Someone who cannot and will not raise his eyes to My Cross will never be able to understand My Love. I never fathomed how many blessings we would receive. Discover Jesus in the quietness. But, united in love, you are a mighty power. $ 21.99. My Sacred Wounds are the Anchor of Salvationin the mighty confrontation with the forces of the evil one. The "Rosary of the Wounds" is not the same as the Chaplet of the Five Wounds of Christ the Divine Mercy is NOT approved. Holy wounds of Jesus, heal the wounds of our souls and bodies! Sister Maria points to "St. Francis of Assisi, in his radical and intimate love for Christ and his life of joy and simplicity, and St. Jeanne Jugan, through her humility, her love of the elderly . The prayer will move you to feel sorrow for your personal sins. Lay the weak and the sick and above all the dying, in the repose of My Most Sacred Heart. With this prayer in your hearts and these words on your lips, you should go through the day, invoking the Fruits of My redeeming PassionThe times are growing ever more menacing. with the gentle hand of your love, of your will, for I had not come unto you so that the strings of its virtues might be cleansed with your most holy blood . I saw also a shining red heart floating in the air. To all I offer the Love of My Heart, and I will never cease to do so. Cast all your wounds, with complete confidence, into the Ocean of Mercy of My Wounded Love, There all can be healed, all be made well again. She can banish evil and crush the serpents head in the power of the Most Holy Trinity. Ask pardon daily for all those things in which, consciously or unconsciously, you have injured Love. In these days of such great temptation and trials you need the protection of My Sacred Wounds and above all of the Sacred Wound in My Heart. I offer to the Eternal Father the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, in atonement for my sins, all which I detest with sincere and bitter contrition. This entry is dated October 15, 1975: The snotnose (ie- Anneliese) blurt out everything. Oh,this Love covers all the sins. Nothing is more precious to My Heavenly Father than Love. Place them in My Sacred Wounds and ask Me to free them from all wants and distress. I salute and adore the Holy Wounds of Your feet, and place in them all the hardened sinners that choose to live in the world. Ursula (St. Veronica) was consecrated to the wound of Jesus side. Paula began specializing in caring for orphaned girls and deaf women. Nowhere are you better protected. Her dad owned a large spinning mill that manufactured cloth from cotton, and he employed many people. The more you truly live the vocation of this Love, the more your hearts will be seized and transfused with the immeasurable richness of My Redeeming Love. Pray, for the sake of all My Wounds, and add to this the boundless Love of My Sacred Heart, in the deepest union of Love with your Heavenly Mother; then nothing will be able to separate you again from the Love and Mercy of the Father. Lead all Mankind to this Saving Source. Here above all, My Love will go to any lengths. There is no sinner whom He would not embrace like prodigal son, if you, with Me, should intercede on their behalf for Pardon and for Mercy. Saint Maria Crocifissa Di Rosa, please pray for us. All of them I will comfort in their sufferings. It will be the place of refuge, the light in the darkness, the salvation in the war of spirits. He told him that she wanted to enter religious life. I offer to the Eternal Father all the pain and love of Thy most holy humanity, and I pray Thee to change my heart and its affections, and make me do all my actions in accordance with the will of God. She was one of nine children of the wealthy industrialist Clemente Di Rosa, and Countess Camilla Albani. Whenever you plead with Me for Pardon and Mercy, for yourselves or others, then unite your request with this prayer of My beloved Son on the Cross. Wurzburg: 2003. I have entrusted so many of My graces to you. You need fear nothing, if you place yourselves under the protection of My Sacred Wounds. Whoever loves My Church, Loves Meand who serves Her serves Me and helps to build the Kingdom of peace, of reconciliation and love. Multiply these gifts of Love by imploring them again and again for the salvation of all people. As a nun, she was given different responsibilities, from that of Novice Mistress and as spiritual guide of her Sisters, to that of kitchen and laundry service and porter. You will be a child of St. Joseph before becoming a daughter of St. Teresa. In My heart I hold out their lives to the Merciful Love of the Father. Whosoever seek refuge there is saved! With the Prayer of Mercy, the Victory is on your side, for I Myself will then be fighting with you.Under the protection of My Sacred Wounds, no harm can come to you. In union with the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your right hand, oh Jesus, and I place in this Wound all the priests of Your Holy Church. Through Thee, Jesus Christ, Savior of the world, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit live and reign for ever and ever. Help us continue to bring the Gospel to people everywhere through uplifting and transformative Catholic news, stories, spirituality, and more. , so that soon there will be but one fold and one shepherd. From one side flowed a current of white light to the Wound of the sacred side, and from the other a second current fell upon the Church in many regions; its rays attracted numerous souls who, by the Heart and the current of light, entered into the side of Jesus. Next. I gave up everything in return for this Mercy, so that all might be forgiven and healed, yes, everything. She was so good at nursing care that she basically transformed herself into a nurse dealing mainly with the women and children. In them you have the most precious thing I could have given you. See, how greatly I care for the Souls in Purgatory. O Lord Jesus Christ, who at the sixth hour of the day didst, for the redemption of the world, mount the gibbet of the cross, and shed Thy Precious Blood for the remission of sins; we humbly beseech Thee to grant us, after our deaths, a joyful entrance into the gates of Paradise. Sr. Mary of Jesus Crucified Soon afterwards the family moved to Alexandria and when she was nearly thirteen Mariams uncle told her that he had arranged a marriage for her, according to the customs of the time. Many are in such danger and adversary is trying everything to make fall. You will be a child of St. Joseph before becoming a daughter of St. Teresa. My Love is waiting for your commitment. How many graces are lost because you ask little and too timidly. It will protect you. You can and may help them. Mariam, who had already made up her mind that Jesus would be her only bridegroom, informed the family of her decision. For it was this same love that moved so many Saints, and above all My Beloved Mother. St Gemma Galgani -The extraordinary "Gem of Christ" (-Click on photo), Beautiful relic lockets & more available in the Mystics Gift Store -click on photo, Teresa Musco & the phenomenon of weeping statues & pictures, Sister Maria Antonia & her guardian Angel, Stigmatic blood writings in the life of Natuzza Evolo, Sr. Magdalena de la Cruz -The false mystic who made a pact with the devil, Beautiful relic locket rosaries & more now availible! Where will you turn to, when in the coming time, the difficulties grow still greater? It was taken before they left Mariam did not know who the nun was at the time but she later believed that she was miraculously cured by Our Lady and all she said was fulfilled in Mariams life. Yes, I always give you still more than you dare Nothing is impossible to My Love for it has been sealed by My death on The Cross. You must grow more and more in faith in the immense saving power that flows from My Sacred Wounds. Then the angel descended and approached the white troops. For all, I was ready to Sacrifice My life; for all, I prayed to the Father for grace and reconciliation. Unfortunately, the very first book mentioned in this article is neither available any more on the link given, JMJ Books, nor on amazon. I lost my father 12 days ago and I used to recite the chaplet of the Holy wounds beside his bedside during his last days. Book can be purchased from. But you must not turn away from those who, through evil, have fallen into need, and often into despair as well, and no longer know what they are doing. For I will always be by your side. I felt so sensibly the approach of the kingdom of God that I was forced to run to meet it crying tears of joy., ~Bl. Somewhere in southern climes: The Catholic sister Maria is completely absorbed in her work for the glory of God. Very soon Mariams mystical experiences became obvious as the stigmata manifested itself again that same year and later she was seen to levitate. Remember Job, who said, Have pity on me, have pity on me, at least you my friends, because the hand of the Lord has touched me. Pray for loved ones who have died and offer them the prayers they need during their purification because they cannot pray for themselves. Mariam received her First Communion when she was eight, in spite of the hesitancy of the priest; she was unable to contain her longing for the Sacrament and went to up to receive with others. Everything you do here is witnessed in Heaven too. Look for the book on the Life of Sr. Marie-Martha Chambon on amazon; I think that it is where I found it and you would be surprised at other books there. Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and include the whole world in these petitionsthat opened the Fathers Heartso that, with the Arms of His Love, he can enfold the whole humanity in order to save, heal and redeem it. Their prayers were answered when little Mariam was born, followed two years later by her only surviving brother, Paul. Have no fear; I will not abandon you, so long as you believe I My Love. My Love will never let you fall for you are written on My Heart in the Sacred, Precious Blood of My Son. She was born from the Wounds in My Side. For without My Help, you are at the Mercy of the devastating attacks of the evil enemy. To Sister Mary Martha Chambon I entrusted the devotion to My SacredWounds and its promotion as a Mission of Atonement. It will elevate your heart and make you tangibly feel sorrow for your sin and the pain it has caused our suffering Savior. Whatever you do, it should all be uniquely to serve the glorification of the Triune GOD. In love, the adversary has no power to harm you. Yes, there is no wound in this world that cannot be healed by My Sacred Wounds. In 1840, she managed to gather a small group of caring women together to work with her. I was born & raised Catholic, but a lot of things we were never taught about back in my Catholic school. The easiest way to search I find on amazon is to go to startpage and enter the name of a book plus amazon, and search that way. You will never exhaust it. You should be more concerned for My Holy Church. It was taken before they left It seemed as if they who mounted easily as if helped by others, were in closer communication with the Church. Thank you for this beautiful article. Love Her like My Mother. Do so above all for the dying, for those who will be lost without your intercession. Bl. Articles like these are sponsored free for every Catholic through the support of generous readers just like you. The webmaster would like to gratefully thank Mrs. Angelica Avcikurt for compiling the inspiring passages below taken from the private revelations of numerous mystics. Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. You are called to share in the Heavenly Fathers great Work of Redemption. In Me you will find Peace. Need an address. If only your Trust were equal to the love of a single one of My Wounds! epidemic broke out in Brescia, and Paula immediately began to help treat those infected. Take them to your hearts. Yes, commit yourselves entirely, as she did, to the Apostolate of My Sacred Wounds. The poor souls in Purgatory need the prayers of the faithful to help them in their final purification. The new order would be dedicated to all the suffering members of His Mystical Body. None knew they fought. Jesus promised His followers that He would send them an Advocate that would be with them and comfort them. The powers of the underworld will do everything to prevent this. I have given you the gift of My Sacred Wounds. My Sacred Wounds are the Remedy for the future. It towers above all all things. Founders: Abb Maurice Gaucheron, O.S.B. He knows how to combine the bitter with the sweet and convert the fleeting pains of this life into eternal happiness. Saint Padre Pio. Not to you belong praise and honor; give them to Me. I thank Thee for that love which pierced Thee with such torture and shedding of blood in order to punish my wanderings and the guilty pleasures I have granted to my unbridled passions. Seek rest, protection and peace in My Sacred Wounds, so that, with My help you may endure the many trials and burdens, yes, even the threats and sufferings. This Love wishes to heal many and grave wounds from which all mankind is suffering. You can never exhaust them. It is God who has permitted everything. Come then and see what Love awaits you. I don't always want to go to Jesus because I sin sometimes, but He wants to cover my sins and faults. The Father will never abandonyou or deny you His consolation and Love,so long as you ask Him with confidence. Paula and her siblings grew up as members of a pious and happy family. Mariam had returned to the Carmel of Pau in November 1872. The Carmelites in Pau were able to accept this unusual phenomena, as they could see her genuine devotion and willing obedience. Cross and Love is one. I thank Thee for Thy graces lavished on me with such love, in spite of all my most perverse obstinacy. Mariam Baouardy was born on January 5th 1846 at Ibillin, a village in the Holy Land near Nazareth. All we like sheep have gone astray, every one hath turned aside into his own way: and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquity of us all. In every Holy Mass make the offering of your heart together with the offering of My Heart. Surely he hath borne our infirmities and carried our sorrows: and we have thought him as it were a leper, and as one struck by God and afflicted. We ought to recall often in a quiet time, how Jesus was wounded and what it cost Him to obtain our redemption, and we should be grateful to God who was willing to take the time to bring about our redemption at so little cost to us. 75 Years of Love of Jesus Crucified. He was taken away from distress, and from judgment: who shall declare his generation? In the prayer to My Wounds you have been given such immense power over My Heart. Not only will it be your consolation and help, but it will strengthen and guide you even in the most extreme commitment, for in this Love, I am here in your midst. People from the neighboring area began seeking her out for advice and guidance. Every Prayer can help them and bring comfort and relief. I salute and adore the Holy Wound of Your left hand, and I place in it all those who are in error and all the unbelievers, those poor souls that do not know you. ", "Besides these rays, I saw from all the wounds about thirty ladders let down to the earth, some of which, however, did not reach it. I'm suffering in my body without any negative diagnosis from doctors. Nowhere are you better protected." (p.16) They were both persecuted for their faith and George spent some time in prison. IV) . Very soon the wound became gangrenous and the infection affected her lungs and respiratory tract. But you can still understand their language, still hear their Love which calls to you, yes, you! The more sin runs rampant, the more My Mercy grows. Read a very moving testimony of forgiveness and surrender. thanks for revealing the Lord's message to us.St Faustina pray for us. Conjugao Documents Dicionrio Dicionrio Colaborativo Gramtica Expressio Reverso Corporate. She even became a confidant and spiritual guide for some of them. And believe that the Father will hear you in His infinite goodness. Exclude no one, and place even the groaning, ravaged creation in the healing and purifying bath of My Precious Blood for it has Power to Save and renew all things. Only the Heart understand the Language of My Sacred Wounds. You should count yourselves fortunatethat you have been permitted to distribute the gifts of Grace of My Sacred Wounds. Holy wound of the Left Hand of my Jesus! My father died such a peaceful death. O, you should bless. For I am at your side. In 1843 the local bishop, Carlo Ferrari of Brescia gave his approval to the order, which became known as the Handmaids of Charity. Ask me for conversions and I will grant them. Make use of this timea Time of Mercy. Pray fervently for the healing of all souls. They are My children after all, and when they suffer so greatly, then I suffer too. Time presses ever more urgently, and for mankind salvation through My Sacred Wounds is indispensable., My Sacred Wounds are the remedy for the future. I will appear in the same manner to you at your death, and will cover all the stains of your sins, and of those also who salute My Wounds with the same devotion., ***Support this website! Prayers of Sister Mary of the Crucified Love: (After St. Gertrude the Great repeated this salutation 5,466 times, the Lord appeared to her bearing golden flowers on each Wound and said to her: Behold in what glory I now appear to you. Throughout her life she frequently fell into ecstasies. Call Me into your midst. A great contemplation for holy week. My work of redemption needs courageous souls, it needs people who are ready for anything. the Carmel at Bethlehem. Oh, your Saviour knows them all and not one of your wounds is a stranger to Me, for I have already taken them into My Heart during My Passion, in order to present them all to Father of healing. My Sacred wounds will be your surest refuge. They are the greatest Source of Graces that I could possibly give you. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! He wore no crown of thorns, but from all the wounds of His head streamed rays. Sisters in Jesus the Lord currently has a sister director, four sisters, a novice, a host of prayer partners, and . The Father loves it when you venerate My Sacred Wounds and Precious, for in doing so you are also venerating His Love. 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