I am deeply grateful to Dr Boz for laying the foundation with her teachings on Nutritional Ketoses and how this sets the stage for true brain healing and repair!! I never fasted, and did better than great. Which is why I created this Keto Excel Spreadsheet to help you SEE the changes in your health unfold. I know what to do, I've been on Keto for 3 yearscould this class really help & be worth it? Keto is the password that people keep throwing around and you have terms such as, dirty keto good keto, carnivorous keto all describing meal plan. I tell all patients to start with urine strips. 3 yrs later gained to 298. After 5 weeks son, husband and I are at different places but after a cleanup of our pantries we are on our way to health. Yes, Yes, Y E S!!! As I recently began my journey on the keto continuum primarily to address many health issues and surrounded by loved ones with similar issues and worse, like addiction and mental health crisis, this course is a must! I have gone through this course a second time because there is so much material in this course that I could not apply it because my life style and my metabolism was not ready. ), Improved athletic performance: above 0.5 mmol/L, Improved mental performance: 1.0-3 mmol/L, Therapeutic (e.g., to help with specific medical problems): 2-6 mmol/L. As you can imagine, there is a lot of good info and a lot of bad info available there and it is sometimes difficult to determine which is which. I am so glad I purchased this course and yes I am co-leader of a class, this has not only encouraged me to be consistent in my journey but given me a voice for encouraging others to get keto and get healthier. I have been doing Keto for a few years. Happy New Year 2023 - Always a time to start fresh with Dr. Boz! Most of all, they are a great tool to help you understand keto chemistry in great detail. So much excellent teaching and every question I had was addressed. When it gets too high, your body needs to do something. My family recognized a problem long before I would admit it. Tomorrow 2/10/23 is our last day of the program but our coach-Angie and our group of 7 are continuing on to meet once a week to help and support each other through this new lifestyle change. Dont. without starving myself as well as reducing my glucose sugars, increasing my ketones, and reducing inflammation in my shoulders! I had no idea what to expect. I didn't realize how much impact they were making. The biggest threat to your changed behavior comes from your past habits. I just ordered the paper copy workbook, and am excited to get started. To learn there is hope to heal our brains from all of the trauma we all have endured at one time or another.. from life traumas as a child, witnessing horrible abuse, being held up with a gun as a child to having prescription narcotics and numerous toxins from chemo. to KNOW steps I can take to repair this damage is just amazing! I am 71 years old and joined this course with one goal in mind - Lose the weight ! Rosemarie, But your course has been more than I could have guessed. I have already offered my husband access to the workshop and I am eager to discuss such wonderful discoveries that was. During the first course I learned so much and was challenged physically, emotionally and mentally to push myself beyond what I thought I could do. The education was very. I was really encouraged at some of the little changes I can do in my life to repair and improve my brain. Got married in 1975 had baby in Jan 1980. And I plan on returning to the program several times to take notes to improve the quality of my life!! Web Code: 16699542. A plan for life. Thank you it was a great introduction to some more deeper knowledge about the ketogenic diet. So many questions were answered that could be applied to my heath issues. My son and I had tried eating less carbs and dirty intermittent fasting with some mild success. Instant Autophagy: Just punch in your Glucose and Ketone numbers to get an instant Dr. Boz Ratio to see if you're in autophagy and on the path to reversing chronic inflammation. You can compare it with the typically recommended values presented in the macro calculator. Dr. Boz is a great storyteller and uses a lot of. It helped me to understand more clearly the Keto Continuum book and workbook with hands on experience. They try and give newbies extra help and hold your hand. william boeing family tree 14:14 AYA AYN TURAN, MURAT BOZ'U KNA ETT . 4.3 Measuring Ketones & Dr Boz Ratio 112. Then I found Dr Boz on YouTube. We reported our numbers daily and I felt very supported in the small group. Words cannot come close to explaining how brilliant this course was. I have been pushing them to offer a ketogenic nutrition program -at least optional- for their patients. I realize that there is much information that I have never heard before packed inside this course. Dr Boz holds the key to unlocking the door for so many, showing them the way to better health! I admit, it was hard for me to justify buying this program because I have failed at my expense so many times before. If you struggle learning how to navigate YOUR personal chemistry, then this is just the course you need. Again, thank you Dr. Boz. I love that we can reap the keto benefits together <3 If each one who is a learner teaches just one our communities can be full of health and hope. Can you imagine the lives that would be saved, repaired, or even spared the ruin of drugs, alcohol, carbs, malnutrition, and poor sleep? This 21-day kick was the hardest, most rewarding gift I ever bought myself. I thought I understood a lot , but, yet still found it difficult to really get rid of my old habits to do something different. Since I have been following Dr Boz for 3 years, I did not think I needed to take this course. Then I heard of the 21 Day Metabolic Kick! I wish I would have had this knowledge when she was alive. This course has given me what I need to succeed at the ketogenic diet. Dr. Boz is my Keto Mentor! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion through this platform! within my university. But at 76, was it too late? The package includes 1 meter that measures both your blood glucose and blood ketones. I went from 171.1 to 172.2 over nite. God Bless you Dr Boz. Since then, I have had a lot of 'start overs' and was struggling. So I signed up for the course and it showed me how to change and how to start repairing my body. This was the best experience. There are not enough words to express my gratitude for Dr Boz and her willingness to share so much of her journey, knowledge, and tools with those of us who desperately need them and who know others who do. We had noticed increasing brain difficulties and I kept feeling nudged to enroll in the course. You have truly changed my life. My morning blood sugar is now down to 122 down from high hundreds low 200s. Thank you Dr. Boz for being part of my journey! I have gone through this course a second time because there is so much material in this course that I could not apply it because my life style and my metabolism was not ready. Happy New Year 2023 - Always a time to start fresh with Dr. Boz! The slides are beautiful and capture your attention well. Before I started testing I could talk myself into believing it wouldnt impact the numbers that much. Nope .. After doing Dr Boz's Brains course in December, I knew I just had to get back on track. You won't be sorry! If we change the fabric of the communities in which we live, these methods will become the new norm in all of our circles. To have Dr Boz lay out the path to healing is greatly encouraging. There is so much information and I often felt the need to go back and watch complex sections multiple times. This is the 3rd time that I have taught this curriculum inside an adolescent treatment facility. One way is through acetone. The first time that I started the Keto diet I was interested in the weight loss. . I have at least 2 pages full of notes including but not limited to be in ketosis, vitamin levels, forms of exercise, SLEEP and how important it is, stable routines, decrease blue light, etc. The powders of SrCO 3 (10 g, 67.70 mmol) and TiO 2 (5.40 g, 67.70 mmol) were stirred in 50 mL of 2-propanol for 30 min. I am so glad we did. You could not ask for a more IN DEPTH, ALL INCLUSIVE, IMMERSIVE experience anywhere! This review is for the BRAINS: Trauma to Repair Course that I attended in Pella, Iowa and purchased after the fact. That along with Dr Boz's input to my situation was icing on the cake. I feel disheartened as well, when passing medications, sensing that I could contribute to a patient's knowledge base and health management, but realizing the information would conflict/confuse patients' and practitioners' plan of care. Please use one meter for blood glucose testing and the other one for blood ketone testing. Some autophagy may be happening. I encourage you to stay curious and strive for fact based knowlege. In the last year, I read and bought Dr. Bozs two books and workbook. What an incredible opportunity to have Dr. Boz oversee our individual journeys during this 21-day course. This experience saved me. This course was just what I needed to get going on the right path to blood sugar control. Through the lessons here I fixed several problems, and learn more yet through the Neurons support group, don't miss this tremendous aid! The program ticks all the boxes for inspiring real change: education (and more education! Having high level of ketones are great and all, but if you also have a super . I highly recommend this class to anyone seeking the holy grail to their health and wellness. on desktop and mobile. Then found Dr Boz and others on youtube, and just buried myself in learning the science. Optimal TC/HDL ratios are less than 3.4 for men and less than 3.3 for women. That said, if you are really bored, you can read on for more of my story. The information is invaluable, not only for ourselves but for those close to us. How I wish I had known about Dr. Boz before I had first embarked on my keto journey! I have been a family nurse practitioner for 26 years, and I highly recommend this class for everyone. I have personally learned I must reduce my protein to get into ketosis, and Id love to see videos on why that is! With this newfound knowledge, I feel more capable of facing the hard times that come with removing those habits and dealing with the hardships that come as I face a life of sobriety. Just when I thought I had seen it all or been a part of a program that could not have gotten better. There isn't anything else out there like what this course offers. Maybe that's my mission field. Best wishes, But the missing piece was, how do I do this for the rest of my life? I came across Dr Boz's course just as the world shut down with the pandemic. I lost 10 pounds since the class and improved my sleep. developing educator. You are changing lives! By the grace of God it was stage 1 so I did not have chemotherapy. quit losing. Through my church I have been involved in various clothing drives for inmates leaving the system. I had two objectives when I signed up: reach a Dr. Boz ratio of less than 20 at least four times a week and fast 36 hours a week. SOLD NOV 10, 2022. There is a huge need up there. On their own, glucose or ketone readings give you a snapshot of where you are at this exact moment, which means they can be independently influenced by immediate variables, such as stress (which heightens blood glucose) or a fat-rich meal (which heightens ketones). Thanks Dr Boz, coaches and community! Now I have to clean up the continuums so I am in a. Dr. Annette Bosworth is a very gifted teacher. I am so honored to have been selected for a second time to work with Dr. Boz and her team as a coach in the 21 Day Metabolic Kick, 2023. Never tried sardines before but found them tolerable but seeing the ketone impact those had was amazing. The 21 DMKS class taught me so much. I wished she was one of my professors back in med school. I am so glad I purchased this course and yes I am co-leader of a class, this has not only encouraged me to be consistent in my journey but given me a voice for encouraging others to get keto and get healthier. I was unsure if this course could help our family as 4 out of 5 have ADHD. Who thought going back to school would be so fun?? Thank you so much Dr. Boz for all your work! It begins with an understanding of how the brain actually cleans itself at night with Slow Wave Sleep (SWS). I never thought I would be able to do a fast. Then Dr. Fung had fasting and talked about longer fast for body set point. It has been totally enlightening and I hope to be able to pass on this information to my friends and family as well as teaching it to small groups of teenagers. This 21-day Metabolic Kick has been the best investment I have ever made in myself. The true test with my knees will be riding horse. Just this morning, in the second Brains group I am leading, we were talking about how the Brains: Trauma to Repair information should be taught in schools. Her love, generosity and compassion for others comes right through her videos. This state is called keto-adaptation. Read Dr. Boz's book Keto Continuum. Your passion to help others shines through and we will be using this new knowledge to improve our own mid 60's brains, but importantly with other family members and friends. Thats why I bought your course, to figure out how to stay Consistently Keto, no matter what I face. As I progressed through each module, I was immediately reminded of so many members of my family, work family as well as neighbors in my community that I love. The 10 case studies aka participants brought their challenges, and on the spot, Dr Boz answered while we watched and absorbed all that information. My body has trouble keeping my energy up, and the Ketones in a can have been invaluable to me, as well as taking the time to ingest lots of fat in the first weeks of the Keto Continuum. I had no idea how I was going to use this new knowledge. Please let me know if you have any issues, or need me to resend it. Step over the threshold. I am great at fasting 36, 48, and 72 hours. Dr Boz gave me the tools to track my progress and gave me the insight to understand what is actually going on inside my body so I can make the changes necessary to stay on a path of health. Eat your fat ! Some things I felt iffy in my understanding and I got a clear answer everytime in this course. I lost 17 pounds during the class! His health is improving one sleep at a time. In 2020 I purchased the Keto Continuum Course, read "Anyway You Can" and the "Keto Continuum" book, I completed the "Keto Continuum Workbook" as well. KABOOM! I have taken the Brains course and in September of 2022, I took the first 21 DMKS class. Tim Ferriss saved her life. Enter your blood ketone result number into the calculator. Now, more than ever, I excitedly can move ahead informed and resourceful, thanks to you. 11 months ago, I purchased the course as a Christmas gift to myself. I discovered Dr Boz the first of Nov and started my journey into Keto. She is a professional M.D. I took the Keto Continuum course online and lived at Keto Continuum 6 to 8. I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for over three years and. Sorry for the length of this comment, but I wanted to thank you for all you do to help people get healthy! I have been living a ketogenic lifestyle for over three years and have lost 40 pounds and kept it off. My medical conditions and mental health only got worse. You are the average of the 5 people you hang out with. I was in Ronda Bishop's small group. It has given me the knowledge and tools, to use personally to I am so glad I did too! Then Dr. Fung had fasting and talked about longer fast for body set point. Q. My mind is spinning with great ideas. Very hard for me to do but I did lose 50+ lbs. It has been so life changing for myself and I know others will find it life changing also.Thank you so much for sharing this information in such an easy to understand manner. based teaching techniques, successful use of team learning and So, I joined the course on January 15, 2021. 3. This is not normal for me as I usually have to plan everything. Yes, There is always hope. I have also made wonderful new friends and support through the group that I lead each week on zoom. Although I started with the very first computers in the early 90s and have always been online, I refused to do the social media thing. You are appreciated! Thank you for filling in all the missing pieces. And she has moved me to advocacy through her extraordinary faith, spirit, determination and a deep feeling of connection. If you don't know what the Dr. Boz Ratio is please watch this video: https://youtu.be/FBovEjbiAOE. One weekend at a conference without keto food and I didn't think to pack a lunch, was the starting of eating carbs again. This is clearer if the first number is larger than the second, i.e. To have Dr Boz lay out the path to healing is greatly encouraging. share within my bedside patient teachings, including emphasis on I was fortunate to. After a half century struggling with alcohol abuse, and its effects on my brain, for the first time in my life I am in control, because I understand the science. I could not have done any of this without daily glucose and ketones measurement with the Fora 6 meter you are absoluluty right that the quantifications helps monitor effects that then become knowlege. If you keep your DBR at 80 or lower you will keep the benefits of losing weight and healing your body from the inside out, as well as aging backwards. So many questions were answered that could be applied to my heath issues. Excellent. I know how to stay at my new normal ratio and fast 36 to 72 every week. Just enough info in each video to stir thoughts, change beliefs and inspire action for newbies and veterans alike. Dr. Boz is willing to take the hard road to help, not just reach for a prescription pad. I recommend this course to anyone who is wired to help people. Im not much of a joiner, but it ended up well worth it and now I love being a part of it. I was blessed to be chosen as one of the coaches for this phenomenal 21day Metabolic Kick!!!! Dr. Boz speaks to the needs of anyone struggling to heal their brain and to the future of the medical profession. Thank you Team Boz. I need your information to keep on track. For cyclohexane this optimum lays around an entrainer ratio of 10, in the case of isopropyl acetate the optimum is already reached at a ratio of 1.5. I have yo-yoed for more than 50 years and my metabolism is serioiusly damaged. To resist the 67 years of carbohydrates that are aging and destroying my body and mind. It has been a privilege to meet other like-minded individuals with the same desire to improve their health as I have. GKI [GLUCOSE KETONE INDEX] = Glucose divided by 18 : KetonesDR BOZ RATIO: Glucose divided by ketones. Here is my video review of the 21 Day Metabolic Kick class. We have moved twice to 2 different states in the past half year and have to say having the consistency of the Tuesday evening support meetings has been a godsend. Starting 184, now in July I am 172.2. Much like stepping on a scale provides feedback, so does testing your blood ketones and blood glucose. I was wrong. Buying a meter can be expensive. Did Atkins dropped to 165. Measure them. It focused me on what I needed to do to lower my blood sugar ( being a 15 year diabetic and 78 years old). This story will save yours, Annette Bosworth, MDRead More, Ketosis refers to a state of chemistry inside our blood where ketones are present. I told my family and friends about the importance of sleep and ordered some extra darkening curtains for my bedroom. I desire to learn more and go deeper with my understanding, and share with others. I cant get enough and every time I listen I learn something new. I'm glad to have this knowledge to help myself and others. fast of coffee, water and salt. However, I have Metastatic Breast Cancer and need to live at a very low Dr. Boz ratio (GKI). I have more energy, I feel younger than my age of 68. Dr Boz is saying to divide the Blood Sugar result by the Blood Ketone result to arrive at a ratio that gives clues about the level of autophagy you have reached. Chapter 25 . I started out on a carnivore diet in October 2019 but did not understand what a Ketone was until I started listening to Dr. Boz in August 2020. I was a participant in the Sep 2022 21 day metabolic kickstart class. I've been watching her videos for a while, but little nuggets I'd never heard from her were invaluable. My BG and Ketones numbers were great (between 100 and 40)! Help your doctor help you. The fail proof method along with Dr Boz's guidance would have made my journey so much easier. We are 8 weeks in, This course is amazing and has started myself to healing immune system and severe osteoporosis and my husband's diagnosis in 2016 of stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer We are looking for a Dr to assist us. I tipped the scales at 285 1 year later when he died at the age of 35. I almost said the heck with it all. That is how we will ROCK our Brains and stay Consistently Keto. The dried powders were milled for 4 h at room temperature using a Retsch PM100 type planetary ball milling system equipped with a tungsten carbide jar (250 mL) and ten balls (77.58 g) with . Last month I weighed under 300 lbs for the 1st time in years currently 283. Boz!! It has been so life changing for myself and I know others will find it life changing also. Your the reason that I can stay on Keto. Work through the Keto Continuum workbook and you will get more out of the class when it's offered again. I just ordered the paper copy workbook, and am excited to get. I took her course and read, Dear Dr Boz, Dr Boz selflessly shared with us her knowledge day after day, and as a result we got better and better. We first came across your work in your audio book Any Way You Can in using a Keto diet with your mum's cancer fight so successfully. Im a keto success story! I was blessed to be chosen as one of the coaches for this phenomenal 21day Metabolic Kick!!!! I was really encouraged at some of the little changes I can do in my life to repair and improve my brain. Learn why fat-fuel outperforms carbohydrate-fuel. I really got talked into the course by reading the reviews. Florida. Those of us who have been do her program share our AM glucose- ketones numbers to keep us living healthy for life thank you Dr. Boz. Still I was hungry most of time during long fasts. 2. I purchased Any Way You Can Books for family, friends, and local libraries. Dr. Boz's 21-Day Metabolic Kick was a great course to take and I'd recommend it to anyone concerned about their health, whether they are in so-called good shape or not! I have been following Dr. Bozs YouTube videos weekly since June of 2018. Thank you Dr. Boz and team. Also the case studies of actual students, all with different situations (I was one of them) taking the course helped to answer a lot of questions I had. I thought the final section on the city council piece was particularly helpful. But Dr. Bosworth takes the prize for being the most engaging, passionate and articulate teacher ever. You dont accidentally start making ketones. People fail when changing habits without accurate, real-time feedback. givers, nursing facility administration, coworkers, my son's college Did Atkins dropped to 165. I was initially hesitant to invest in an online version of the brains course, but it turned out to be the best learning experience ever. Lost 70 # on Atkins in 1973. I just knew I had to take it. Cindy. Being a nurse it helped me too. Between the daily classroom sessions with Dr. Boz and the daily small group coaching sessions, I can finally see clearly how to get to my end goal and continue to improve my overall health. I learned so much in this course. I tried keto several years ag, but quit, I just finished this course. The cost was the first barrier and getting up at 4a for a 4:30 Live with Dr. Boz was the second. Thanks so much Dr Boz for everything you give, even when it must have been tough with the loss of your parents. I started keto in September of 2018 after I was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Adults shouldn't eat more than two meals a day. Yes, that is exactly what Dr. Bosworth has. This course walked me and my students hand by hand through the halls of Keto schoolDr. Boz style. course curriculum via Zoom and in-person gatherings. I thought I knew a little (or more!) A few days afterward, my glucose dropped to 65 and my DBR was consistently below 100, a goal I had been striving toward since 2018 when I first started living the ketogenic lifestyle. I have thoroughly enjoyed the Brains Course. I want to share it with those I love. Use a ketone meter to measure your blood ketone levels. I never thought I would be able to do a fast. Most accurate, scientific keto teaching available! I found out you cant do this alone! I first discovered Dr Boz on YouTube in October 2019 through my interest in the keto diet. I prayed and contemplated about 2 months before officially committing to taking the Brain's course. Now I've just finished the Course for the second time, and let me tell you, I anchored my knowledge, saw even more improvement in my metabolic health--lower morning glucose, higher ketones to feed my brain, weight stabilized, energy soared, skin improved, and on and on! How to switch from GKI to Dr.Boz ratio (iFORA HM app)? This was really amazing. It was perplexing and overwhelming. !My schedule made it difficult to caught up. December, 2017 I started my keto journey. I just have not enough words to say Thank you for such a great course and teaching me to really take care of my health. I am part of a very active support group. This is worth it, and worth sharing, watching over again. I continue to identify groups that would find this I'm serious, my list goes on and on even though the focus was not ADHD. She speaks from experience both personal and professional. I have been reluctant to do the hard work. Thankfully, through my father in law, I met DR. 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