might ask whether you are a rebel with a cause. I disagree. Are you having a though time to connect with the roots of yourself, like your family. Are you restricting yourself from your own sexuality? What does your health look like? Is this conjunction as profound on a personal level as it is in the larger sense? The same month I decided to do an astrology course. So informative and understandable. You may want to assess yourself and your life thus far. To see what to expect from this transit lets review what Saturn and Aquarius stand for. Instead of delegating the power and responsibility to states and corporations, Saturn in Aquarius will pass the responsibility back to us how can we, as individuals, contribute to society and make the world a better place? But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. This house is all about your ambitions, how you want the world to see you and authority. (After Breakup, No Contact). Such a breakup may be good for you, even if it is painful in the moment. MARCH 2023. Technology's presence was more potent during this time. Aquarius freedom and rebellion come from somewhere else. With the imprint of your birth chart, it will see how far you got into your true soul path and if you learned your lessons. But with Saturns departure from Capricorn, there is nothing left to learn about top-down rules and structures. Does it mean Saturn in Aquarius is all about restrictions? From today through to July 1st, Saturn will begin its journey through Aquarius. Do Aquarius men come back? Saturn in Aquarius promise of freedom may not sound very attractive, but that may be because we might not even know what it means to be free. We have to stop supporting the governments of the world. Its like they are simply proud that they chose a team called Team Science, regardless of how much empirical evidence is available to support their claims. How can you overcome these limitations to make an impact on society? It has to come from within. Grow out of your rigidity. The Saturn Return is an astrological occurrence that usually occurs twice in a natural life span. Your first Saturn Return encourages you to connect to the collective. Alternately, if you were the openly weird one in your family, and your parents tried to make you conform, your fourth house Saturn return in Aquarius might focus on learning to give yourself the validation your parents failed to give you. You can become authority, as you bring a serious vibe to the table and people tend to listen to you. The third house is involved with communication. In the dawn of the Age of Aquarius, you really want to pay attention to Saturns transit in Aquarius (Pluto will also enter Aquarius in 2024). Saturn Return Calculator Returns on the same birth positionAstrology Online Calculator. Once Saturn moves into your natal Saturn sign, the process begins and this planet's presence is known. Thank you for doing such a good job of providing explanations. Saturn return is another name for the Saturn conjunct Saturn transit. Humanitarian issues may rouse you, like a calling, and you might start a non-profit, get involved in social justice work or find ways to make your everyday environment a place . Even if you have a brilliant plan for how the world should change to become freer and fairer, you may need to learn to work with present conditions rather than against them. Aquarius is We, the people. This is BIG. I agree with Paul W. in that we still need hierarchy in the New Age, because even in the spiritual world of God there is hierarchy. We have polluted and damaged our biosphere for our own sorry gratification. As a fixed, air sign, Aquarius is all about considering innovative ideas, while also keeping a sense of tradition in place. When we were born, Saturn occupied its place in our birth chart. Saturn is the great teacher. Before explaining what Saturn return in Aquarius, lets explore what Saturn return and what it does. Depending on our birth sign, we survive our Saturn Return in different ways. Its less about whats tangible, its less about resources. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. It will return three times if you're very lucky. Our job in the last 2.5 was to master Capricorn, i.e. As Aquarius natives, you are visionary intellectuals who can see too far to the future with your innovative ideas. If you want to contribute to society by making it better, then open your mind, have a broader perspective. Because you belong to the sign of Aquarius, you are committed to effecting societal change. I look forward to this shift, growing pains, shredded skin and all! The big word therefore is, usually CHANGE is happening. It takes 27 to 29 years for Saturn to return. Saturn teaches us to work smarter for the long term, so we are not drained and burnt out. Anyone who has Saturn in Aquarius in their birth chart is currently experiencing their Saturn Return: Those born between February 6, 1991 and May 20, 1993, along with June 29, 1993 and January 28, 1994, are going through their first Saturn Return, while those born in the early 1960s (specifically between January 3, 1962 and March 23, 1964, as . As an astrologer, I honestly couldnt believe it at first, but I was amazed at how accurate my. You still need friendship and community, though, so your third Saturn return in Aquarius might be a good time to befriend younger people and share your experiences with them. However, your aspiration of making the world a better place wont happen without commitment and perseverance. Lessons Saturn in Aquarius is all about teaching us how to modify outdated systems, while still maintaining some form of boundary or structure. But in the meantime, we have plenty of takeaways from Saturn in Aquarius. Thank you! After reading this post a lot of my dreams begin to make even more sense than what I had already uncovered. It can only be found when we stop giving our power to another governing entity from politicians, to our leaders, or our mobile phones. A Saturn Return happens approximately every 29.5 years (i.e., the duration of Saturn's orbit around the sun), which means it lands in the same place in the sky it did when you were born roughly around the time you turn 29. Shani Dev is going retrograde. Jesus Christ has always been the Great Unifier, unifying Jews, Pagans, Yogis, Buddhists. When we live longer, he will return for the second time in our late 50s and early 60sa mid-life crisis. Are you brought up in the restriction of strict religion? 12 days ago. The early degrees of Aquarius are more drastic, more of a fight, than the late degrees which are more Utopian. With Aquarius in your fifth house, you may not be satisfied with the script your culture gave you for dating, mating, and having children. You rather have a small group of friends for life, instead of making lots of new friends. Many people have realized that the Internet is a very potent tool. The characteristics of your Saturn return in Aquarius may also vary based on the house where Saturn is located in your natal chart. We learn how to manage our duties and to find practical methods to not let them overwhelm us. Working in collectives, consensus, as opposed to majority, new ways of decision making, humanity standing up for itself. With Saturn in your first house it has everything to do with the self and how you present yourself in the world. Look out the window & appreciate the journey! One thing for sure. Every time he comes back, he makes sure that we feel it. You might feel like you have to become a parent in order to be a proper adult. Some people become parents at their Saturn returns, and a fifth house Saturn return could be especially likely to go in this direction. Saturn in Aquarius is about how we, as individuals every single one of us contribute to a better world by helping ourselves, our fellow humans and other living beings. They can rise through hardships when they open their mind to others' viewpoints and, most of all when they always persevere in following the path they choose. Lastly, I really appreciate that your style, its so modern and reflecting what we are going through in 2020. A return occurs when a planet comes back to the exact location in the zodiac it was at when you were born. Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023 What to Expect, Astrology Of December 2020 Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius, New Moon and Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius Reboot, Astrology Of December 2020 - Jupiter Conjunct Saturn in Aquarius -, Astrology Of 2021 - One Way, Or Another -, Saturn Square Uranus 2021 - The Clash Of The Titans -, Pluto in Aquarius 2023-2044: Power to the People -. Once Saturn moves into your natal Saturn sign, you can only create change in sign... Under the Aquarius sign Many Astrologers agree that the Internet is a bit countercultural are you brought in... Your physical body Aquarius until March 2023 of friends for life, instead of making the world through hard and... 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