Patricia Treece (1938-2016) is the author of critically acclaimed books on saints and related topics, such as mysticism, healing, and supranatural phenomena. This website is devoted to the extraordinary miracles of God in the lives of the Saints including examples of Stigmata, Prophecy, Remarkable Cures, Bilocation, Heavenly voices from the afterlife, Levitation, Prolonged Fasts, Mystical Knowledge, Scourging and the Crown of Thorns, Speaking in Tongues, Incorrupt Bodies, and Miracles over nature along with many others. Vincent touched one of the doors which then opened by itself. The tyrant had now been well and truly shamed by the young great martyr. While at Compostello, a young man who was strong and healthy but thoroughly blind, was brought to Master Vincent. And even if they transgressed the law, how, Father Steve's Daily Meditations The corpse was being borne on a stretcher to the burial place. Best of Week, Heaping joy upon joy, Mrs. Pilengas cure was eventually picked from the many healings God has given through Don Bosco to be held before the world at his canonization as an authentic miracle. Born into a world of raging conflicts, the little child who leads, The things written below are dedicated to the glory and honor of the Holy Anargyroi [Unmercenaries] doctors Kosmas and Damian. Design by Perceptions Studio. She had not been born blind, but as a result of eye disease her sight had been completely lost two years earlier. So help me God! Maria Stardero, a blind girl of ten or twelve, was led by her aunt into the church, where dozens of boys were standing about or kneeling in prayer as they waited for Don Bosco to arrive for confessions. . The saint then told him: "My home is in Trikorfo Doridos. On one occasion when he and his companions entered his home town of Valencia, all of the church bells began to ring by themselves. In this vision St Dominic showed him a young man and told him Receive him; he shall be your brother and my son. The captain changed his mind almost instantaneously and allowed Patrick passage home. However, once he began to preach, his appearance took on that of a young man full of vigor with a powerful and ringing voice. Four hundred sick persons were cured by merely resting on the couch on which the Saint had lain. Vincent spoke tenderly to him about Jesus and his mercy but this only incited the man to greater despair. The Lord worked very powerfully in the life of Rose of Lima, especially when it came to helping His people. I have prayed for you, and have obtained mercy; nay, more, whatever merits I may have, these I have entirely made over to you. In hearing this the dying man was somewhat reassured and told Vincent that he would make his confession if the Saint would put this in writing. Mother Teresa's First Miracle: The Healing of Monica Besra The healing of Monica Besra in Bengali, India, was the first miracle that led to Mother Teresa's beatification. His priest exhorted this sinner to make use of the sacrament of Confession but the man in despair rebuked the pleas saying that his sins were too great. Lukewarm souls would be given the grace of compunction and openly weep at his preaching for repentance. . . The cripple was instantly cured and ran to St Vincent to thank him. St Vincent was given the grace to be able to read peoples souls. As soon as he breathed his last, they all disappeared leaving a delicious scent. Maria Stardero, a blind girl of ten or twelve, was led by her aunt into the church, where dozens of boys were standing about or kneeling in prayer as they waited for Don Bosco to arrive for confessions. After he was placed into his tomb there continued to be daily miracles at his tomb. You will regain your sight, the man whose own vision was in need of help assured her. The Bollandists state that seventy possessed persons were freed by our Saint. Dominic was born into a life of poverty, of parents who were poor materially, but rich in faith. When asked why, he explained: I will answer a question which has been put to me: Why, before I begin Mass, do I make a Sign of the Cross in the direction of those who listen to me who are standing on any raised platforms? Sophia (Greek: 'Wisdom') was formerly a goddess of Gnostic Christianity. Miracles attributed to St. Catherine of Siena include God working through her to heal those stricken with the plague and the ability to read the. And while stories about the deeds of some holy healers and leaders remain popular decades or centuries after they were first told, many of the most surprising miracles have been forgotten. Consoling the husband, he gathered the parts of the child with his own hands. The preacher at the pulpit turned to him and said I felicitate you, William; in a few days you will have a son who will become a prodigy of learning and sanctity; .the world will resound with the fame of his wondrous deeds; he will put on the habit which I wear, and will be received in the Church with universal joy, as one of its first Apostles., The Miracles performed during his Childhood. During the service, a man on a fishing boat fell overboard and died. Paul cursed and blinded the blasphemous Elymas the sorcerer ( Acts 13:11-12 ). Some Saints who had devotion to St. Vincent Ferrer. The Miracle of the Jew brought back to Life, On Palm Sunday, 1407, there was a rich and important Jew of Andalusia, named Abraham, who had gone to Master Vincents sermon partly from curiosity and partly in defiance. Sophia Excerpts, The Miracle of the Princess and the Heavy Stone. A cypress tree trunk taken from Vincents childhood home, was to be used to carve a wooden statue of the Saint even though it was not quite large enough. He was instructed to preach repentance and conversion; that this would be a merciful occasion from God before the coming of the Antichrist. Brother Vincent was in the neighborhood, and being appraised of the situation, hastened to him. According to the legend, though, this miraculous change may have come with a price: Later on, when the man had just embarked upon a journey at sea, he saw that his wife had followed him to the shore and, unable to cross the patch of water now separating them, said "that if he would not come back to her, she would go into the sea that was between them. At times the number would swell to ten thousand. Utterly put to shame by a little girl, he ordered them to lash her with cowhides and then to throw her into a red-hot furnace. There they saw our Saint sleeping on the floor, his face illuminated with a light which lit up the entire room, and his body raised from the ground. To each of these churchmen, before working the cure, Don Bosco made it clear that their vote was expected in return. Saint Anthony of Padua, for us, represents the devotion and the love for the poor that every real Christian must have. Afterward, he declared, he felt a joy he would never have believed possible. Finally, he raised up his heart to God, made a short prayer, then promised the woman that if her absolution should come in writing from heaven, if she would promise to make her confession. In their danger they invoked the Holy Name of Jesus. Acta Sanctorum reports that her feast day of 15 May is attested in German, Belgian and English breviaries of the 16th century. A frustrated Patrick chased the snakes and they never returned to the island. Step into a world of glamour at Dublin's most stylish townhouse, Number 31. St Vincent said: My brethren, let us not speak of returning into Spain; you clearly see that it is Gods Will that I should end my days here., The Miracle Conversion of Jews and Muslims. Francis Dalmazzo, one of the first Salesians, spoke to the woman. Christ is Risen! He was the oldest son of Don Ferrante, the Marquis of Castiglione and Marta Tana Santena, who as part of the royal court of Philip II of Spain, was lady of honor to the Queen. The Miracle of Two Men going to their Execution, In Zamora in the year 1412, there were two men being led to execution. Then Sophia did for him an air baptism and named him Theochari, so that the grace of God would save the child.". One night as he prayed to Jesus regarding His passion, the crucifix turned its head to Vincent saying Yes, Vincent, I have borne all these sufferings, and even more. The new position of the crucifix was preserved for all to witness. I remember one incident. And they saw the open tomb, and the body of the saint intact as that of a sleeping man. He appeared to St. Catherine of Ricci to strengthen her for her approaching agony and death. One day Vincent went to this man and exposed to him all of the secret thoughts in his heart. Harry therefore departed for the Monastery disappointed. It was for the Sovereign Pontiff to speak. The Miracle of the Murdered Boy and his Fathers Faith. In her 1885 re-telling of dEspineys narrative of the saint, Elizabeth Raymond-Barker explains that the huge dogs initial appearance one dark night was as sudden and mysterious as many of its subsequent ones, but that it quickly became the priests trusted companion: [Don Bosco] had begun to cross [a] lonesome tract, [when] he suddenly saw by his side an enormous grey dog. And indeed when should they have stolen Him? Gaja fell to Vincents feet, asked for forgiveness, gave away the half he had kept, and joined the company of the Saint. If we rightly understand the nature of sin and its true character, the notion of moral progress will be seen more clearly. They were all astonished and the King testified that they heard Vincent preaching, as it were in the language of each one present. He would speak to huge crowds in large plazas without modern amplification, yet he was clearly heard by all, even if the distance was over miles away. He answered: It is a saint clothed in black and white; he holds his hands pointing towards heaven, and bears on his head a bright flame. He told me that I am already cured and that it will rain tomorrow. The next morning the parents went to the Church of St Dominic to offer thanksgiving to St. Vincent for their sons miraculous healing. Churches dedicated to Sophia of Rome include: Late gothic wooden sculpture of saints Sophia, Faith, Hope and Charity (Eschau, 1470),, Church of Saints Sofia and Tatiana of Rome at Filatov Pediatric Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia, This page was last edited on 20 January 2023, at 16:24. When this had been done, he looked at them charmingly and with enticing flattery and promises attempted to exploit the fact that they were so young in order to find out whether, because of their tender years, they had accepted the teaching of scorning the material goods which were offered to them. After this, she clothed herself in modest garb. This was the name of her long lost husband. WATCH: This St. Patrick's Day flash mob is still one of our favorites! Two times, Peter was miraculously freed from prison by an angel. His voice carried with it such of the Holy Spirit that people were moved to repentance and conversion at hearing his words. The brother of Theocharis, Mr. Pericles B., a scholar, speaks with great fervor about the sanctity of Sophia: "Without any blemish, if anyone deserves to be honored as a saint, it is Sophia. Read more Saint Anthony's Miracles. The tyrant then ordered her decapitation by the sword. by Apostoliki Diakonia pp. It was common for those attending his sermons to say: This man is truly a saint, for he knows the most hidden secrets of our hearts. There was a person named Gaja who in asking to be admitted to the Saints band of followers, was instructed to sell everything and to give it to the poor. just like the Shepherd over there, who has left his flock to take care of themselves after making a circle round them, and forbidding them to leave it . "My deceased mother, Soultana was her name, had lost three children and as soon as I was born, on 1 August 1946, they had said to 'dedicate' me to the Monastery, to the Panagia, and if she wanted, I would live. Gods and spirits in ancient Hindu, Indian, Greek and Roman art sometimes had light radiating from their heads. St Louis Bertrand confirmed this by stating that It spoke not merely twice or three times, but continually, for Mary dealt with Vincent as the tenderest of mothers. The Saints dead body gave off a piercingly sweet fragrance. Treece's other works include The Sanctified Body, Messengers, Meet Padre Pio, and the bestselling Mornings with Saint Therese. The baby Vincent was carried triumphantly; shortly after the precession was completed, the sky suddenly became overcast and copious rain fell for several hours. A terrible cry, which rose as the masses of people were tossed into the river, reached our Saint in the church. All rights reserved. The man floated gently down to the earth. His body had been dismembered by the mother. After Don Boscos death, there were many miracles to testify to the sanctity of this great friend of God. Maybe the Lord has determined that St. Vincent Ferrer will return to preach to our evil times. There were many miraculous gifts associated with St. Vincents preaching. Vincent finally turned to the dying man and said: I will save thee in spite of thyself. He then invited those present to invoke the Holy Virgin and to recite the Rosary. The Various Appearances of Jesus, Mary, and St Dominic to St Vincent. In this chapter, the human race lived in complete harmony with its Creator, in an almost god-like state. Any of Charles Dickens novels will confirm this Dombey and Son especially so. He, wishing no one to incur the blame of the saint, offered up prayer, whereupon fire sparkled from his finger-tips like flashes from a flint when it is struck. His baptism was a city event which drew many of the important of Valencia. Carrying the paralytic in their arms, they approached St Vincent, who raising his hand, made the sign of the cross over the cripple. Why is he called Angel of the Apocalypse?And why do you think he is not better known?Hes an amazing Saint! If a second miracle . Joan was raised devoutly Catholic by her mother. For example, when Don Bosco had great trouble there getting approval for his radical new congregation, God used the saint to give healings toseveral important church officials who opposed approval or to members of their families. The Saint told her: Come to my next sermon, bid your husband mix with the audience, and omit not to bring your baby with you. The women obeyed the instructions. Is this man guilty? As Phyllis G. Jestice, scholar and author of Holy People of the World: A Cross-cultural Encyclopedia, Volume 1, points out, however, the legend of St. Denis's most famous miracle describes his journey to his final resting place as happening rather differently. He was constant in his prayers and mortifications, never omitting any of them. Featuring colorful an. Lady Theodora wished to possess as a relic the right hand of her brother. A cross was erected in that spot to commemorate that event. The people turned to St. Vincent Ferrer in prayer and penance, and the cholera ceased. Sadly on the very day her dreams had promised healing, her confessor was forced to give her the last rites. The origin of this miracle stems from St. Patrick himself. The saint to whom the animals lined up.<br> <br>March 1 is the day of memory of Saint Zosimas of Ennat (Sukhanova).<br> <br>Divinity is God in his saints. They raised the litter and set it up so all could see. Author Giles Morgan notes that St. Nick demonstrated an early interest in religion as a child [and] is sometimes shown [in religious art] as an infant refusing to drink milk from his mother's breasts on Wednesdays and Fridays as an act of fledgling piety because these were days of canonical fasting., 2023 Minute Media - All Rights Reserved. She kept it for a long time, and then she made a gift of it to a Dominican chapel. It threaded its way through the crowd unassisted, then seizing its fathers hand cried out This is my father; I am really his child. St Leonard of Port Maurice, who was also an extraordinary preacher, placed all of his work under the protection of St. Vincent Ferrer. This time, too, she deteriorated further. Or perhaps it is our earthly concept of time which makes us feel that events foretold in prophecy need to occur in a few years, instead of hundreds of years. Demonstrate "Heroic Virtue". When the man came to Vincent to be admitted, the Saint admonished him for having only given half his money away. Near Palma of Majorca St. Vincent Ferrer stilled a storm in order to preach from a wharf. He immediately sunk on his knees, and asked pardon of him for his incredulity. The Miracle of the Assassins turned to Statues. ", According to legend, though, she didnt just wish for beer; she also produced it by miraculous means. When Vincent had gone about three miles, knowing there was a man in the group who had little faith in the miracles, called the man to him saying: "I have left my kerchief at the inn from which we have come; go and fetch it. He repeated the promise of a Sunday cure. Rassa Maritain (1883 - 1960) was a Russian poet and philosopher. It is only water, not stones; and in any case, God will provide. Then Vincent made the Sign of the Cross towards the sky and the clouds parted in two, just as one might make a tear in a piece of cloth. After the appearance of Jesus, St. Francis and St Dominic to Vincent in 1396, there are many other appearances which we are aware of. Acts 16:16-18 NKJV: 16 Now it happened, as we went to prayer, that a certain slave girl possessed with a spirit of divination met us, who brought her masters much profit by fortune-telling. It was a permanent, instantaneous, total recovery, verified by three doctors as well as a medical commission appointed by the Church, from a condition that nearly thirty years of medical help had failed to cure. It was so violent that the people felt in fear of destruction. I doubt God will send another since we have so thoroughly ignored the one He already sent.Jeff Apodaca. In 1600 a rib bone of St Vincent was given to the Cathedral of Valencia. The Miracles of St Vincent Ferrer (1350-1419) Angel of the Apocalypse, The Miracle of the Dying Sinner and his Petition, The Miracle of Speech which was Taken Back. St Vincent Ferrer was truly the greatest miracle worker since the days of the twelve apostles and could be considered the thirteenth apostle. In the year 1651, the city of Valencia was in the midst of a famine and in great need of provisions. He that is the pre-eternal God becomes a newborn babe that we might be converted and become babes in Christ. A late 5th-century text established the still-popular tale of St. Denis carrying his own decapitated head post-execution several miles from what's currently Montmartre to where the Benedictine abbey at Saint Denis currently stands. First, she was canonized and treated as a saint long before the current process was in use. This miracle was so celebrated in Spain, that for centuries there was the common expression when encountering a less than attractive women: This woman has great need of the hand of St. Vincent.. Rising and with unhurried steps, he came to the church porch, then making one Sign of the Cross, repaired the damaged bridge. Because in a moment the vessel will be dashed against the rocks!. He would always begin his preaching by making this Sign towards the crowds. St. Louis Bertrand had been given many favors by St. Vincent; the final was his appearance to St Louis as he was nearing death. Ascending the pulpit, he exhorted the people to give thanks to the holy Apostles because it was by their intercession that this storm was stopped. On reaching Caen the preacher was conducted to a great open space where King Henry and his officials were seated, with a huge multitude in the surrounding space. There was the testimony given during the process of inquiry that when the possessed persons were brought into the Saints presence, the demon fled before the usual Exorcism prescribed by the Church was recited. At times, a possessed person would be freed from the devil merely upon going to the same place as where Vincent was or even simply when Vincent's name was pronounced. Catholic Exchange is a project of Sophia Institute Press. People were healed by the simple touch of his hands or even his religious habit, which would cut pieces from. A boy called Parrisio decides to go on a boat trip with other boys, but without telling his parents. Paul casts out a spirit of divination. When this had happened, impiously on the part of the tyrant and in a Godly manner on the part of the first young girl, the second daughter, Hope, who was ten years old, was brought before him. Yet this amazing number is considered woefully low by those who were contemporaries. She arrived in Turin from France in her usual serious condition. At Pampeluna an innocent man had just been condemned to death. And thus he glorified the saint whom God honored by so many miracles. In its place was offered at once the 1931 cure of Mrs. Catherine Lanfranchi Pilenga. I dont believe in miracles. St Vincent was one day passing through a certain street in his home town of Valencia, when he heard arguing, cries of rage, blasphemies and horrible imprecations coming from a house. Miracles Of Paul. When this had happened, he was struck by their beauty and comeliness and, once he had separated the mother from her three daughters, he discussed the faith with her, in an attempt, at times with blandishments and promises and at others with threats, to wean her away from her faith in Christ. John Paul II, for instance, has "performed the miracles, so to speak, but he's also somebody who many people have found a great inspiration. In his studies at the abbey he learned Hebrew and could quote scripture in it. He instructed if you should receive any wound or hurt you should sign it devoutly with the Sign of the Cross, and to make The Sign clearly and not in a circular motion. A miracle experience may be due to cognitive errors (e.g. They had virtually nothing to do with her. The Twenty-First Day of Christmas Advent. And immediately a mist and a darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking those who would lead him by the hand. The miracle of Innocentia. Hundreds went out to great Vincent. Will it really happen that one day the wolf will lie down with the lamb, and the leopard with the baby goat, and the lion with the calf, and a little child shall lead them? The Saint met the man, who cast himself on the ground before him saying: Master, since you are, as I believe, a true disciple of Jesus Christ, I pray you restore to me my sight which I have lost for the space of three years. St Vincent made the sign of the Cross on the mans eyes and the merchant immediately recovered his sight. He then ordered that she be subjected to terrible, unheard of tortures. A woman, the mother of Theobald Lasset, had her sight restored immediately on making a vow to visit the Saints tomb. This forgotten Saint performed more miracles in a single day then all of the miracles performed by other saints over their entire life. The Queen turning to her ladies said: Let us go, let us go, this man is far more holy than we think.. As an example, Vincent once said to a novice, Alphonso Borgia, "You will become Pope and will canonize me." Add to this is that the nature of his miracles were often of an extraordinary nature. The miracle St. Patrick is most commonly associated with is the removal of snakes from the island of Ireland. To one boy in Kleisoura she gave the name Jordan, unique in the whole village. . At Chinchilla we were delivered from a still greater peril. The wines, bread, and food seemed to them the food of Paradise. Over the next twenty years St Vincent would travel through Italy, Germany, France, Spain, and England preaching conversion, offering mass, hearing confessions, and working miracles to confirm his message. The Martyrdom of Saint Sophia and her 3 daughters, Byzantine illumination, 11th Century. There she beheld the Saint absorbed in deep prayer, his face shone with rays of light which illuminated the room. The Jews imagined that he was to speak about a matter of public interest, and so they listened to him with great attention. In desperation, he was hoping for help beyond medicine. The Catholic-Orthodox Church also adopted Sophia and her daughters, Faith, Hope and Love as saints, but they are almost certainly mythical. While preaching, there appeared a shower of snow-white crucifixes which settled on the clothing of everyone assembled. After being beseeched for help, Vincent took a boat out to a rock in mid-sea just outside the harbor. image: St. Thomas in stained class,County Tipperary, Ireland/Andreas F. Borchert, Wikimedia Commons Andreas F. Borchert [CC BY-SA 3.0 de (], Tagged as: At Ratisbon, Saint Albert, his old master, learned by a vision of the death of his beloved disciple. These monks let the Count de Rohan also witness this, which resulted in the Count becoming a sincerely pious man. He literally became frenzied and ordered that she be decapitated by the sword. A mule with a very heavy load slipped and fell, rolled down the side of a cliff, and was finally dashed against some jagged rocks. This conflicts with the much more widespread hagiographical tradition (BHL 2966, also extant in Greek, Armenian and Georgian versions) placing Sophia, the mother of Faith, Hope and Charity, in the time of Diocletian (early fourth century) and reporting her dying not as a martyr but mourning for her martyred daughters. I, Now a certain man was ill, Lazarus of Bethany, the village of Mary and her sister Martha. One day, messengers who were carrying documents concerning the miracles attributed to Brother Thomas Aquinas to the Pope, were going across the Alps above Lausanne. She was a mere nine years old, but with an unusually strong mind of her own for such a young girl, and so with indescribable boldness she declared that Christ is the only true God and with child-like glee derided the religion of the idols. Design by Perceptions Studio. He met a reluctant captain, however, who refused to take him. All was ready. Her relics are said[citation needed] to have been translated to the convent at Eschau, Alsace in 778, and her cult spread to Germany from there. But, as you have just seen, an act of faith is stronger than all the powers of hell., St. Vincent A View of an Apostles life. In Vincents miracles we also see the power of Holy Water. He asked her: What do you want, my child? My daily bread, and the gift of speech she answered. . He walked on foot everywhere, wore a rough hair shirt, fasted, disciplined himself every night, slept on the hard ground, and allowed himself only five hours of sleep. In the year 1701, Valencia was in a severe drought. This article is adapted from R. Maritains book. Under Vatican law, the first miracle attributed to a candidate for sainthood means beatification can be conferred. . The Saint again asked him for this charity, but the workman said I cannot afford it, and you shall neither have the beast nor the shoes until you have paid me. Then St Vincent turned to his donkey and said: This man will not give the shoes which he has put on you, because I cannot pay him, restore them to him, and let us go. At this the animal shook its feet one after the other, miraculously casting off the shoes. On a later occasion Queen Violante again went to witness what she had been told. Once when preaching in the court of the Carmelite convent, it began to rain. On Good Friday, the year 1410, Master Vincent was in Tortosa praying in the church prior to commencing his preaching. Editors note: This article was adapted from a chapter inNothing Short of a Miracleby Patricia Treece, available from Sophia Institute Press. One day some block masons, working high on a wall on a prison roof, spotted Friar Vincent walking down the street. 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Since the days of the Carmelite convent, it began to rain a man on a roof.